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13 thoughts on “Nominations

  1. Lacking self-awareness.

    Here’s an example.

    What’s interesting about this is that the person in question was not some spotty, smelly teenager in a hoodie, but a 50 something man who really should have known better.

    I rarely travel on public transport, but occasionally go into the cesspit that is our city centre. The number of people who conduct conversations on their mobiles, often on loudspeaker /hands free astounds me.
    Do they think that there’s some kind of fucking soundproofing forcefield surrounding them, or do they simply don’t give a shit?

    Is this a lack of self-awareness, or simply the first signs of a total breakdown in civilisation?

    Better break out the woad and wolfskins folks.

  2. Blind pimples are cunts.

    I don’t know if it’s a side effect of my treatment. But spots have revisted the Norman fizzog for the first time since my teenage years.

    Only. they aren’t your common garden traditional pimples. To get rid of one of them was a doddle. A heated pin from my mum’s sewing box and burst the bastard.

    The ones that have plagued me of late are what’s known as blind pimples. They form under the skin and have no heads. The fuckers are usually on the chin or the side of the nose. Shiny lumps that don’t half bloody hurt.

    And, trying to squeeze one is a nightmare. All you get is a bit of blood, then some clear water-like shit. Attempting to take them out only makes them worse.

    Blind pimples are bastards.

  3. Just Stop Hoyle

    “Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s Home Affairs Correspondent Ron Knee reporting on the growing scandal concerning the travel expenses of Lindsay Hoyle, Speaker of the House of Commons.

    Now as well-versed followers of this site know, the Speaker presides over debates in the House, determining which members may speak, and which amendments are selected for consideration. He is also responsible for maintaining order during debate. A very important role in the work of government we can agree, but specific; this is done within the confines of Westminster. You’d think that there wasn’t much call for the Speaker to venture any great distance in the performance of his duties.

    But not so in the case of Mr Speaker Hoyle. Sir Lindsay has itchy feet and likes to get out and about, and by that, I mean further than the Commons’ tea room. Oh yes, much further; so much so that in just two years, he’s taken himself off to such exotic and distant climes as Gibraltar, St Helena and South Africa, Canada, the US, Australia and the Cayman Islands. Nineteen trips in fact, raking up a tab of a cool £250k. in the process.

    Naturally we aren’t talking about economy rates here. We’re talking hotels at £900 a night, and swanning around in the likes of the Ritz-Carlton in LA. There’s a five-day knees-up in the Caribbean costing £23k. There’s £4.5k on cars during one visit alone. And let’s not forget the dolphin safari. Yes, we’re talking superior class travel and accommodation all the way. It’s roll out the red carpet for ‘Long-haul Lindsay’, and guess who’s picking up the tab? Why, it’s you and me of course, Joe and Jane Taxpayer. Ironically, the only train that Mr Speaker can be seen boarding is the gravy train.

    Funnily enough, Sir Lindsay’s little excursions always seem to be to what might be regarded as highly desirable locations rather than less salubrious destinations around the globe. Funny that. They’re often termed ‘fact-finding trips’, which to me is just Whitehall waffle for ‘junket’. Nice work if you can get it.

    ‘Ordure! Ordure, Mr Speaker!’ This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”.


    Here is a French woman of African origin – she probably has an arse modelled on the boot of a 1951 Standard Vanguard Mk 1 – who is in need of a really good and painful cunting.

    This monument to indolence started work with HMRC in 2019, and the following year she launches a campaign claiming “discrimination”, then the poor little thing went of work in 2021 due to “stress” (of course), and requested, with typical entitlement that she “wanted correspondence kept to a minimum – and only by email”.

    Well,her employers sent eleven 11 emails over the course of the next month (that stress really lays you low honey child, innit), enquiring after her imaginary illnesses, then had the temerity to send her a birthday card – despite the lady’s strict instructions that she didn’t want to celebrate her birthday – so she did what any up-her-own-arse African woman would do and took HMRC to a tribunal, claiming “race and disability harassment” – and the stupid bastard judge AGREED with her claim saying sending that card “was unwanted conduct”.The old whore has now pocketed over £25,000 , £20,000 of which is for “injury to feelings”. If only ratings in the RN in my days at sea could have got £20k each time our parentage was questioned , for one example.

    No doubt the old bag will be celebrating her win on donating the money to Oxfam or other charities which support de brothers and sisters back home. But she will probably gorge herself on Jaffa Cakes and dem red beans and rice.

    Perhaps Reeves and Kendall should seek to make sure lazy cunts like her work, and don’t milk the tax payer, before they try to force white unemployed youths to fight in Kweer’s “coalition of the willing”, because they can’t get jobs because priority is given to trollops of colour, like Toure.:

  5. Delia El-Hosayny

    Delia was a former female bouncer, thought to be the first in the UK.

    She feels that female bouncers shouldn’t be called bouncers, as she thinks it’s “insulting”. Her preference is “ejection technician”.
    Apparently, when people say “bouncer”, Delia imagines someone… looking like a gorilla in a black suit with big arms…

    Can someone please buy Delia a mirror?

    I’ll add another link which gives a more detailed picture of this lady.

  6. Kodi-Shai Westcoff.

    In January 2024, Max Dixon (16) and his mate, 15 year old Mason Bist popped out to get pizza.

    They were mistaken for rival gang members and attacked by four thugs using machetes. The attack lasted just 33 seconds.

    Sadly, despite the best efforts, both boys died the following day.

    Westcoff, 17, expressed remorse in court as did Anthony Snook, Riley Tolliver and 2 other under 16 year olds. All got life, with lengthy minimum terms.

    This is an all too familiar story, so why am I singling out Kodi-Shai Wectcott for a cunting?

    Because whilst he was in Youth Detention, he videod a rap song that referred to “the 33”, the number of seconds the attack took.
    Also these lyrics.

    “Yeah, I’m 13s and bopping,
    Where’s he, he’s up in his coffin”

    Does that sound like remorse to you?

    Bring back the death penalty!
    Take a life, lose yours.

  7. Gary Lineker is still a cunt.

    Now, we all know that he is the woke smear of smarm that we all love to hate.

    However, this latest cunting is nothing to do with his migrant bum licking, LGBTQ lectures and anti-Brexit bollocks.

    This nom is about Lineker being a petulant cunt who has no respect for his betters.

    When Lineker was at Barcelona. The great Johann Cruyff told him to play on the wing. Gary, of course, didn’t like it. And he threw a tantrum. As long time students of the game will know, Lineker was not into doing hard graft on the pitch or mucking in. He was a goal hanger., and helping out his manager or his team mates was alien to him. Gary once told his England captain, Bryan Robson that he ‘didn’t tackle’ or ‘work outside the box’. Robbo should have battered him.

    Anyway, the disrespectful little shit basically refused to do what Cruyff wanted him to do. Lineker couldn’t even come near Johann. He wasn’t fit to clean out the Dutch Master’s ashtray, never mind clean his boots.

    Needless to say, the Match of the Day boys club and Gary’s toadies – Shearer nd Richards – lapped up Gary’s tale of ‘rebellion’ with their usual sycophancy.

    But, to me is just shows that Lineker is and always will be a premier cunt.

  8. The demise of journalism is a cunt.

    Not so long ago, journalists would go to any length to get a story and always protect their sources.

    Now we have nothing left but massive overuse of quotation marks, clickbait nonsense and the ones that winds me up the most, clearly paid comparisons along the lines of “I tried 6 dildos and one filled me up perfectly”, along with “I’ve never ate a kebab in my life but expenses let me try a local shop and I was stunned” kinda thing.
    But what set me off just now is this.

    The clown is not familiar with the concept of removing the plastic from black pudding which shows the calibre of journalist we have today, apologies for the dodgy “newspaper” in advance.

  9. Homosexuality in TV ads.

    Christ on a pogo stick, is nothing sacred?

    We are now bombarded with gays and lesbians at every fucking opportunity.

    This is the latest advertising offering from Great Western Railway.

    Enid Blyton’s famous 5, first published in 1942 for the delight of small children everywhere has now become nothing more than a vehicle to promote lesbianism.

    This shit must have been signed off by an executive from GWR, so who exactly does he think buys tickets for his railway?
    And why would he think that having cartoon children endorsing lesbianism will increase those ticket sales?

    Hungary seems to be the only country taking action against this debauchery.
    They have banned the annual Pride exhibition and have taken all obvious póófters off the television.

    It’s about time that every country did the same.

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