

People who vote are cunts. Doesn’t matter which party, they are all the fucking same. You only encourage them into thinking that the reason they have attained a following is because they deserve one, instead of the real reason, which is invariably that they wish to inflict their petty prejudices upon the nation in the form of new laws, whilst robbing the taxpayer blind and sucking cock, usually.

What really gets me fuming are dopey fuckers who realise, for example, that the tories are a bunch of chinless, spineless, hopeless bastards, and use this as a justification for voting Labour, even though they are a bunch of bum-sexing, war mongering, expenses fiddling cunts, and vice versa.

The best thing to do with politicians is kill them. Cunts.

Nominated by: Termujin

2 thoughts on “Voters

  1. You should see the politician cunts we have in New Zealand. Useless cunts with a silly accent.

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