11 thoughts on “Delia Smith

  1. Yeah, she can fuck off. Telling us to fucking cook and shit. Bet she can’t do a black country fry up on a Saturday night after ten pints of Banks bitter. Basically you put a whole link of pigs pud and a load of faggots and mushy peas and fry it until it’s black and burnt. Then you throw into the bin cos Tipton MacDonalds is open 24/7, in it.

  2. Gobby Australian presenter cunts

    Gobby Australian presenter cunts on shopping channels. The fuck why? Would you buy anything from an Australian? Would you shag an Australian? Bottom of the barrel would you ever bugger an Australian? Leather arsed every sentence rises to a question cunts. Gerday mate? The Homo Suction Steam Cleaner comes with twenty attachments for personal use and absolutely free a state of the art turbo action arse cleaner to blast those stubborn dags of calcified shite that are usually so difficult to remove. Not with the power of steam. Get dialling now Cunts.

      • Usually get the red mist when the cunts come on. Don’t take in names so have just had to sit through the brain blender for over an hour to get the name (many anon aussie cunts out there). Beyond the call of duty.

        I give you Anthony Sullivan and the Thane Direct X5 Steam Mop.

        Googled him-lots of pics out there. Also has his own website for crissake! Start here anthonysullivan.com.Pic of him with the Sticky Buddie gives the measure of the man.

      • And it turns out despite the strine he is a fake aussie born in Devon according to his website. Unbelievably his website pushes his English style! Cunt clearly never listens to his own spiel. Red Mist Rises. Acunting we must go.

        Please change description to Gobby Fake Australian…

      • I have duly scheduled him in the deep pile of cunts, Sir Limply – but are you sure he’s an Ozzie? I just saw him and his shitty mop on the tellie then looked him up on wikipedia. Seems he’s a fake Yanks rather than a fake Aussie. If so, might need a spot of rewording. Watcha think??

  3. i’d hereby like to make a nomination.

    “Ladies and gentlemen, this decades biggest cunt is …….. Mr bradley wiggins”.

    this cunt was vertually a fucking unknown two months before the olympics, skinny needs more chips bike riding cunt who slowed traffic to a virtual fucking standstill every weekend whist waring shite that my fucking sister wouldn’t be seen fucking dead in. not now oh no sirree…. this fucking arsewipe is on the front of magazines and fuck knows what else.

    “mr bradley wiggins ……. you are a 24 carat cunt of the highest ocean going order… you cunt”.

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