DLT. Turns out he’s a right perv like a lot of ’em at the British Bullshitting Conflagration.

“Why am I here? Am I a danger?” Too fucking right, you are.

“I’m supported by my wife and friends. My wife isn’t here today.”

Dave Lee Travis – the hairy cuntflake.

Nominated by: Rolf’s didgeri didn’t

2 thoughts on “DLT

  1. How could any woman resist him?

    That fucker Mike Hancock is a cunt. Can’t keep his cock in his pants, when he’s not shagging Russian spies, sexting teenagers or sexually assaulting the mental defectives that vote for him, he’s setting up his family with cushy sinecures by abusing his position as a city councillor or fraudulently claiming thousands for non existent expenses accrued during the course of his “duties”.

    If the stars of the firmament were suddenly to rearrange themselves in order to spell out “Hancock is a Fucking Prick”, several light-years large, it would by no means be even half-way sufficient to adequately express how much of a cunt this man really is.

    He is, of course, a fucking Liberal.

  2. British Bullshitting Conflagration…very good! Bolshevik Broadcasting Colonoscope conveys the middle part of British Bullshitting Conflagration nicely but maybe the best name would be Bolshevik Bullshitting Collective since ‘corporation’ or ‘company’ have been rejected by socialist bullshitters far and wide as those plain words can’t convey the transcendental unity created by the coming together of these enlightened ‘anticapitalist’ wannabe-dictator hippies.

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