French and Saunders


Has anyone cunted French and Saunders?

If not, they should have been up there years ago.

Absolutely fucking shite, every sketch, every one of their wee song and dance routine skits. Fuck me, I’d rather be Rik Mayall now than be forced to watch anything they did, have done or do in the future.

Nominated by : Dan

13 thoughts on “French and Saunders

  1. Nice one, I’ve never found either of them particularly funny. Let’s face it, they only got famous on the back’s of their husbands. Or in Dawn’s case, ex-husband. And neither Ade Edmondson nor Lenny fucking Henry were funny either.

    The Vicar of Dibley was quite funny, but that was more due to Roger Lloyd Pack and the other cast members than it was French. And Ab Fab? Ab Shite in my opinion. Though I only watched half of the first series before I gave up.

    • You watched half the first series? Jesus Christ. Why would you do that to yourself?

  2. Ab Fab was the same thing every week.. Joanna Lumley was OK in it, but Saunders just wobbled her head and said “Darling Sweetie”…. Neither French or Saunders could act their way out of a paper bag…

  3. This is the whole problem with positive discrimination. People in every area of life ought to succeed on merit, not on “topping up quotas” and correcting a perceived imbalance in race, gender, etc etc. F+S should never EVER have been on television in the first place because they are both as funny as leukaemia. And now we have their “comedy heirs” such as Miranda Hart and Sarah Millican clogging up the schedules with their unfunny shite – but would any MAN have had a TV show commissioned by the BBC if he had displayed such a woeful absence of talent and personality? Of course not – they’d have made the cunt leader of the LibDems instead.

  4. HIGNIFY always falls flat on it’s arse when it features a token filly. Joe Brand was as funny as a visit to the clap clinic

  5. “Most people are cunts but all women are cunts.” – Our friends from the North.

  6. I nominate Michaela Strachan. The emaciated fuck-pig is a cunt from Slitland.

    This deformed (cock-nosed) dirt-bag has:

    No talent whatever
    No skills
    No face (it looks like a piece of shit that has been poked with a stick)
    No knowledge of anything
    No voice (except the faux-intelligent lower-middle class drone of a cunt)
    No personality (save for the relentless phoney cheerfulness of a child-killer)

    How the fuck does the worthless cunt keep getting stuck on the TV, you ask. Well it’s because she’s uglier (inside and out) and dumber than the used jam rags that commission and produce shows on TV.

    And the TV lovies they also enjoy the knowing Strachan goes ‘home’ and slashes at her arms and legs with razor blades when they criticize her for being a totally vacuous worthless lower-middle class cunt.

    • She got in on the fitness ticket about 20 years ago, but now She is sub daytime appeal. You are right, she has no appeal, or niche, or specialism. when I see her on telly, I think “that is not a good advert for being a vegetarian”. Then change channels

      • I saw her once in 89 when I was at the Hacienda. ITV were filming The Hitman and Her how. Pete Waterman is a cunt, but tell you what: I wouldn’t have half given Micheala one on the night… Mind you it was 25 years ago….

  7. I never understood how French and Saunders ever got a show. Unfunny gurning idiots, and French is doing it on her own now. But just for balance, Trev and Simon, Mark and Lard, Mitchell and Webb fall into the same bracket of unfunny cunts too. How the fuck did any of them get airtime? And for the record, my brother in law a few years ago said that Michael Mcintyre was an up and coming comedian, Just shows my brother in law is the cunt I always thought he was

  8. I look forward to the day when ordinary people can buy drones that have face recognition – so I can buy one to drop shit on French and Saunders.

  9. Baddiel and Skinner are also cunts… At least we don’t have to put up with their horrendous ‘Fantasy Football’ show during this World Cup…. Nu-footie plastic Chelsea twat Baddiel and face like a warthog’s arse Skinner know as much about football as the current England set up (ie: Fuck all!).

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