I think we will all (hopefully) agree that Putin is a cunt, so this page has been set up to allow you to vent your feelings about the current invasion and occupation of Ukraine
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Is it just me that thinks Miles Plastic has rocks for brains?
Viktor Orban wins another election in Hungary before condemning Brussels, the international left, Sore-arse and his open borders society…and interestingly enough – a certain Mr Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Is this democracy in action or dubious vote counting/election meddling in action?
Is this something exclusive only to defacto rogue states?
Is Zelenskyy part of the international left?
(after watching that debauched video of him and his pals dancing I personally think he looked like a total media hungry cunt and was and is – a probable left wing moron)
If he is part of the international left then it sort of contradicts the Ukraine Nazi narrative that the Russians have been spinning.
Saying that though – I’ve seen Newsnight YouTube vids from quite a few years back focusing on Ukraine’s neo Nazi problem.
After two years of relentless lies and some of vilest propaganda surely ever used upon a population regarding a certain virus, my faith in the media is now practically non existent so forgive me for sounding like I’m taking this whole thing and the conflicting stories and narratives surrounding it with a pinch of salt.
It’s the only way I find I can stay sane in this world we find ourselves living in.
Morning Miles,
Vicki Orban was saying that when your a small country neighbouring two large countries that go to war,
Its best to keep your head down and your nose out.
Shrewd move.
A smart politician bordering Russia and Ukraine would stay neutral in the best interests of his people I suppose.
I’ve been to Hungary, they are a unique type of people, they almost Japanese in their adherence to tradition and have fought off invaders for thousands of years.
This fucking whole thread is a shitshow and should be nuked. Cunters cunting cunters and squabbling like deviants on Drag race, or taxi drivers on who gets sloppy seconds on the latest victim. As you can’t sort it out with gloves, shut up or shake hands and move on. I will keep my deep insights on the situation to myself and buy some more shares in Polymetal.
Looking forward to this year’s isacunt Christmas party!
Recently, my granda (age 96) had it for a week, his daughters have had it (ages 58, 62) and my uncle had it (age 61), all recovered. But it can’t be 10% of Britain having it, that’s 6.7 million people, 900,000 Londoners, such workplace absences would be noticed. Everything put out by the government and media is massively exaggerated to high heaven these days, maximise the hysteria, click-bait the Karens.
Apologies for being on topic, but there has been some harrowing reports from Ukraine over the weekend of alleged massacres of civilians by Russians retreating from the Kyiv region. Disturbing footage of mass graves, streets lined with the bodies of civilians who had their hands bound and shot in the back of the head, dead pets piled high as they had even killed them. Obviously caution is needed until these atrocities are confirmed or denied, but there is far stronger evidence that Russian troops committed them than the Ukrainians themselves.
This is a fucking despicable war crime as vile as any carried out by the German army in the field, and the cunts responsible deserve the treatment that Nazis had when brought to account for their crimes.
Russian media, and their network of false news internet stooges are saying that Ukraine faked these atrocities with the collusion of the west, especially Britain.
And some people here will believe them.
Reading the comments on articles online show this to be true. Obviously a lot of them are written by the Russian troll factories, as they are poorly disguised, because the average Ivan is thick as pigshit, but there are the comments that you know are from the late night paranoia brigade, hating on their own society because they have been brainwashed by watching the conspiracy shit online, and once they start believing that shit, once there is doubt, any foreign or domestic arsehole with an axe to grind and an imagination has a ready made army of sad cunts who will instantly give them the benefit of the doubt, as they have already trained what passes for a brain to think that way. West = Bad.
Still, it’s a great way for Russia to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the Katyn massacre. The bear is not for changing.
I have been reading the same sickening reports and I strongly agree. I believe the allegations. They are being treated credibly by the UN. Lithuania has expelled the Russian ambassador in disgust and Germany has expelled 40 Russian diplomats. I hope we do the same.
One wonders if the Wagner Group have a hand in this – with their sickening skull badges reminescent of the SS. For the most part the reported culprits appear to be rank and file Russian troops.
There is no going back for Russia after this abomination. Utter cunts.
Indeed. The war has been blamed on Putin, giving Russia itself an off ramp back to civilisation if they got rid of the cunt, but he wouldn’t have ordered this. These are the actions of soldiers beaten in battle by a smaller army, and taking it out on the civilians. Or, as you say, those mercenary cunts who are particularly evil and I sincerely hope they reap what they sow.
Either way, it can’t all be blamed on Putain. His men are just as bad.
I doubt Putin would have ordered it directly. But he unleashed this hell and is therefore responsible in the chain of command.
The Russian army is brutal. It brutalises its soldiers and they then brutalise others in their turn. Over a thousand Russian soldiers have been killed by their superior officers over the past 20 years. Many have committed suicide. Many of the rest turn into monsters. Russia fields a medieval army not a professional modern one.
Actually before we absolve Putin, there were Western Intelligence reports that executions of this nature were planned high in the Russian command and secret service to deter insurrection.
Putin didn’t have had to order it personally. The soldiers would have taken their cue from the prevailing culture of criminality and barbarism fostered by Putin and his regime over the last 20 years. They probably even imagined they would be decorated as war heroes for committing such atrocities.
Putin Has been building his story of Russia and how they won WW2, or the great patriotic war as those cunts call it, and it isn’t factual, and its a criminal act to attempt to contradict it in Russia.
Now he wants to recapture that spirit.
In fairness they are still using similar tactics to their WW2 forebears, and they still have the same good and bad points. They are really good at murder and rape, and still really bad at logistics.
The russians have always been animals in warfare.
To them rape, murdering civilians, women and children,
Mass graves, etc
To them this is justifiable tactics.
Theres no difference between them and german war crimes back in WW2.
Ukrainian atrocities are just the latest.
Central African Republic
Why do you always have to make it so polarised, so black and white. It’s all black from what I can see.
We’re all cunts. Especially the West. You choose to deliberately ignore the wider context of the situation involving geopolitics of power and finance, from NATO and the IMF, down to our political class who are nothing more than sock puppets for those supranational devious cunts.
There’s more going on than just Putin being a cunt. Our own propaganda does not give the wider context.
Your always saying fellow cunters are being misled,
How sheeplike to the MSM narrative,
Ever stopped and considered your being cheated yourself?
Fed bullshit from some conspiracy mong.
Yes, ALL politicians are scum.
I agree.
Dont need telling.
MSM lies a lot?
I agree again.
But this isnt CGI or computer graphics,
Sometimes the news is just that,
The news.
War crimes on Russias behalf.
Never said anything about CGI or what’s happened isn’t real, and as we established long ago I’ve never called anyone here sheeple.
But you are being misled. There’s no two ways about it.
You can’t argue that the butchered bodies are real on the one hand but the conniving establishment of the West isn’t/is ‘just a conspiracy theory’.
If this was some African tinpot doing the invading I’d hold the same position, Gutstick. I couldn’t give a shit about Russia. Or Ukraine. Or Zimbabwe. Whatever.
Until you stop turning a blind eye to the wider picture, which unfortunately does involve the British establishment very heavily, you’ll continue to fall right into the track they want.
Look at your position and your language. Who actually wants peace here? You don’t sound very sick of war to me.
After the last 20 years of bullshit everyone in the West should be far more cynical and critical. It wasn’t just Blair, Bush, Brown.. just like it’s not just Putin. There’s an entire establishment behind them that causes all this death and destruction.
I genuinely don’t believe ive turned a blind eye to anything.
I hold no allegiance to any political party,
Knowing full well theyre all the same.
I dont think any country hasnt got dirty little secrets or meddles in the interests of its people or other nations.
Im aware of current affairs in a casual way like most working men.
Im interested but not obcessed with the details/stats.
How am I turning a blind eye?
To what?
Im not disparaging your point of view or opinions,
It just seems on any given topic you never take a mainstream view?
The most direct commonsense angle.
Everything is a big machivellian act by shadowy elites.
Sometimes things are just what is says on the tin.
Ukraine is corrupt, but did they deserve this? No. It’s a massacre. Putin could have repatriated Russians in Ukraine, brought them “home”, but he obviously wanted a land-grab, a corridor to Crimea and will he stop there? I doubt it. I’d rather not see the USA enter this war, let alone Britain. I don’t think we the people of America and Britain could mentally handle that these days. Beijing Biden as Commander in Chief of World War 3? Jesus, Mary, Mother of God.
Christ – it’s bad enough having cunts who see everything in black and white terms, let alone having to endure the prattlings of the terminally pathological cynical, who see everthing as black. Give it a fucking rest, ffs!
I just find it really hard to swallow the idea that the “elite” or whatever you want to call them, would want to start WW3 with Biden and Boris in the FDR and Churchill roles. Those two are fantasists who are scared of the bloody press, never mind an uber-psycho like Putin who will gladly gone down in history as the Stalin of the 21st century, would gladly drop nukes on Britain and America and anyone else. I just can’t see Biden or Boris declaring war on Russia. So what will happen? Dunno, can’t know. But we can all prep for hard times. I’m not queuing outside ASDA in the pissing rain to get my rationed food. I can have prescience and control over that, the bigger picture is out of my hands, I can only despise the psychos of those world, they live in super-safe ivory towers. Would internet chatter have stopped World War 1 and 2? No.
I want peace for both selfless and selfish reasons. I want peace because I’m mortified at the human cost, the destroyed lives, the destroyed towns and cities, the pointless death and misery. As any half decent human being should be.
I’m fascinated by military history, on many levels, but it is best viewed through history books. That’s why the saying ” i hope you live in interesting times” is a curse, not a blessing.
On the selfish side I have a mortgage I can just about afford, central heating I barely use, and a job that depends on a prosperous free market.
So yeah, I want peace more than you’ll ever know.
It’s a cunt living in the real world.
Looking into the darkness of this world is to be applauded, but there comes a time when reality bites HARD and the conspiracy talk needs to be put on the back-burner. I mean, in WW1 and 2, what would the darkness exposers be doing – writing letters to the British and European (including German) newspapers about the Rothschilds? Going down the London Underground to harangue the shivering women and children about the Rothschilds? Only in the internet age do we see this and there is a time and a place for it, ie. exposing the evils of this world in all it’s forms, people and places, but at this point we all need to rally around ourselves, unify, stock essential provisions, prepare mentally and physically and hope it all peters out by summer, but maybe it will be full war, curfew, rationing, censored internet, etc.
You all keep saying ‘real world’ over and over, as if any of you have the faintest fucking clue how things really work.
This is why I have a dislike for British people in particular. At least the public of other nations have the humility to admit their own establishments are fucking cunts. We turn our noses up and pretend our shit doesn’t stink, that we’re better than that. Get real.
We are fucking self righteous mugs, taxed up the arse, hosting a parasitic nõnce royal family, and running the financial centre of corruption that is the square mile.
The real talk is needed or we’ll never break this cycle. Seems most here want to continue playing the bullshit game presented to us.
None of this is possible without your attention. We all feed the beast.
Chunky, I’ve gone down the deepest, darkest rabbit holes, I don’t have a naive view of the world, but I know how to temper my words and be realistic about what I can do about the evils of this world. Typing words onto a screen doesn’t do shit. It just depresses people. What should be DONE, in your view? Riots? Storm Westminster? Kidnap a Rothschild?
99.999999% of people don’t listen, because what is being said, ie. child raping Satanists run the world and start all the wars and want to control us all 100% physically and mentally, is so against the grain, so outlandish and is presented in such a shrill and sensationalist manner, that people will feel sick or laugh and say, “wise up, you daft cunt,” and get on with their responsibilities then try and enjoy the weekend.
So… what’s your game-plan? Mine is too protect my family and help them enjoy life. What else can you do? Start a militia? Then you’ll REALLY be marked down as a dangerous nutter. Eat, drink and be merry. Maybe God will intervene? Fuck knows, I’m out of ideas! 🙂
Russian POW’s being executed in the street.
The civilians that were executed were only revealed 4 days after the Russians retreated, like nobody noticed these bodies in the road for 4 days?
Satellite images prove the bodies were there at the same time the Russians were in situ.
Russia says the British staged the massacre to discredit them. Fair play, we walked into Russian occupied territory and posed a load of civilian corpses under their noses. Not only that, but none of the Russian liberators noticed these bodies pop up overnight.
It COULD be propaganda. COULD be. But at this stage, does it matter? Putin isn’t going to ceasefire, back down, he is on a rampaging land-grab in a sovereign (and corrupt) country. Citizens have needless died horrible deaths, that’s irrefutable. We – USA at least – are most likely going to go to war with Putin soon. Maybe not. Is it nit-picking to question images of dead bodies? It’s a war. Putin can, at any moment, retreat back to Russia and sulk, but… he won’t, not now, he’s going to go full warlord nutjob-with-a-destiny. The Kremlin will perceive itself to “win” soon, sadly and that will embolden Putin to invade puppet-state Belarus, probably, then what? Invade Georgia? More nit-picking over stuff? And some point, you have to say, “oh this is real, I better temper my thinking and speech and get my shit together.” Maybe Russians in Russia will march on Moscow soon. We are in fucked up times, the last thing we need is anything resembling pro-Putin rhetoric, you’ll just come across as a troll or dickhead. Fuck Putin, fuck the Kremlin, fuck this war, fuck the psychos who run this world. Apocalypse now, please, God! 🙂
Belarus supports Russia why would they invade a friendly?
Belarus has offered its war machine,why ?
Join telegram, watch the footage,decide. That channel I put up offers, IMO, unbiased coverage.
“Telegram has been used for illegal activities such as spreading hate messages, illegal pornography, contact between criminals and trading of illegal goods and services such as drugs, contraband and stolen personal data.
A CNN news report stated that Telegram had “become known as a preferred means of communication for the terror group ISIS and was used by the ISIS cell that plotted the Paris terror attacks in November” after the attacks.Daily Mirror called Telegram a “jihadi messaging app”.
The Anti-Defamation League has called Telegram a white supremacist “safe haven” and a valuable tool for right-wing extremists. The neo-Nazi white separatist paramilitary hate group The Base switched to Telegram after being blocked on most social media platforms, including Twitter, YouTube and Gab. After a number of arrests of The Base members in January 2020, a note appeared on its official Telegram account warning people to stop posting.In August 2019 white supremacist Christopher Cantwell posted anti-Semitic comments on Telegram.
In January 2021, North Macedonian media outlets reported that a now-banned Telegram group, with more than 7,000 members, titled “Public Room” was used to share nude photos of women, often young teenage girls. Along with the shared photographs, anonymous accounts shared private information of the women, including phone numbers and social media profiles, encouraging members of the group to contact the women and ask for sexual favours. This was done without prior agreement or knowledge of the women. “
You seem to visit some of the most unsavoury places on the internet and then peddle your shit back here.
Not one link or thing you have posted has any credibility whatsoever.
That link doesn’t work on my Chromebook! WTF? What’s the gist of what he says? Cheers. I watched a video of Ukraine soldiers shooting a barely alive soldier, fuck me that was sickening. Brutality on both sides. But at the end of the day, Russia didn’t have to enter Ukraine. If Russians entered England and blasted us to bits, we’d take no prisoners, either, right? At any moment, Putin can call this off, call troops home and sulk until his 70th birthday in October. But he won’t. By Christmas, he could be killing Georgians, who knows, he’s a maniac at this point and Ukrainian troops are playing hardball too. I hate Biden, but he’s right – Putin needs to be taken out. The Kremlin should do a Valkyrie Plot and kill him or there will be no Russia.
I made the mistake of clicking on the link and it took my browser out.
Should have known better but I didn’t know it was a telegram link.
Fuck telegram, the Russian propaganda social media.
Dodgy site. And this, “Michael De La Broc” doesn’t show up much online. He’s a cinematographer (cameraman) who shot a UK immigration documentary but that name sounds fake and fruity. He is due to appear on InfoWars, the Alex Jones show soon! Oh man, what has Jones been saying about this brutal and fucking needless war? Please no sympathising with Putin, Alex, pleeeeease. At this point, the writing is on the wall regarding Putin and this brutal war.
Once more, where was the outrage for Yemen,or any of the other conflict ?
People just do what they’re told now, they’ve been conditioned for two years.
Fuck me, even Trump’s name was thrown about by granny roast chicken and others.
All aboard the ghost train. Its all a fucking stage and as always, civilians get slaughtered. No iraqi flags for the million civvy dead then, we’re there? Or Serbia, no,because we were force fed propaganda and sucked it up because professional liars told us to.
Granny roast chicken? Iraq was a deeply unpopular war, very few people in Britain supported it. I saw photos of dead kids on the internet that the mainstream media didn’t show, made me feel angry and sick and hate the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Blair gang even more. Yemen is a massacre too, the media are reporting on it, no one is diminishing the suffering, it’s just that people are worn out by these depressing tragedies.
You see, by saying, “remove Zelenskyy” and not also Putin, you come off as at least quasi-sympathetic to Putin, don’t you see that? Ukraine was corrupt and needs to sort itself out, but was THIS the way for that to happen? What good has come of this war? NO GOOD has come of it and it may escalate into a world war that will affect us all in obvious and also unforeseeable ways.
I can’t see anything positive about Putin, Kremlin. Anyone who fails to vociferously condemn Putin is suspect to me now. The days of playing, “Russia is a bulwark against woke-ism and the degenerate West” are over. Woke-ism at this point is small potatoes. Putin, like Trump, is not a saviour that many desperate people in the West think he is. He’s a psychopath with no intention of backing down and he cares not a jot for the people of Britain, all of his statements on Britain are negative and he loves it when people in Britain and America shit on their own countries. The time for that type of talk is OVER.
Putin doesn’t care a jot about the people of Russia either. And he’s always hated Britain. In common with every other psychopath all he cares about is himself, and his $billions stolen from the long suffering Russian people.
Putin has already threatened to bomb Royal Navy ships sailing through recognised international waters in the Black Sea. His ships and planes have been buzzing close to British territory for the past twenty years, provoking and probing for weaknesses. He’s done the same to the Republic of Ireland as well, knowing that the RAF is responsible for the security of Irish airspace with their agreement.
It’s the Great Game again – only far more dangerous this time.
Putin larps as a Christian, he looks so awkward in the churches singing hymns and dunking himself in Holy water. It’s all a charade, he loves Jesus as much as George Bush does. He wants to a pseudo-Christendom Russian Federation that recaptures Ukraine, Belarus (in their pocket already), Georgia, the -stans (Muslim countries, not sure how that will mesh with his Christendom). The Baltic nations have closed their borders to Russia, that will piss Putin off, too.
Anne Applebaum is a bit of a cunt but she’s right in that piece. The UK was quite happy for Russia to flood the country with dirty money and look the other way. Just as they are doing with China now – and that will also end badly.
I don’t really know which American journalists are cunts, I was just googling “Putin quote on Britain” and a bunch of stuff came up. He’s always been cunty to us, but he has his fans in Britain (and America), it’s so comical. Trump being chummy with Putin didn’t help, but then Trump sent, “love letters” (Trump’s actual term!) to Jong Kim-Un or whatever the name of that fat spaz-puppet in North Korea is.
All the “leaders” of Britain and America this century have been so weak towards the Kremlin. I’m not a fan of FDR and Churchill, but that’s the calibre of men we need right now and we have dementia Joe and bumbling Boris. Biden and Boris loathe each other, I can’t see them working together, the phone calls would be like a Two Ronnies sketch on mescaline.
I admire Peter Hitchens when he takes on woke loons. But on this topic he has completely lost the plot. Peter also usually takes the opposite stance to his late brother, who was really the best journalist of the two brothers. Sibling rivalry. He needs to smile a bit more as well.
I saw where Hitchens was coming from a month ago, but at this stage, he’ll come across as a Putin sympathiser if he isn’t careful and if WW3 kicks off, that won’t be a tenable position for a journalist, but being a trenchant contrarian like his brother was on the Bush’s War on Terror, he won’t do a volte face. I mean, it’s obvious Putin is a psychopath at this point and I have seen the “alternate view” people on the internet start to squirm. I think they might start to go quiet, maybe even delete their drivel as the ante is upped over the next few weeks. If you come off as even a teensiest bit sympathetic to Putin, you’ll be a pariah.
In the 90s, there used to be a clueless Commie, Cuba-obsessed bellend who used to call into James Whale (cunt), was his name Tony? I bet that wazzock is spouting pro-Putin shite these days.
The Spectator quotes an article on RIA Novosti, a Russian state owned news agency –
‘Apart from the Ukrainian leadership, a substantial part of the population is also guilty of being passively Nazi, and facilitators of Nazism. They supported the Nazi regime and urged it forward… The further denazification of the population will require re-training through ideological repression and fierce censorship, not only in the political sphere but also in the sphere of culture and education.’
The author goes on to say: ‘History teaches us that Ukraine cannot exist as a nation state’. He recommends further that Ukrainian school textbooks be confiscated; that the population should be compelled to denounce one another for the greater good; that memorials to Russian soldiers should be erected to commemorate the war against Ukrainian fascism; and that ‘anti-Nazi’ commissions should be established in what remains of the country for at least 25 years.
Chilling stuff and truly frightening. It’s clear who the Nazis are. Cunts.
Pot-kettle doesn’t really work in this instance. Unless one considers Ukraine to be a Nazi country, which I don’t. You’re dead right about the irony though.
Those RIA Novosti statements read like something from a nutter’s blog, but then many news articles read like something from a nutter’s or fat girl’s blog these days. I don’t doubt that Ukraine has been fucked up for years, there are loads of factual articles on Ukraine’s corruption, moral decay and violence, but invading and slaughtering Ukraine people, oh yeah, that was how to improve Ukraine, right, Kremlin? Fuck me.
This de-Nazification angle is total garbage – as all right thinking cunters on this thread (not all cunters) know.
Yes Ukraine has an extreme right wing problem, as do many Eastern European countries, including Russia. But Ukraine is hardly a Nazi state and the average Ukrainian probably holds mainstream political views acceptable in most of the West.
Likewise, there may be corruption in Ukraine, but the trajectory is towards better governance. The most corrupt country in Eastern Europe is of course Russia.
I have never heard of a Nazi country with a liberal pro-Western Jewish president elected in a landslide.
Yes, the Doomsday Clock is set at 23:58:20 – 100 seconds to midnight and might get pushed forward soon. Iron Maiden will have to re-record their classic 80s tune…
Joe Biden just said to North America’s Building Trades Unions Legislative Conference: “If I got to go to war, I’m going with you guys.” Which got a, “thunderous applause,” which is a strong indication that USA is going to war soon.
Now, if Biden steps down, it can’t be Kamala as President and Commander in Chief of the military, it just can’t be, she’s a cork on the ocean more than Biden is. Is Obama really running the show? Will it be Bath House Barry as Commander in Chief in WW3?
It can’t be nightcap Nancy as FDR in WW3, either, even if that’s the hierarchy over there. I’m watching the long-knives take-down of Biden by the Democrats and left media and I think he’s on his way out, I’m amazed he has lasted this long. Some kind of political voodoo is going to take place, I reckon and Obama is the only man for the job in the eyes of the Dems. It feels beyond insane to that, but how else will this play out? We are in crazy times that will only get crazier this year and decade.
It’s hard to say what will happen, but the idea that USA will not enter this war is slim. I’ve heard rumours that a NATO General is in Mariupol, but nothing confirmed.
Zelensky: “We will become a “Greater Israel” with our own face. We will not be surprised if there are representatives of the Armed Forces or the National Guard in our cinemas and supermarkets; if those places would have people carrying weapons. I am convinced that the issue of security will be the number one priority for us in the next ten years. I am sure of this.”
See I was right. When I was SPECULATING what was Putin’s real motives for the War.
That it came from a religious impulse. Not to teconstitute the Soviet Empire.
‘Many people don’t appreciate the extent to which the invasion of Ukraine is a spiritual quest for him. The Baptism of Rus is the founding event of the formation of the Russian religious psyche, the Russian Orthodox church traces its origins back here. That’s why Putin is not so much interested in a few Russian-leaning districts to the east of Ukraine. His goal, terrifyingly, is Kyev itself’.
To paraphrase one commentator, stop dressing up Putin as a religious figure. Religion is a favourite cover for scoundrels who understand the power of religious values and twist them to their own benefit. Putin is a psychopathic killer who thinks a thin icing of Russian manifest destiny and religious piety will attract support for his failing Mafia government.
If Putin were at all Christian he would not be murdering innocent Ukrainians…children, women, the elderly, and the ill. He would not be bombing schools and apartment buildings, he would be putting in time to peacefully win the Ukrainian population over.
Anyone who thinks Putin is a Christian needs their fucking head examined.
Well the great Christian spiritual revivalist has reached a new low.
German intelligence has intercepted radio messages from Russian commanders instructing soldiers to kill civilians and, after questioning Ukrainian POW’s, to kill them as well.
One intercepted instruction is to kill a cyclist seen cycling down the road. He was killed and there are photos and videos of the incident to tie everything together.
These killings of civilians are not the acts of out of control soldiers but were done under direct command of the Russian military and as part of a tactic to sow civillian terror. This goes all the way up to Mad Vlad.
Putin has used his own military and the cuntish Wagner Group in the killing of civilians. He has also used Chechen savages (Muslims) to do the killing in his great Christian crusade.
Utter fucking cunts. Putin is not a great Christian spiritual redeemer. He’s more the anti-Christ type and an evil bald cunt to boot.
Still doesn’t make Putin a Christian.
Nor any of the other mass murderers who killed, raped and pillaged in the name of Jesus Christ, corrupting the Christian message to suit their own evil ends.
If you pretend to be a Christian you can get away with anything in some people’s eyes. Very handy for Putin and his ilk, most depressing for any decent, right thinking person, religious or otherwise.
I’m probably stating the obvious here but surely anybody who murders or oversees the murder of innocent people and has the gall to hide behind religion is a monumental cunt.
Be it in the name of Christianity, Islam or whatever else.
When we liberated one of the Nazi concentration camps – I think it was Auschwitz – we took out the camp guards and executed them on the spot. Possibly a breach of the Geneva Convention – but entirely understandable and justified.
In a very warped way of looking at it, the Russian soldiers have made a big mistake in their Ethnic cleaning which will benefit the Ukrainian battle. As some of the Ukrainian soldiers have said, they will no longer take prisoners. Of course I wouldn’t want any of this to happen, but you can now imagine a low morale Russian conscript now thinking if they weren’t already, “Fuck this, I’m not falling into hands of the Ukrainians, enough’s enough”. I feel sorry for the young Russian lads that are dying also. Most will probably not want to be there. I cant imagine how frightening it must be taking on a determined and fucking pissed off army like Ukraine. They are lions being led by lambs. Cannon fodder, for what I don’t fucking know. Insanity.
“Neo-Nazi mercenaries known for their brutality in conflicts in Syria and the 2014 war in Crimea have been deployed by Russia in Ukraine. The self-styled “task force Rusich”, recruited from nationalist circles in Moscow and St Petersburg, posted images of its troops in the Kharkiv region. The openly fascist and far-Right fighters further undermine Russia’s claims it is fighting to “de-Nazify” Ukraine.One photograph showed Denis Pushilin, the president of the Russian-run Donetsk People’s Republic, presenting an award to a fighter wearing the unit’s Volknut emblem – a Norse symbol appropriated by the modern neo-Nazi movement. The soldier was also wearing a Totenkopf, the skull-and-cross-bones emblem of the SS.”
If there can be anything good to come out of the situation in Ukraine, it would be that in my opinion after this it would be unlikely that Putin would attempt to invade another neighbouring country, such as Georgia or Azerbaijan. I might be wrong, but even a paranoid murdering twat like Putin has to realize that all things considered, his decisions aren’t working out well for himself or for Russia. He thought his armed forces would go through Ukraine like shit through a goose but they’ve been shown to be inept and their equipment substandard. He’s also alienated himself from the civilized world who are now hell-bent on ruining Russia’s economy. It’s the right time of year for European countries to wean themselves off Russian oil and gas, and to sign agreements with other providers in time for next winter. What’s happening in Ukraine is barbaric and tragic. It may take someone close to this lunatic to realize what’s at stake and what needs to be done, then hopefully it won’t have to happen anywhere else.
It’s good that the EU parliament lets charity shop workers speak, though.
Maybe Sean Penn will get to stand up there soon? Did you see him saying that Russia should be nuked? Calm down, Spicolli, did Madonna’s puss-juice melt his brain in the 80s? I hope that there is never a humanitarian disaster in Britain as if Sean Penn shows up to “coordinate the situation”, I’ll kidnap the cunt and force him to watch his tedious movies and sanctimonious interviews until his leathery-skinned head explodes. The lefties are turning into Ted Nugent this year!
Sean Penn, the man who tracked down in the jungle El Chappo, the number 1 drug dealer and murderer of over 100,000 people and made mates with him. Then “regretted” it. Why does this jumped-up shit-gibbon always turn up and give his ill-informed gibberings to the world? Imagine Jack Nicholson saying, “nuke Russia” in 1984 at the Oscars? “Hey, I got TWO Oscars, man, I know what I’m talkin’ about!” Pipe down and go back to your cocaine Jacuzzi orgy, Sean Penn.
Sean Penn, the man who tracked down in the jungle El Chappo, the number 1 drug dealer and murderer of over 100,000 people and made mates with him. Then “regretted” it. Why does this jumped-up shit-gibbon always turn up and give his ill-informed gibberings to the world? Imagine Jack Nicholson saying, “nuke Russia” in 1984 at the Oscars?
“Hey, I got TWO Oscars, man, I know what I’m talkin’ about!” Pipe down and go back to your cocaine-filled Jacuzzi orgy, Sean Penn.
Peter Hitchens said the Iraq war was a ‘left wing war’.
He says says a lot of these ‘interventions’ are just ‘left wing wars’
Making the point I suppose that left wingers are just as war hungry as right wingers.
I think there’s some truth in that. ‘We must do something’ is very left wing. All the people pushing for an ‘intervention’ in Ukraine are left wing from what I can see.
And the Left is now diseased thinking.
The Left was almost unanimously against the Iraq war.
The main protagonist was America, under the right-wing administration of George Dubbya, whose main players included Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice – nothing Left thinking about them.
As for Ukraine, straight from the get go the West was quick to “do something” practical in support of Ukraine.
Pity Biden couldn’t keep his dozy trap shut about the things that the West would not do.
Any talk of nuclear bombs should be banned on TV. That’s such an insane thing to say. But that’s where we are in 2022, people saying crazy shit on live TV like it’s rational and informed thinking. And that includes Joe Biden, a man who gets lost in his own house and thinks he is still VICE President.
Just learned that China is fucking around in the south Pacific, namely the Solomon Islands (2000 miles off the north-east coast of Australia) where they have bought an island (as you do) to create a naval base. They already sneakily built in naval base in Equatorial Guinea, which the CIA only discovered in November. I think we are entering a new Cold War, but this time it will be worldwide with skirmishes all over the Earth. Oh and Pakistan might be about to have a civil war, yippee!
Pakistan has somehow got away with funding Islamic terrorism for years. It’s where Bin Laden was hiding. It’s a shit hole and should have been invaded instead of Afghanistan. Good news if they rip each other to pieces. Cunts.
I’ve also been hearing that China has been conducting Y20 cargo plane exercises in Serbia. Didn’t know that those nations have a great relationship. I wonder if China will annex Taiwan this year?
My feeling is, that for the time being at least, the Chinese won’t invade and will be cautious. The Chinese are less impetuous than the Russians and will take a longer term view over what they regard as a rebel province. They can be extraordinarily patient. It’s certainly an aim though and the time will come when it happens. The question is how do we respond? We can’t sanction China as easily as they are so crucial to the world economy.
There is of course a difference with Ukraine. My wife is Chinese and she says the Taiwanese are totally Chinese and the same as mainland Chinese, which they are of course, and for centuries were a part of China. It’s rather as if the Isle of Wight declared independence from the UK. Of course since Shiang Kai Shek and his Nationalists fled China to Taiwan after losing to the Communists, Taiwan has forged its own identity and sense of nationhood in opposition to Red China. It’s a knotty problem.
You aren’t suggesting that China would be somewhat justified in annexing Taiwan, are you? I’ve never heard anyone suggest that before. Am I interpreting your words wrong?
Right! It would be bat-shit crazy to suggest that it would be okay for China to just take over Taiwan. Chinese government are fucking savage. The ordinary people are amazing, though, I love Chinese history, philosophy, art. Have you seen the videos of people in Shanghai screaming from their windows for freedom? They’ve been locked up in their homes for over a week now. Streets are deserted, just a few cars on the roads, creepy.
China-Taiwan is something that pops up in British news from time to time, but it never really gets stuck into. I mean, who would come to Taiwan’s rescue? It would be tanks, troops, air cover, the whole shebang from China, they would not fuck around. I wonder how the world would react to that? And the Chinese naval bases in the Solomon Islands and Equatorial Guinea (western central African coast, 10,000 miles by sea from Shanghai) are worrying. You don’t just build naval bases on far-flung foreign ground for nothing. China’s Navy is massive, biggest in the world now, even the US DoD admitted that in 2020: https://media.defense.gov/2020/Sep/01/2002488689/-1/-1/1/2020-DOD-CHINA-MILITARY-POWER-REPORT-FINAL.PDF
It feels like something BIG is coming, not World War 3 with nukes, but maybe a new Cold/Warm War that involves Russia, China and their sympathisers. And how would Biden, Boris, etc play that game? Eeek!
Chinas response to Covid is savage. People locked up for months. Families separated. China is still struggling with Covid because their home grown vaccine is shite. When the chips are down Western science and technology is way ahead of China. Everything they do “well” is because it’s either cheap or copied.
With Russia flexing its muscle over central Europe
China prick-teasing Taiwan
North Korea willy-waving over South Korea
And the muted rumbles of discontent in the Middle East and Eastern Africa, it wouldn’t surprise me if WW3 became a reality sooner or later.
Some 6 or 7 weeks on it would seem economic sanctions on Russia are not having the fast & furious reaction the West were hoping for. And with NATO, UN and EU all arguing among themselves as to what to do next without self-interest getting in the way, it would seem Russia has a marginal upper hand while Ukraine turns to dust and rubble.
All it would take to muddy the waters further is for China and N. Korea to walk the walk and invade their respective countries. What would Western leaders do on that score?
Dangerous times, more so with a massive standard of living crisis hitting millions of homes across Western Europe.
I used to roll my eyes at talk of WW3, but the way things are shaping up, we are entering a new era of sabre-rattling. Russia and China have made bold moves in the past few months and the sanctions by USA, UK, Europe on Russia aren’t bold moves, it has to be said, I doubt the Kremlin gives a fuck, they have over 3 billion customers in east Asia to sell to. It’s that Navy base in Equatorial Guinea that shocked me, I read about it in January, I and others missed it being reported in December. What balls for China to build a Navy base in western Africa, right on the Atlantic. They have been sniffing around Africa for years now, they are welcome there unlike honkies. Lots of “tourism” to Africa these days from China, ie. spies and military reconnoitering teams, I doubt they are there to snap a rhino taking a shit. Britain kicked out a bunch of Chinese “journalists” in 2020 when they were discovered to be spies… https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/05/uk-quietly-expelled-chinese-spies-who-posed-as-journalists
I think we are soft on China. America under Beijing Biden certainly is. We were soft on Russia. As you say, Techno, dangerous times.
China is a totally different kettle of fish to Russia. China is the second largest economy in the world after America, Russia doesn’t even make it into the top ten – it’s economy is smaller than that of South Korea or Canada, ffs.
The only thing Russia has going for it is its nukes. Without them it would be little more than a world irritant. China and India, on the other hand…
Is that what counts – economics? That they make stuff for us? That makes them… what? A necessary evil? We should make our own products like we used to. China spies on us, hacks our systems, has deplorable human rights abuses, has built the largest Navy in the world in no short order, has built a naval base in western Africa, is building one in the Solomon Islands, would love to annex Taiwan, Hong Kong and disputed Sea of Japan islands. The Chinese government, military and any intellectual influences from there are bad news. America went soft on them with Obama and Biden in 2009-16, Trump pushed back on them a bit, but now China are back to swinging their dick around. The world crisis is much bigger than Russia-Ukraine.
Then there’s Islam to factor in. We appease Islam every day in the West which is staggering in the aftermath of 9/11, 7/7, imam nutters who spout hate to us, etc. Muslims have been flooding in and not just to France, Germany, Britain, but into states like Tennessee, Washington DC. This photo, you’d think was taken in the Middle East…
It’s Michigan, USA! Look at that massive edifice! In Michigan! Old Glory is waving in the foreground to take the piss, I think. These huge mosques are going up everywhere in America.
And you have neo-Marxists in high office in America. Marxism for the 99.9%, not for them of course! BLM+LGBTQ+ brainwashing comes from those traitors. America needs to vote in non-RINO Republican and/or independent party patriots in November or America will be finished by 2030.
Well, France and Britain controlled the most of the prime lands of Africa for 300+ years, stole them not bought them! And that came to an end. Now China is in there, no ill-will between Africans and Chinese and the African governments are and will increasingly be grateful for the money, know-how and all the rest from China.
Many of the big nations of Africa have decades-long development plans, something UK and USA don’t have, they expect the fruits of the future to rain down like manna from Heaven. And we left the EU, rightly so, but what is the plan for this century for Britain? None. Thumbs are up arses. We are caught up in Marxist word game subversions like gender pronouns and apologising for being an empire, so any talk of regaining strength in the world will be screamed down in parliament and in the media. Britain is caught between a rock and a hard place this century and if we continue to have weak leaders, we’ll become a backwater of the world, out-bred by Africans and Arabs.
But we aren’t weak, helpless lambs to the slaughter, the past thousand years won’t be for nothing, we can be a strong nation without becoming xenophobic nutters, we just need strong, wise men and women to step forward this decade.
I still can’t believe we spent twenty years and unknown billions of notes and countless deaths on fighting the 9/11 masterminds (yeah, right) in Afghanistan only to… just… fuck off, abandon the place to the Taliban. Another amazing move by 5-D chess-master Joe Biden. But he’s gung-ho for Ukraine? But he has yet to make a real strong military move, just podium platitudes. Imagine this situation under a strong U.S. leader? Wouldn’t have happened. Putin knew the blowback was going to be a muffled, odourless fart in his general direction when he invaded Ukraine and China must feel the same now, so you might see them make a BIG move this year, depending on how the wind blows.
The West’s defeat and a chaotic exit from Afghanistan were preordained long before Biden came to power. It’s hard to see how, or why, America’s capitulation would have been any better under Trump than it was under Biden. It was Trump, after all, who signed the disastrous international peace treaty with the Taliban in February 2020.
Trump – along with George Dubbya and Barry Obama – need to take their share of the blame and responsibility.
You’d have to be born yesterday to be taken in by that piece of stage managed crap. Politicians in hospitals kissing babies, the oldest trick in the book.
They should have got the cunt on Opportunity Knocks. Hughie Green could saved Uganda the deaths of 200,000 people. The crocodiles would have went hungry, though.
His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji
Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE
Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular
And, of course, King of Scotland. Maybe one day, Nicola Sturgeon will honour King Idi with a statue to show how Black Lives Matter in Scotland?
I hope so.
He would have my old grandad in fits of laughter.
As a kid it was nice to see my grandad laugh so hard hed have tears rolling down his face.
RIp Idi!
Thanks for all the laughter.
And for being kind to crocodiles.
Idi is an amateur in grandiose titles compared to Robert Mugabe – “Supreme Leader, First Citizen of the Nation, Honorary Black Belt and Professor of Diplomacy.”
And one of the titles of the President of Turkmenistan is “ the People’s Horse Breeder”.
King Prime Minister Sir Lord Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson-Churchill,
Explorer of All Fridges Both Domestic and Industrial
Most Erudite Master of Letters and Journalistic Integrity
Most Graceful, Svelte and Elegant Sartorial Satyr
World Champion of Classical Latin Quotations, and
Most Virile Father of Untold Children Throughout the Realm
Dear Leader Jeremy Corbyn. Comrade of First Order of the Socialist Republic of Islington, Honorary Hezbollah member, IRA intermediary, 4th place in a Jeremy Corbyn lookalike competition, Diane Abbott enthusiast and lifetime President of the Allotment Association.
Is it just me that thinks Miles Plastic has rocks for brains?
Just asking…
No, I’m the same.
Victor Orban is critical of Zelensky.
That’s one thing.
I see Zelensky appeared at The Grammy’s.
Is it all becoming a bit showbizzy?
When you’re fighting for your country’s very existence you have to get support from wherever you can. Maybe he’s been taking tips from Putin:
Yeah, you could say “a bit showbizzy”.
I mean jokes about Will Smith’s slap and Louis CK getting his award for a ‘comedy’ about sexual harassment claims against him.
‘And now it’s over to Volodomyr Zelensky to tell us what’s happening in Ukraine…’
‘When you’re fighting for your country’s very existence’
You dont have to be so high and mighty every time you post ffs.
You’re right, Miles. I don’t have to be, and I’m not.
So what’s your point?
Dio was spot on: “rocks for brains” ?
That video isn’t showbiz. Its a poltical rally.
Zelensky’s going down the showbiz route. He’s even got the uplifting words-‘fill the silence with music’. (at the Grammy’s )
When you start with -‘When you’re fighting for your country’s very existence’
It put me on the back foot.
That I don’t care about it. When I do.
Viktor Orban wins another election in Hungary before condemning Brussels, the international left, Sore-arse and his open borders society…and interestingly enough – a certain Mr Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Is this democracy in action or dubious vote counting/election meddling in action?
Is this something exclusive only to defacto rogue states?
* Disclaimer
Not banging the drum for Orban here.
Is Zelenskyy part of the international left?
(after watching that debauched video of him and his pals dancing I personally think he looked like a total media hungry cunt and was and is – a probable left wing moron)
If he is part of the international left then it sort of contradicts the Ukraine Nazi narrative that the Russians have been spinning.
Saying that though – I’ve seen Newsnight YouTube vids from quite a few years back focusing on Ukraine’s neo Nazi problem.
After two years of relentless lies and some of vilest propaganda surely ever used upon a population regarding a certain virus, my faith in the media is now practically non existent so forgive me for sounding like I’m taking this whole thing and the conflicting stories and narratives surrounding it with a pinch of salt.
It’s the only way I find I can stay sane in this world we find ourselves living in.
You sound like you could benefit to listening Tobias Ellwood MP.. and military officer in the 77th division (aka psyops aka propaganda).
He’s on talkradio repeatedly banging the war drum. The cunt.
Our media are full of shit. Period.
Morning Miles,
Vicki Orban was saying that when your a small country neighbouring two large countries that go to war,
Its best to keep your head down and your nose out.
Shrewd move.
A smart politician bordering Russia and Ukraine would stay neutral in the best interests of his people I suppose.
Morning Miserable
Yes I like him. Keep the hell out of it.
No fucking tranny and gay shit in schools, no fucking camel shaggers allowed, gets my vote ?
I’ve been to Hungary, they are a unique type of people, they almost Japanese in their adherence to tradition and have fought off invaders for thousands of years.
This fucking whole thread is a shitshow and should be nuked. Cunters cunting cunters and squabbling like deviants on Drag race, or taxi drivers on who gets sloppy seconds on the latest victim. As you can’t sort it out with gloves, shut up or shake hands and move on. I will keep my deep insights on the situation to myself and buy some more shares in Polymetal.
Looking forward to this year’s isacunt Christmas party!
How did it come to this?
Sounds better when World Party sing it.
There’s an ISAC Xmas party! That would soon descend into one massive food fight.
Could end the night by nailing Miles to a cross.
LOL!!!! ???
Only if I get to dress up as a Pharisee.
You are Cunty Gordon and I claim my £5.
If you don’t like it, pass it by like I do with all the racist crap.
That would appropriate dress MMCM.
There’s a lot of Pharisaicalness on this thread.
For once, I agree with you Miles.
Never mind Ukraine, in the news today, EasyJet and BA cancelling flights due to short staff, blaming Covid for absences.
Covid is Back, an estimate of 10% of the population have it!!
No one cares, because of Ukraine!!
Yes, yes, yes……. but what about Ukraine?
No idea about the number of infections there
They need to come up with a vaccine for russian invasion.
10% ?
Yeah. Ok then!
Recently, my granda (age 96) had it for a week, his daughters have had it (ages 58, 62) and my uncle had it (age 61), all recovered. But it can’t be 10% of Britain having it, that’s 6.7 million people, 900,000 Londoners, such workplace absences would be noticed. Everything put out by the government and media is massively exaggerated to high heaven these days, maximise the hysteria, click-bait the Karens.
Still nothing in our immediate family after 2 years. We’ve had jibjab reactions though.
If it’s bullshit and you know it, wash ya hands!
Statistically calculated from the ons survey, many will have no symptoms at all, believe it not, makes no difference to me ?
Correction 1 in 13 7.7% (fuck knows where I saw 1 in 10, must have been fake news) ?
Apologies for being on topic, but there has been some harrowing reports from Ukraine over the weekend of alleged massacres of civilians by Russians retreating from the Kyiv region. Disturbing footage of mass graves, streets lined with the bodies of civilians who had their hands bound and shot in the back of the head, dead pets piled high as they had even killed them. Obviously caution is needed until these atrocities are confirmed or denied, but there is far stronger evidence that Russian troops committed them than the Ukrainians themselves.
This is a fucking despicable war crime as vile as any carried out by the German army in the field, and the cunts responsible deserve the treatment that Nazis had when brought to account for their crimes.
Russian media, and their network of false news internet stooges are saying that Ukraine faked these atrocities with the collusion of the west, especially Britain.
And some people here will believe them.
Reading the comments on articles online show this to be true. Obviously a lot of them are written by the Russian troll factories, as they are poorly disguised, because the average Ivan is thick as pigshit, but there are the comments that you know are from the late night paranoia brigade, hating on their own society because they have been brainwashed by watching the conspiracy shit online, and once they start believing that shit, once there is doubt, any foreign or domestic arsehole with an axe to grind and an imagination has a ready made army of sad cunts who will instantly give them the benefit of the doubt, as they have already trained what passes for a brain to think that way. West = Bad.
Still, it’s a great way for Russia to celebrate the 82nd anniversary of the Katyn massacre. The bear is not for changing.
Fuck Russia, and fuck their apologists.
I have been reading the same sickening reports and I strongly agree. I believe the allegations. They are being treated credibly by the UN. Lithuania has expelled the Russian ambassador in disgust and Germany has expelled 40 Russian diplomats. I hope we do the same.
One wonders if the Wagner Group have a hand in this – with their sickening skull badges reminescent of the SS. For the most part the reported culprits appear to be rank and file Russian troops.
There is no going back for Russia after this abomination. Utter cunts.
Indeed. The war has been blamed on Putin, giving Russia itself an off ramp back to civilisation if they got rid of the cunt, but he wouldn’t have ordered this. These are the actions of soldiers beaten in battle by a smaller army, and taking it out on the civilians. Or, as you say, those mercenary cunts who are particularly evil and I sincerely hope they reap what they sow.
Either way, it can’t all be blamed on Putain. His men are just as bad.
I doubt Putin would have ordered it directly. But he unleashed this hell and is therefore responsible in the chain of command.
The Russian army is brutal. It brutalises its soldiers and they then brutalise others in their turn. Over a thousand Russian soldiers have been killed by their superior officers over the past 20 years. Many have committed suicide. Many of the rest turn into monsters. Russia fields a medieval army not a professional modern one.
Actually before we absolve Putin, there were Western Intelligence reports that executions of this nature were planned high in the Russian command and secret service to deter insurrection.
Oh, not absolving the cunt by any means, just pointing out that his troops are as bad as the cunt.
Fuck them all.
Putin didn’t have had to order it personally. The soldiers would have taken their cue from the prevailing culture of criminality and barbarism fostered by Putin and his regime over the last 20 years. They probably even imagined they would be decorated as war heroes for committing such atrocities.
Putin Has been building his story of Russia and how they won WW2, or the great patriotic war as those cunts call it, and it isn’t factual, and its a criminal act to attempt to contradict it in Russia.
Now he wants to recapture that spirit.
In fairness they are still using similar tactics to their WW2 forebears, and they still have the same good and bad points. They are really good at murder and rape, and still really bad at logistics.
Outstanding post, GJ.
Thank you. My blood is boiling, and there’s fuck all we in the West can do without starting a world war.
Basic cunts.
The russians have always been animals in warfare.
To them rape, murdering civilians, women and children,
Mass graves, etc
To them this is justifiable tactics.
Theres no difference between them and german war crimes back in WW2.
Ukrainian atrocities are just the latest.
Central African Republic
Thats just modern times.
Bang on Mis, all the stuff people forget when they accuse the west of ‘poking the bear”
Fuck Russia and its apologists.
Why do you always have to make it so polarised, so black and white. It’s all black from what I can see.
We’re all cunts. Especially the West. You choose to deliberately ignore the wider context of the situation involving geopolitics of power and finance, from NATO and the IMF, down to our political class who are nothing more than sock puppets for those supranational devious cunts.
There’s more going on than just Putin being a cunt. Our own propaganda does not give the wider context.
Your always saying fellow cunters are being misled,
How sheeplike to the MSM narrative,
Ever stopped and considered your being cheated yourself?
Fed bullshit from some conspiracy mong.
Yes, ALL politicians are scum.
I agree.
Dont need telling.
MSM lies a lot?
I agree again.
But this isnt CGI or computer graphics,
Sometimes the news is just that,
The news.
War crimes on Russias behalf.
Never said anything about CGI or what’s happened isn’t real, and as we established long ago I’ve never called anyone here sheeple.
But you are being misled. There’s no two ways about it.
You can’t argue that the butchered bodies are real on the one hand but the conniving establishment of the West isn’t/is ‘just a conspiracy theory’.
If this was some African tinpot doing the invading I’d hold the same position, Gutstick. I couldn’t give a shit about Russia. Or Ukraine. Or Zimbabwe. Whatever.
Until you stop turning a blind eye to the wider picture, which unfortunately does involve the British establishment very heavily, you’ll continue to fall right into the track they want.
Look at your position and your language. Who actually wants peace here? You don’t sound very sick of war to me.
After the last 20 years of bullshit everyone in the West should be far more cynical and critical. It wasn’t just Blair, Bush, Brown.. just like it’s not just Putin. There’s an entire establishment behind them that causes all this death and destruction.
I genuinely don’t believe ive turned a blind eye to anything.
I hold no allegiance to any political party,
Knowing full well theyre all the same.
I dont think any country hasnt got dirty little secrets or meddles in the interests of its people or other nations.
Im aware of current affairs in a casual way like most working men.
Im interested but not obcessed with the details/stats.
How am I turning a blind eye?
To what?
Im not disparaging your point of view or opinions,
It just seems on any given topic you never take a mainstream view?
The most direct commonsense angle.
Everything is a big machivellian act by shadowy elites.
Sometimes things are just what is says on the tin.
We’re all cunts. Especially the west.
That you can say that straight faced shows how far from reality you really are.
The kremlin will love it, as they know their bullshit works.
Ukraine is corrupt, but did they deserve this? No. It’s a massacre. Putin could have repatriated Russians in Ukraine, brought them “home”, but he obviously wanted a land-grab, a corridor to Crimea and will he stop there? I doubt it. I’d rather not see the USA enter this war, let alone Britain. I don’t think we the people of America and Britain could mentally handle that these days. Beijing Biden as Commander in Chief of World War 3? Jesus, Mary, Mother of God.
Christ – it’s bad enough having cunts who see everything in black and white terms, let alone having to endure the prattlings of the terminally pathological cynical, who see everthing as black. Give it a fucking rest, ffs!
My post above aimed at Chunky if anyone’s in any doubt.
Chunky – “ It’s all me, me, me …”.
You carry on ranting about whatever satisfies your preconceptions, Chunky, especially if it makes you feel safe and in control.
The rest of us will continue to discuss the real world.
I just find it really hard to swallow the idea that the “elite” or whatever you want to call them, would want to start WW3 with Biden and Boris in the FDR and Churchill roles. Those two are fantasists who are scared of the bloody press, never mind an uber-psycho like Putin who will gladly gone down in history as the Stalin of the 21st century, would gladly drop nukes on Britain and America and anyone else. I just can’t see Biden or Boris declaring war on Russia. So what will happen? Dunno, can’t know. But we can all prep for hard times. I’m not queuing outside ASDA in the pissing rain to get my rationed food. I can have prescience and control over that, the bigger picture is out of my hands, I can only despise the psychos of those world, they live in super-safe ivory towers. Would internet chatter have stopped World War 1 and 2? No.
I want peace for both selfless and selfish reasons. I want peace because I’m mortified at the human cost, the destroyed lives, the destroyed towns and cities, the pointless death and misery. As any half decent human being should be.
I’m fascinated by military history, on many levels, but it is best viewed through history books. That’s why the saying ” i hope you live in interesting times” is a curse, not a blessing.
On the selfish side I have a mortgage I can just about afford, central heating I barely use, and a job that depends on a prosperous free market.
So yeah, I want peace more than you’ll ever know.
It’s a cunt living in the real world.
Blame politics and greed, that’s about the gist of it.
I’m prepping. Dry and tinned goods, candles,lighters,camping gas and stove. It won’t go to waste either way.
Looking into the darkness of this world is to be applauded, but there comes a time when reality bites HARD and the conspiracy talk needs to be put on the back-burner. I mean, in WW1 and 2, what would the darkness exposers be doing – writing letters to the British and European (including German) newspapers about the Rothschilds? Going down the London Underground to harangue the shivering women and children about the Rothschilds? Only in the internet age do we see this and there is a time and a place for it, ie. exposing the evils of this world in all it’s forms, people and places, but at this point we all need to rally around ourselves, unify, stock essential provisions, prepare mentally and physically and hope it all peters out by summer, but maybe it will be full war, curfew, rationing, censored internet, etc.
You all keep saying ‘real world’ over and over, as if any of you have the faintest fucking clue how things really work.
This is why I have a dislike for British people in particular. At least the public of other nations have the humility to admit their own establishments are fucking cunts. We turn our noses up and pretend our shit doesn’t stink, that we’re better than that. Get real.
We are fucking self righteous mugs, taxed up the arse, hosting a parasitic nõnce royal family, and running the financial centre of corruption that is the square mile.
The real talk is needed or we’ll never break this cycle. Seems most here want to continue playing the bullshit game presented to us.
None of this is possible without your attention. We all feed the beast.
Ooh… I just love it when you talk down to us little people!
And there’s Chunky again, talking down to his ‘inferiors’ as always. Bore off mate – now isn’t the fucking time.
Chunky, I’ve gone down the deepest, darkest rabbit holes, I don’t have a naive view of the world, but I know how to temper my words and be realistic about what I can do about the evils of this world. Typing words onto a screen doesn’t do shit. It just depresses people. What should be DONE, in your view? Riots? Storm Westminster? Kidnap a Rothschild?
99.999999% of people don’t listen, because what is being said, ie. child raping Satanists run the world and start all the wars and want to control us all 100% physically and mentally, is so against the grain, so outlandish and is presented in such a shrill and sensationalist manner, that people will feel sick or laugh and say, “wise up, you daft cunt,” and get on with their responsibilities then try and enjoy the weekend.
So… what’s your game-plan? Mine is too protect my family and help them enjoy life. What else can you do? Start a militia? Then you’ll REALLY be marked down as a dangerous nutter. Eat, drink and be merry. Maybe God will intervene? Fuck knows, I’m out of ideas! 🙂
250 or thereabouts Uke soldiers surrender in Mariapul.
Link? 🙂
Telegram video.
Waits for rabid denial response.
I’ve never used Telegram. Can’t you post a link? Thanks. 🙂
Telegram videos also claimed that the vaccine rollout was abandoned. They aren’t enough on their own.
Russian POW’s being executed in the street.
The civilians that were executed were only revealed 4 days after the Russians retreated, like nobody noticed these bodies in the road for 4 days?
Satellite images prove the bodies were there at the same time the Russians were in situ.
Russia says the British staged the massacre to discredit them. Fair play, we walked into Russian occupied territory and posed a load of civilian corpses under their noses. Not only that, but none of the Russian liberators noticed these bodies pop up overnight.
It COULD be propaganda. COULD be. But at this stage, does it matter? Putin isn’t going to ceasefire, back down, he is on a rampaging land-grab in a sovereign (and corrupt) country. Citizens have needless died horrible deaths, that’s irrefutable. We – USA at least – are most likely going to go to war with Putin soon. Maybe not. Is it nit-picking to question images of dead bodies? It’s a war. Putin can, at any moment, retreat back to Russia and sulk, but… he won’t, not now, he’s going to go full warlord nutjob-with-a-destiny. The Kremlin will perceive itself to “win” soon, sadly and that will embolden Putin to invade puppet-state Belarus, probably, then what? Invade Georgia? More nit-picking over stuff? And some point, you have to say, “oh this is real, I better temper my thinking and speech and get my shit together.” Maybe Russians in Russia will march on Moscow soon. We are in fucked up times, the last thing we need is anything resembling pro-Putin rhetoric, you’ll just come across as a troll or dickhead. Fuck Putin, fuck the Kremlin, fuck this war, fuck the psychos who run this world. Apocalypse now, please, God! 🙂
Belarus supports Russia why would they invade a friendly?
Belarus has offered its war machine,why ?
Join telegram, watch the footage,decide. That channel I put up offers, IMO, unbiased coverage.
According to Wikipedia –
“Telegram has been used for illegal activities such as spreading hate messages, illegal pornography, contact between criminals and trading of illegal goods and services such as drugs, contraband and stolen personal data.
A CNN news report stated that Telegram had “become known as a preferred means of communication for the terror group ISIS and was used by the ISIS cell that plotted the Paris terror attacks in November” after the attacks.Daily Mirror called Telegram a “jihadi messaging app”.
The Anti-Defamation League has called Telegram a white supremacist “safe haven” and a valuable tool for right-wing extremists. The neo-Nazi white separatist paramilitary hate group The Base switched to Telegram after being blocked on most social media platforms, including Twitter, YouTube and Gab. After a number of arrests of The Base members in January 2020, a note appeared on its official Telegram account warning people to stop posting.In August 2019 white supremacist Christopher Cantwell posted anti-Semitic comments on Telegram.
In January 2021, North Macedonian media outlets reported that a now-banned Telegram group, with more than 7,000 members, titled “Public Room” was used to share nude photos of women, often young teenage girls. Along with the shared photographs, anonymous accounts shared private information of the women, including phone numbers and social media profiles, encouraging members of the group to contact the women and ask for sexual favours. This was done without prior agreement or knowledge of the women. “
You seem to visit some of the most unsavoury places on the internet and then peddle your shit back here.
Not one link or thing you have posted has any credibility whatsoever.
Sounds wonderful MMCM,
Funny but I never considered using a terrorist/peter file site to find updates on news.
Dont I feel stupid….
The owners of this site MNC are… Russian! And the Russian government owns stock.
Who would of thunk it ?
Michael de la Broc- Buhanka watch.
He’s unbiased it appears to me.
That link doesn’t work on my Chromebook! WTF? What’s the gist of what he says? Cheers. I watched a video of Ukraine soldiers shooting a barely alive soldier, fuck me that was sickening. Brutality on both sides. But at the end of the day, Russia didn’t have to enter Ukraine. If Russians entered England and blasted us to bits, we’d take no prisoners, either, right? At any moment, Putin can call this off, call troops home and sulk until his 70th birthday in October. But he won’t. By Christmas, he could be killing Georgians, who knows, he’s a maniac at this point and Ukrainian troops are playing hardball too. I hate Biden, but he’s right – Putin needs to be taken out. The Kremlin should do a Valkyrie Plot and kill him or there will be no Russia.
I made the mistake of clicking on the link and it took my browser out.
Should have known better but I didn’t know it was a telegram link.
Fuck telegram, the Russian propaganda social media.
Dodgy site. And this, “Michael De La Broc” doesn’t show up much online. He’s a cinematographer (cameraman) who shot a UK immigration documentary but that name sounds fake and fruity. He is due to appear on InfoWars, the Alex Jones show soon! Oh man, what has Jones been saying about this brutal and fucking needless war? Please no sympathising with Putin, Alex, pleeeeease. At this point, the writing is on the wall regarding Putin and this brutal war.
Once more, where was the outrage for Yemen,or any of the other conflict ?
People just do what they’re told now, they’ve been conditioned for two years.
Fuck me, even Trump’s name was thrown about by granny roast chicken and others.
All aboard the ghost train. Its all a fucking stage and as always, civilians get slaughtered. No iraqi flags for the million civvy dead then, we’re there? Or Serbia, no,because we were force fed propaganda and sucked it up because professional liars told us to.
Granny roast chicken? Iraq was a deeply unpopular war, very few people in Britain supported it. I saw photos of dead kids on the internet that the mainstream media didn’t show, made me feel angry and sick and hate the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld-Blair gang even more. Yemen is a massacre too, the media are reporting on it, no one is diminishing the suffering, it’s just that people are worn out by these depressing tragedies.
Remove the penis piano player and indict the Biden/Clinton cartels.
Nato bombs civilians….no problem here.
You still going? ?
Oh, Jeremy Corbyn… oh, Jeremy Corbyn……
You see, by saying, “remove Zelenskyy” and not also Putin, you come off as at least quasi-sympathetic to Putin, don’t you see that? Ukraine was corrupt and needs to sort itself out, but was THIS the way for that to happen? What good has come of this war? NO GOOD has come of it and it may escalate into a world war that will affect us all in obvious and also unforeseeable ways.
Quasi-sympathetic, TAGD? One of the PUI’s I would say.
What is PUI?
Those whom Putin finds useful.
I can’t see anything positive about Putin, Kremlin. Anyone who fails to vociferously condemn Putin is suspect to me now. The days of playing, “Russia is a bulwark against woke-ism and the degenerate West” are over. Woke-ism at this point is small potatoes. Putin, like Trump, is not a saviour that many desperate people in the West think he is. He’s a psychopath with no intention of backing down and he cares not a jot for the people of Britain, all of his statements on Britain are negative and he loves it when people in Britain and America shit on their own countries. The time for that type of talk is OVER.
Well said TAGD. I totally agree.
Putin doesn’t care a jot about the people of Russia either. And he’s always hated Britain. In common with every other psychopath all he cares about is himself, and his $billions stolen from the long suffering Russian people.
Putin has already threatened to bomb Royal Navy ships sailing through recognised international waters in the Black Sea. His ships and planes have been buzzing close to British territory for the past twenty years, provoking and probing for weaknesses. He’s done the same to the Republic of Ireland as well, knowing that the RAF is responsible for the security of Irish airspace with their agreement.
It’s the Great Game again – only far more dangerous this time.
Putin larps as a Christian, he looks so awkward in the churches singing hymns and dunking himself in Holy water. It’s all a charade, he loves Jesus as much as George Bush does. He wants to a pseudo-Christendom Russian Federation that recaptures Ukraine, Belarus (in their pocket already), Georgia, the -stans (Muslim countries, not sure how that will mesh with his Christendom). The Baltic nations have closed their borders to Russia, that will piss Putin off, too.
If he loves God so much you would think that he would follow some of his commandments, like not coveting your neighbours property and not killing.
It’s not just Ukraine that Russians think they own. You’ve heard of “Londonistan” right? Well, the rich Russians call London, “Londongrad”…
Money before morality led to this.
Anne Applebaum is a bit of a cunt but she’s right in that piece. The UK was quite happy for Russia to flood the country with dirty money and look the other way. Just as they are doing with China now – and that will also end badly.
I don’t really know which American journalists are cunts, I was just googling “Putin quote on Britain” and a bunch of stuff came up. He’s always been cunty to us, but he has his fans in Britain (and America), it’s so comical. Trump being chummy with Putin didn’t help, but then Trump sent, “love letters” (Trump’s actual term!) to Jong Kim-Un or whatever the name of that fat spaz-puppet in North Korea is.
All the “leaders” of Britain and America this century have been so weak towards the Kremlin. I’m not a fan of FDR and Churchill, but that’s the calibre of men we need right now and we have dementia Joe and bumbling Boris. Biden and Boris loathe each other, I can’t see them working together, the phone calls would be like a Two Ronnies sketch on mescaline.
If they have a common cause (which they have) they’ll work together. After all, if Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin could work together, anyone can.
Chunky – you’re moderated until you learn to turn down your aggression towards other commenters.
Next stop is a full ban, so you’re on notice.
Miles and Gutstick should also take note. You all need to cool it.
Carry on.
Wondered what everyone thought of this…..https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10679743/PETER-HITCHENS-USA-wants-war-drive-Russia-Stone-Age.html
I think Putin’s doing a pretty good job of that himself.
You just knew the Daily Heil would find a way to embarrass themselves somehow.
I wouldn’t think the instability caused by it would benefit anyone including the US?
That Peter Hitchens is the one who was saying about disbanding the police and a citizen constabulary isnt he?
Because every drunken lout fears a tweed clad speccy academic more than a copper.
Morning Dick?
I admire Peter Hitchens when he takes on woke loons. But on this topic he has completely lost the plot. Peter also usually takes the opposite stance to his late brother, who was really the best journalist of the two brothers. Sibling rivalry. He needs to smile a bit more as well.
Although frankly, if Russia were sent back to the stone age, it would benefit us all really.
If only it were that simple.
Indeed, Christopher Hitchens was a colossus who’s loss is still keenly felt.
I saw where Hitchens was coming from a month ago, but at this stage, he’ll come across as a Putin sympathiser if he isn’t careful and if WW3 kicks off, that won’t be a tenable position for a journalist, but being a trenchant contrarian like his brother was on the Bush’s War on Terror, he won’t do a volte face. I mean, it’s obvious Putin is a psychopath at this point and I have seen the “alternate view” people on the internet start to squirm. I think they might start to go quiet, maybe even delete their drivel as the ante is upped over the next few weeks. If you come off as even a teensiest bit sympathetic to Putin, you’ll be a pariah.
In the 90s, there used to be a clueless Commie, Cuba-obsessed bellend who used to call into James Whale (cunt), was his name Tony? I bet that wazzock is spouting pro-Putin shite these days.
The Spectator quotes an article on RIA Novosti, a Russian state owned news agency –
‘Apart from the Ukrainian leadership, a substantial part of the population is also guilty of being passively Nazi, and facilitators of Nazism. They supported the Nazi regime and urged it forward… The further denazification of the population will require re-training through ideological repression and fierce censorship, not only in the political sphere but also in the sphere of culture and education.’
The author goes on to say: ‘History teaches us that Ukraine cannot exist as a nation state’. He recommends further that Ukrainian school textbooks be confiscated; that the population should be compelled to denounce one another for the greater good; that memorials to Russian soldiers should be erected to commemorate the war against Ukrainian fascism; and that ‘anti-Nazi’ commissions should be established in what remains of the country for at least 25 years.
Chilling stuff and truly frightening. It’s clear who the Nazis are. Cunts.
He doesn’t do irony does he?
Afternoon Miserable.
Pot-kettle doesn’t really work in this instance. Unless one considers Ukraine to be a Nazi country, which I don’t. You’re dead right about the irony though.
Afternoon Ruff,
Meant more him calling out others as Nazis but advocating brainwashing kids in school and informing on neighbours.
Right piece of work?
Although I am brainwashed by MSM and believe everything it tells me…
Ria Novosti-it sounds like they have been writing the SNP manifesto ?
Those RIA Novosti statements read like something from a nutter’s blog, but then many news articles read like something from a nutter’s or fat girl’s blog these days. I don’t doubt that Ukraine has been fucked up for years, there are loads of factual articles on Ukraine’s corruption, moral decay and violence, but invading and slaughtering Ukraine people, oh yeah, that was how to improve Ukraine, right, Kremlin? Fuck me.
Ukraine was (is) a fledgling democracy, moving in the right direction, which is what Putin was afraid of, the big girl’s blouse.
This de-Nazification angle is total garbage – as all right thinking cunters on this thread (not all cunters) know.
Yes Ukraine has an extreme right wing problem, as do many Eastern European countries, including Russia. But Ukraine is hardly a Nazi state and the average Ukrainian probably holds mainstream political views acceptable in most of the West.
Likewise, there may be corruption in Ukraine, but the trajectory is towards better governance. The most corrupt country in Eastern Europe is of course Russia.
I have never heard of a Nazi country with a liberal pro-Western Jewish president elected in a landslide.
Noam Chomsky on the current state of play in the world…
2-minute clip, not sure where to view the whole video, but the New Statesman article is linked below…
Yes, the Doomsday Clock is set at 23:58:20 – 100 seconds to midnight and might get pushed forward soon. Iron Maiden will have to re-record their classic 80s tune…
Joe Biden just said to North America’s Building Trades Unions Legislative Conference: “If I got to go to war, I’m going with you guys.” Which got a, “thunderous applause,” which is a strong indication that USA is going to war soon.
I’ll post a video when it becomes available.
This “Vice President Biden” slip-up from Obama is from Tuesday,,,
Now, if Biden steps down, it can’t be Kamala as President and Commander in Chief of the military, it just can’t be, she’s a cork on the ocean more than Biden is. Is Obama really running the show? Will it be Bath House Barry as Commander in Chief in WW3?
More likely Nancy Pelosi, the Colostomy-Bag-In-Chief.
It can’t be nightcap Nancy as FDR in WW3, either, even if that’s the hierarchy over there. I’m watching the long-knives take-down of Biden by the Democrats and left media and I think he’s on his way out, I’m amazed he has lasted this long. Some kind of political voodoo is going to take place, I reckon and Obama is the only man for the job in the eyes of the Dems. It feels beyond insane to that, but how else will this play out? We are in crazy times that will only get crazier this year and decade.
Biden saying, “if I got to go to war…”
Video auto-skips to 21:27.
It’s hard to say what will happen, but the idea that USA will not enter this war is slim. I’ve heard rumours that a NATO General is in Mariupol, but nothing confirmed.
Daily Mail article on Biden’s war remarks…
Zelensky: “We will become a “Greater Israel” with our own face. We will not be surprised if there are representatives of the Armed Forces or the National Guard in our cinemas and supermarkets; if those places would have people carrying weapons. I am convinced that the issue of security will be the number one priority for us in the next ten years. I am sure of this.”
Unfortunate comparision.
Or maybe not.
See I was right. When I was SPECULATING what was Putin’s real motives for the War.
That it came from a religious impulse. Not to teconstitute the Soviet Empire.
‘Many people don’t appreciate the extent to which the invasion of Ukraine is a spiritual quest for him. The Baptism of Rus is the founding event of the formation of the Russian religious psyche, the Russian Orthodox church traces its origins back here. That’s why Putin is not so much interested in a few Russian-leaning districts to the east of Ukraine. His goal, terrifyingly, is Kyev itself’.
Just to add-
What a humiliating defeat he is looking at.
Must say Zelensky is one hell of a fighter.
To paraphrase one commentator, stop dressing up Putin as a religious figure. Religion is a favourite cover for scoundrels who understand the power of religious values and twist them to their own benefit. Putin is a psychopathic killer who thinks a thin icing of Russian manifest destiny and religious piety will attract support for his failing Mafia government.
If Putin were at all Christian he would not be murdering innocent Ukrainians…children, women, the elderly, and the ill. He would not be bombing schools and apartment buildings, he would be putting in time to peacefully win the Ukrainian population over.
Anyone who thinks Putin is a Christian needs their fucking head examined.
Well the great Christian spiritual revivalist has reached a new low.
German intelligence has intercepted radio messages from Russian commanders instructing soldiers to kill civilians and, after questioning Ukrainian POW’s, to kill them as well.
One intercepted instruction is to kill a cyclist seen cycling down the road. He was killed and there are photos and videos of the incident to tie everything together.
These killings of civilians are not the acts of out of control soldiers but were done under direct command of the Russian military and as part of a tactic to sow civillian terror. This goes all the way up to Mad Vlad.
Putin has used his own military and the cuntish Wagner Group in the killing of civilians. He has also used Chechen savages (Muslims) to do the killing in his great Christian crusade.
Utter fucking cunts. Putin is not a great Christian spiritual redeemer. He’s more the anti-Christ type and an evil bald cunt to boot.
Missed the point again.
The biggest killers in human history have been religious believers. This is how important it is. Which people here seek to dismiss.
I take your point and you’re right. Religious fanaticism is one of the biggest killers. I was letting off steam in my last post.
Understandable MNCM, understandable.
Still doesn’t make Putin a Christian.
Nor any of the other mass murderers who killed, raped and pillaged in the name of Jesus Christ, corrupting the Christian message to suit their own evil ends.
If you pretend to be a Christian you can get away with anything in some people’s eyes. Very handy for Putin and his ilk, most depressing for any decent, right thinking person, religious or otherwise.
I’m probably stating the obvious here but surely anybody who murders or oversees the murder of innocent people and has the gall to hide behind religion is a monumental cunt.
Be it in the name of Christianity, Islam or whatever else.
Can’t say the BBC are trying to be objective….
Video appearing to show captured Russian soldier being shot by Ukrainian forces
After seeing what the Russians had done in Bucha, a Ukranian soldier said “We’re not going to take prisoners after this.”
Can you blame them?
When we liberated one of the Nazi concentration camps – I think it was Auschwitz – we took out the camp guards and executed them on the spot. Possibly a breach of the Geneva Convention – but entirely understandable and justified.
The response from the Ukrainian leadership will be critical.
In a very warped way of looking at it, the Russian soldiers have made a big mistake in their Ethnic cleaning which will benefit the Ukrainian battle. As some of the Ukrainian soldiers have said, they will no longer take prisoners. Of course I wouldn’t want any of this to happen, but you can now imagine a low morale Russian conscript now thinking if they weren’t already, “Fuck this, I’m not falling into hands of the Ukrainians, enough’s enough”. I feel sorry for the young Russian lads that are dying also. Most will probably not want to be there. I cant imagine how frightening it must be taking on a determined and fucking pissed off army like Ukraine. They are lions being led by lambs. Cannon fodder, for what I don’t fucking know. Insanity.
The UK has joined the US in sanctioning Vlad the Lads two adult daughters.
Im amazed he has kids?!!
Hes obviously a closet disco dancer.
Suppose it was nice for them growing up,
Dad playing Barbies with them,
Singing along to ABBA and Grease together,
Getting into boybands, etc.
Suppose the girls have grown out of it now?
I would give that Mariya a punishment banging ?
Probably let you for some pickled cabbage,
Or western Levi jeans.
Make sure the doors locked!
Her dad will be slipping his tongue up your harris.
I bet she has a few Bob tucked away in a nice safe haven, I doubt she gives a fuck about sanctions, she looks a right dirty bitch ?
Filthy cunt.
Id whisper
” Victory for Ukraine
Your dads a bummer!”
So she bucked and kicked.
According to the Telegraph –
“Neo-Nazi mercenaries known for their brutality in conflicts in Syria and the 2014 war in Crimea have been deployed by Russia in Ukraine. The self-styled “task force Rusich”, recruited from nationalist circles in Moscow and St Petersburg, posted images of its troops in the Kharkiv region. The openly fascist and far-Right fighters further undermine Russia’s claims it is fighting to “de-Nazify” Ukraine.One photograph showed Denis Pushilin, the president of the Russian-run Donetsk People’s Republic, presenting an award to a fighter wearing the unit’s Volknut emblem – a Norse symbol appropriated by the modern neo-Nazi movement. The soldier was also wearing a Totenkopf, the skull-and-cross-bones emblem of the SS.”
Russian Nazi cunts.
If there can be anything good to come out of the situation in Ukraine, it would be that in my opinion after this it would be unlikely that Putin would attempt to invade another neighbouring country, such as Georgia or Azerbaijan. I might be wrong, but even a paranoid murdering twat like Putin has to realize that all things considered, his decisions aren’t working out well for himself or for Russia. He thought his armed forces would go through Ukraine like shit through a goose but they’ve been shown to be inept and their equipment substandard. He’s also alienated himself from the civilized world who are now hell-bent on ruining Russia’s economy. It’s the right time of year for European countries to wean themselves off Russian oil and gas, and to sign agreements with other providers in time for next winter. What’s happening in Ukraine is barbaric and tragic. It may take someone close to this lunatic to realize what’s at stake and what needs to be done, then hopefully it won’t have to happen anywhere else.
Yep – the Russian bear is starting to look more like Bungle with Putin as Zippy.
From the footage I’ve seen the Ukrainian tanks are so much more moble than the Russian tanks.
The Russian tanks seems so slow and cumbersome got me thinking if they even have basic computerisation?
The Czech Republic are supplying Ukraine with Russian made tanks.
Everything in Eastern Europe was made to Russian spec during the Cold War…
Big and rattles a lot.
You’ve just described my uncles Lada.
Any that are still running must be worth a fortune now ?
The only Russian made thing worth having is a Faberge Egg. Everything else is shoddy tat.
Irish MEP, Clare Daly rips into the European Parliament over lack of peace talks and sanctions…
Who was that guy who ran away like little girl? Weird.
Left wing nut. She looks like Mrs Doyle only more stupid. So pleased we are out of the EU.
What party is she speaking on behalf of? Pacifists For Putin?
Deluded fuck has learned nothing from history.
Who was the guy who ran away like Mr Bean, though? I ws pissing myself at him! What a fucking circus.
He looked like a guy who couldn’t trust himself not to kick her in the cunt if he stayed.
It’s good that the EU parliament lets charity shop workers speak, though.
Maybe Sean Penn will get to stand up there soon? Did you see him saying that Russia should be nuked? Calm down, Spicolli, did Madonna’s puss-juice melt his brain in the 80s? I hope that there is never a humanitarian disaster in Britain as if Sean Penn shows up to “coordinate the situation”, I’ll kidnap the cunt and force him to watch his tedious movies and sanctimonious interviews until his leathery-skinned head explodes. The lefties are turning into Ted Nugent this year!
“Let’s bomb Russia!” Kenny Everett 1982.
Great minds think alike ?
Sean Penn, the man who tracked down in the jungle El Chappo, the number 1 drug dealer and murderer of over 100,000 people and made mates with him. Then “regretted” it. Why does this jumped-up shit-gibbon always turn up and give his ill-informed gibberings to the world? Imagine Jack Nicholson saying, “nuke Russia” in 1984 at the Oscars? “Hey, I got TWO Oscars, man, I know what I’m talkin’ about!” Pipe down and go back to your cocaine Jacuzzi orgy, Sean Penn.
Sean Penn, the man who tracked down in the jungle El Chappo, the number 1 drug dealer and murderer of over 100,000 people and made mates with him. Then “regretted” it. Why does this jumped-up shit-gibbon always turn up and give his ill-informed gibberings to the world? Imagine Jack Nicholson saying, “nuke Russia” in 1984 at the Oscars?
“Hey, I got TWO Oscars, man, I know what I’m talkin’ about!” Pipe down and go back to your cocaine-filled Jacuzzi orgy, Sean Penn.
Peter Hitchens said the Iraq war was a ‘left wing war’.
He says says a lot of these ‘interventions’ are just ‘left wing wars’
Making the point I suppose that left wingers are just as war hungry as right wingers.
I think there’s some truth in that. ‘We must do something’ is very left wing. All the people pushing for an ‘intervention’ in Ukraine are left wing from what I can see.
And the Left is now diseased thinking.
“Peter Hitchens said the Iraq war was a ‘left wing war’”
Bit of an odd thing to say. Putin is not exactly your stereotypical left winger, is he? Then again Hitler was a Socialist, so maybe he has a point.
Our involvement came from the Left. The thinking behind it. Even though Dubia was a republican.
I think he is against the ‘something must be done’ crowd.
Like something must done whatever it is.
Very understandable impulse when you see the tv pictures.
But is it wise to involve ourselves? Maybe it will make matters worse? Prolong the thing? Widen it?
The Left was almost unanimously against the Iraq war.
The main protagonist was America, under the right-wing administration of George Dubbya, whose main players included Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and Condoleezza Rice – nothing Left thinking about them.
As for Ukraine, straight from the get go the West was quick to “do something” practical in support of Ukraine.
Pity Biden couldn’t keep his dozy trap shut about the things that the West would not do.
‘Intervention’ is a left wing.
Maybe I am thinking of Christopher Hitchens. He was left wing and supported the Iraq war enthusiastically.
And Blair of course.
Youve got to answer the question should The West/NATO get involved?
Look what happdned in Iraq
I repeat the ‘something must be done’ way if thinking is very dangerous.
It might exacerbate the situation.
Fuck’s sake……
2019 nuclear war simulation video:
Any talk of nuclear bombs should be banned on TV. That’s such an insane thing to say. But that’s where we are in 2022, people saying crazy shit on live TV like it’s rational and informed thinking. And that includes Joe Biden, a man who gets lost in his own house and thinks he is still VICE President.
Just learned that China is fucking around in the south Pacific, namely the Solomon Islands (2000 miles off the north-east coast of Australia) where they have bought an island (as you do) to create a naval base. They already sneakily built in naval base in Equatorial Guinea, which the CIA only discovered in November. I think we are entering a new Cold War, but this time it will be worldwide with skirmishes all over the Earth. Oh and Pakistan might be about to have a civil war, yippee!
If all the fucking peaceful men aged 18-60, fuck off home to Pakistan to participate in a civil war, then happy days ????
Pakistan has somehow got away with funding Islamic terrorism for years. It’s where Bin Laden was hiding. It’s a shit hole and should have been invaded instead of Afghanistan. Good news if they rip each other to pieces. Cunts.
I hope there isn’t a civil war in Pakistan otherwise we might end up with another couple of million of the cunts wanting 4* accommodation over here!
I’ve also been hearing that China has been conducting Y20 cargo plane exercises in Serbia. Didn’t know that those nations have a great relationship. I wonder if China will annex Taiwan this year?
Boris and Zelenskyy stroll through Kyiv…
My feeling is, that for the time being at least, the Chinese won’t invade and will be cautious. The Chinese are less impetuous than the Russians and will take a longer term view over what they regard as a rebel province. They can be extraordinarily patient. It’s certainly an aim though and the time will come when it happens. The question is how do we respond? We can’t sanction China as easily as they are so crucial to the world economy.
There is of course a difference with Ukraine. My wife is Chinese and she says the Taiwanese are totally Chinese and the same as mainland Chinese, which they are of course, and for centuries were a part of China. It’s rather as if the Isle of Wight declared independence from the UK. Of course since Shiang Kai Shek and his Nationalists fled China to Taiwan after losing to the Communists, Taiwan has forged its own identity and sense of nationhood in opposition to Red China. It’s a knotty problem.
You aren’t suggesting that China would be somewhat justified in annexing Taiwan, are you? I’ve never heard anyone suggest that before. Am I interpreting your words wrong?
You are interpreting my words wrong. I’m contextualising it.
To be clear – Taiwan has been independent for over 70 years now. They don’t want to be part of China. You can’t turn the clock back on that.
Right! It would be bat-shit crazy to suggest that it would be okay for China to just take over Taiwan. Chinese government are fucking savage. The ordinary people are amazing, though, I love Chinese history, philosophy, art. Have you seen the videos of people in Shanghai screaming from their windows for freedom? They’ve been locked up in their homes for over a week now. Streets are deserted, just a few cars on the roads, creepy.
China-Taiwan is something that pops up in British news from time to time, but it never really gets stuck into. I mean, who would come to Taiwan’s rescue? It would be tanks, troops, air cover, the whole shebang from China, they would not fuck around. I wonder how the world would react to that? And the Chinese naval bases in the Solomon Islands and Equatorial Guinea (western central African coast, 10,000 miles by sea from Shanghai) are worrying. You don’t just build naval bases on far-flung foreign ground for nothing. China’s Navy is massive, biggest in the world now, even the US DoD admitted that in 2020:
It feels like something BIG is coming, not World War 3 with nukes, but maybe a new Cold/Warm War that involves Russia, China and their sympathisers. And how would Biden, Boris, etc play that game? Eeek!
Chinas response to Covid is savage. People locked up for months. Families separated. China is still struggling with Covid because their home grown vaccine is shite. When the chips are down Western science and technology is way ahead of China. Everything they do “well” is because it’s either cheap or copied.
With Russia flexing its muscle over central Europe
China prick-teasing Taiwan
North Korea willy-waving over South Korea
And the muted rumbles of discontent in the Middle East and Eastern Africa, it wouldn’t surprise me if WW3 became a reality sooner or later.
Some 6 or 7 weeks on it would seem economic sanctions on Russia are not having the fast & furious reaction the West were hoping for. And with NATO, UN and EU all arguing among themselves as to what to do next without self-interest getting in the way, it would seem Russia has a marginal upper hand while Ukraine turns to dust and rubble.
All it would take to muddy the waters further is for China and N. Korea to walk the walk and invade their respective countries. What would Western leaders do on that score?
Dangerous times, more so with a massive standard of living crisis hitting millions of homes across Western Europe.
I used to roll my eyes at talk of WW3, but the way things are shaping up, we are entering a new era of sabre-rattling. Russia and China have made bold moves in the past few months and the sanctions by USA, UK, Europe on Russia aren’t bold moves, it has to be said, I doubt the Kremlin gives a fuck, they have over 3 billion customers in east Asia to sell to. It’s that Navy base in Equatorial Guinea that shocked me, I read about it in January, I and others missed it being reported in December. What balls for China to build a Navy base in western Africa, right on the Atlantic. They have been sniffing around Africa for years now, they are welcome there unlike honkies. Lots of “tourism” to Africa these days from China, ie. spies and military reconnoitering teams, I doubt they are there to snap a rhino taking a shit. Britain kicked out a bunch of Chinese “journalists” in 2020 when they were discovered to be spies…
I think we are soft on China. America under Beijing Biden certainly is. We were soft on Russia. As you say, Techno, dangerous times.
China is a totally different kettle of fish to Russia. China is the second largest economy in the world after America, Russia doesn’t even make it into the top ten – it’s economy is smaller than that of South Korea or Canada, ffs.
The only thing Russia has going for it is its nukes. Without them it would be little more than a world irritant. China and India, on the other hand…
China is the one to worry about for sure. Russia is just a failed state – but unfortunately one with nukes.
Is that what counts – economics? That they make stuff for us? That makes them… what? A necessary evil? We should make our own products like we used to. China spies on us, hacks our systems, has deplorable human rights abuses, has built the largest Navy in the world in no short order, has built a naval base in western Africa, is building one in the Solomon Islands, would love to annex Taiwan, Hong Kong and disputed Sea of Japan islands. The Chinese government, military and any intellectual influences from there are bad news. America went soft on them with Obama and Biden in 2009-16, Trump pushed back on them a bit, but now China are back to swinging their dick around. The world crisis is much bigger than Russia-Ukraine.
Then there’s Islam to factor in. We appease Islam every day in the West which is staggering in the aftermath of 9/11, 7/7, imam nutters who spout hate to us, etc. Muslims have been flooding in and not just to France, Germany, Britain, but into states like Tennessee, Washington DC. This photo, you’d think was taken in the Middle East…
It’s Michigan, USA! Look at that massive edifice! In Michigan! Old Glory is waving in the foreground to take the piss, I think. These huge mosques are going up everywhere in America.
And you have neo-Marxists in high office in America. Marxism for the 99.9%, not for them of course! BLM+LGBTQ+ brainwashing comes from those traitors. America needs to vote in non-RINO Republican and/or independent party patriots in November or America will be finished by 2030.
China is buying Africa. And the Africans are dumb and greedy enough to succumb to Chinese debt slavery.
China hasn’t been slow to take advantage of the vacuum left by the West in Afghanistan either:
Well, France and Britain controlled the most of the prime lands of Africa for 300+ years, stole them not bought them! And that came to an end. Now China is in there, no ill-will between Africans and Chinese and the African governments are and will increasingly be grateful for the money, know-how and all the rest from China.
Many of the big nations of Africa have decades-long development plans, something UK and USA don’t have, they expect the fruits of the future to rain down like manna from Heaven. And we left the EU, rightly so, but what is the plan for this century for Britain? None. Thumbs are up arses. We are caught up in Marxist word game subversions like gender pronouns and apologising for being an empire, so any talk of regaining strength in the world will be screamed down in parliament and in the media. Britain is caught between a rock and a hard place this century and if we continue to have weak leaders, we’ll become a backwater of the world, out-bred by Africans and Arabs.
But we aren’t weak, helpless lambs to the slaughter, the past thousand years won’t be for nothing, we can be a strong nation without becoming xenophobic nutters, we just need strong, wise men and women to step forward this decade.
I still can’t believe we spent twenty years and unknown billions of notes and countless deaths on fighting the 9/11 masterminds (yeah, right) in Afghanistan only to… just… fuck off, abandon the place to the Taliban. Another amazing move by 5-D chess-master Joe Biden. But he’s gung-ho for Ukraine? But he has yet to make a real strong military move, just podium platitudes. Imagine this situation under a strong U.S. leader? Wouldn’t have happened. Putin knew the blowback was going to be a muffled, odourless fart in his general direction when he invaded Ukraine and China must feel the same now, so you might see them make a BIG move this year, depending on how the wind blows.
The West’s defeat and a chaotic exit from Afghanistan were preordained long before Biden came to power. It’s hard to see how, or why, America’s capitulation would have been any better under Trump than it was under Biden. It was Trump, after all, who signed the disastrous international peace treaty with the Taliban in February 2020.
Trump – along with George Dubbya and Barry Obama – need to take their share of the blame and responsibility.
I wonder what Cunters think of this video? He certanly comes over to me as very human:
Hard to square with what he has unleashed on Ukraine.
You’d have to be born yesterday to be taken in by that piece of stage managed crap. Politicians in hospitals kissing babies, the oldest trick in the book.
Keep in mind that his actions in the Ukraine are utterly inhuman.
The fact that he has the superficial charm of a psychopath should come as no surprise to anyone.
Indeed. Hitler was utterly charming. As were Harold Shipman and Fred West.
Pol Pot was very quiet, diffident man, loving father, grandfather.
Murdered 2 million people. Sentence? House arrest. Died in his sleep aged 72.
Putin’s a smashing bloke, buys his mother flowers and that.
Idi Amin could tapdance,
And papa doc Duvalier had a lovely singing voice.
Tyrants glee club?
Idi Amin could actually play the accordion…
They should have got the cunt on Opportunity Knocks. Hughie Green could saved Uganda the deaths of 200,000 people. The crocodiles would have went hungry, though.
As well as being one of the funniest men of the 1970s,
Idi was also a talented boxer.
I liked him.
Funny, outspoken and fond of medals.
Bit of a racist though..
Cannibal too. Loved a medal.
The best thing about Idi Amin was his full title:
His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji
Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, CBE
Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Seas and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular
And, of course, King of Scotland. Maybe one day, Nicola Sturgeon will honour King Idi with a statue to show how Black Lives Matter in Scotland?
I hope so.
He would have my old grandad in fits of laughter.
As a kid it was nice to see my grandad laugh so hard hed have tears rolling down his face.
RIp Idi!
Thanks for all the laughter.
And for being kind to crocodiles.
Idi is an amateur in grandiose titles compared to Robert Mugabe – “Supreme Leader, First Citizen of the Nation, Honorary Black Belt and Professor of Diplomacy.”
And one of the titles of the President of Turkmenistan is “ the People’s Horse Breeder”.
Now that’s style.
Kim Jong-un too.
‘Brilliant comrade’, ‘His Excellency’, ‘A symbol of the mightyness of our country’ and ‘ Sun of the 21st century’
…….but he doesn’t like to brag about it.
King Prime Minister Sir Lord Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson-Churchill,
Explorer of All Fridges Both Domestic and Industrial
Most Erudite Master of Letters and Journalistic Integrity
Most Graceful, Svelte and Elegant Sartorial Satyr
World Champion of Classical Latin Quotations, and
Most Virile Father of Untold Children Throughout the Realm
Gladimir Putin.
Grand master and President of the Guild of Uphill Gardeners.
Dear Leader Jeremy Corbyn. Comrade of First Order of the Socialist Republic of Islington, Honorary Hezbollah member, IRA intermediary, 4th place in a Jeremy Corbyn lookalike competition, Diane Abbott enthusiast and lifetime President of the Allotment Association.