Pink Money

 Pink money describes the purchasing power of the LGBT community, often especially with respect to political donations. (Wikipedia)

In 2019, LGBT adults globally held a combined buying power of approximately $3.7 trillion. (Wikipedia)

Basically this group has enormous sums of money to force their ideas on other people and pay career activists to go around threatening any regular mum’s and dad’s that don’t think it’s a good idea to have drag queens going around in school confusing children, for instance.

By the way some of this money is ours! Taken from the taxpayer.

Some of these ideas are ridiculous, like allowing men to call themselves women and then letting them play in women’s sport, just look at the boxing in the recent Olympics!

This nonsense is now trying it’s best to ruin the Premier League, I don’t need a constant lecture about ‘inclusivity’, my attitude is live and let live, just stop fucking banging on about it all the time!

All the idiotic flag symbols everywhere, pathetic.

Apparently Pink Money bought the rights to ‘Man of the Match’ a few years back, so they could change it to ‘Player of the Match’. What is this a conspiracy to ruin everything we like? I’m starting to feel like cancelling my Sky subscription for going along with this nonsense, there’s no women on the pitch pretending to be men, so who the hell are you offending?!

Taking the piss out of us swear



Nominated by Al

Pee-dough Parents


A cautionary tale for all those Guardian reading, Labour loving right-on wankers who think that poofter parents (the man and his husband) should be allowed to adopt or otherwise procure babies and children.

Take the case of this pair, great darlings of the ginger movement, who fell in love, married, and were allowed to adopt two young boys, who had already experienced the horror of being born to drug addict parents. Having been adopted by Mr and Mr. Duckie, they faced even worse abuse.

The damage is done – God knows how those two traumatised boys will grow up having been subjected to the torture they have experienced already.

If homosexual men wish to “marry”, that’s fine, but let’s not allow them to adopt children, or even dogs, just in case beastiality is another of their per*ersions:

Daily Fail

Nominated by W C Boggs.

Deluded cunts


‘Twenty councillors quit Labour in Starmer protest’

What the fuck did these cunts expect. In Nottinghamshire for fucks sake.

Labour does not represent working people and hasnt for decades. It represents the interests of Islington luvvies, race baiters, Muslims and trannie supporters.

”The councillors – from Broxtowe Borough Council in Nottinghamshire – claimed the party had “abandoned traditional Labour values” and criticised policies such as cutting the winter fuel allowance for some pensioners.”

You need to be an old cunt with a fucking good memory to recall Labour espousing ‘traditional Labour values’


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

Jess Phillips


is a cunt.

This greasy haired, horse mouthed harridan has blocked a public inquiry into child sexual exploitation.

Oldham Council’s call for a government-led inquiry into historic Pakistani sex abuse of children has been overturned by Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Safeguarding and Violence Against Women and Girls.
So it would seem her job title has no meaning then, although I’m sure she gets well paid for it. Hypocritical cunt.

Why would an MP for Yardley in Birmingham want to ignore cries for help from Oldham? Surely it’s not because of the strong Muslim population in her constituency, who she doesn’t want to offend for fear of losing her seat at the next election.

If she turns a blind eye to this abuse, then as far as i’m concerned she is complicit to these heinous crimes, and Elon Musk is correct in his assessment that the vile bitch should be jailed.

Coming to a place near you courtesy of the Muslim loving, terrorist appeasing Labour government.

the critic

Nominated by Duke of Cuntshire.

Dead Pool [345]

Congratulations to Shaun who has won Dead Pool 344 by picking the French far-right President of the National Front between 1972 and 2011 Jean Marie Le Pen who has died today aged 96.Le Pen served as a Member of the European Parliament a Member of the National Assembly.He came a distant second in the General Election of 2002 and was appointed honoury President of The National Front in 2011 upon his retirement, until 4 years later when he was expelled from the Party by his daughter and current party leader Marine Le Pen.He was also the Grandfather of Marion Marachel an MEP and well known figure in right wing French Politics.

On to Dead Pool 345

The rules:

1)Pick 5 famous cunts you think will conk out next.No duplicates and it is first cone first serve.You can always be a cunt and steal someone elses nominations from a previous pool.

2)Anyone who nominates the worlds oldest man or woman is a cunt who we will ignore.

3)It must be a famous cunt we have heard of.

4)No swapping picks mid pool unless they have already been taken by someone else already.

5)Hits are awarded based on chronology of death reporting not necessarily in chronology of death.