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7 thoughts on “Nominations

  1. Let us have a truth is stranger than fiction cunting for the Zizian Death Cult of High Tech, Vegan, Trannsexual Vampires.

    This story is bizarre and disturbing even by Cunt Engine standards.

    In September of 2022 an obituary was posted in a local newspaper for one Jack Amadeus LaSota who fell overboard and (presumably) drowned in the Pacific Ocean. His body was never recovered.

    Cross the continent and fast forward to January 2025, and two US Border Agents and one suspect are killed in a shootout in Vermont. At some point another suspect was captured.

    From that point on these 2 stories intersect and what unfolds becomes frighteningly surreal.

    The Border Agents were killed by members of the Zizian Death Cult, a group of Vegan Transexual High Tech Vampires. Their leader is none other than the aforementioned Jack LaSota aka Ziz…the Ziz in Zizian…who as it turns out is not dead after all.

    This High Tech Vegan Vampire Tranny is said to be responsible for (at least) 6 deaths across the nation.

    Back in 2019 before it disappeared, it seems as though Ziz and it’s associate Felix “Ophelia” Baukaut, started attracting followers when they began a kind of Vampiresque / High Tech Blog talking about hacking and the undead.

    Given what I know about vampires, the blood and vegan thing seems a little odd to me but who am I to question a genius.

    Anyway, Ziz along with 3 other accomplices left civilization, donned black robes and Gut Fawkes masks and went into the wilderness to write their manifesto.

    From there the story gets even weirder (if you can imagine that). When they emerged, they become involved in some kind of kiddie creeper protests that resulted in criminal action against them. At the time it’s defense attorney…one Daniel Kapleovitz said of Ziz:

    “LaSota seemed like a very kind and thoughtful person who cared about animals and protested against injustice.”

    I’m not sure that Attny Kapleovitz is a very good judge of character. I have a hard time just getting past the whole High Tech, Vegan, Tranny, Vampire thing.
    Be that as it may…

    As the case dragged on it seems Ziz got involved in a murder and was forced to fake it’s own death and go underground. (No vampire / undead / buried in it’s native soil pun intended.)

    Now, six years later, thanks to the capture of one of the Transpires, Ziz has been arrested and is being held in connection with at least 6 murders…including the execution style murders of 2 people (aged 69 and 71) in Pennsylvania and one Samurai sword killing (age 80) in California.

    I’m going to stop now and provide you with a 2 in 1 link from the Daily Mail so you can read the story for yourselves:

    I say 2 in 1 because this link is a story about Zis’ arrest with a little background information. If you click the link in the first paragraph; “Bay Area vegan trans ‘death cult” it will take you to a previous story with more detailed background information.

    As dark and disturbing as this story is there is some good news.

    Remember Opheila? It was shot dead by police…presumably by a silver bullet or a garlic filled hollow point.

    And the 80 year old guy who got stabbed with the Samurai Sword…the old guy went down fighting and shot one of his attackers dead. Ditto the bullet.

    And according to some accounts, there is at least one survivor of the Death Cult’s attacks who can give evidence and testify against them.

    I’m almost at a loss for words. Truth really is stranger than fiction and it seems blatantly superfluous to say that the Zizian Death Cult of High Tech Transexual Vegan Vampires are cunts.

  2. Anti abortionists.

    Likely highly contentious but to me, anyone opposed to abortion is a cunt.

    As are Poileas Alba but that is a whole seperate cunting.

    I dont know why anyone would want to hang around abortion clinics trying to put women/young girls off bringing yet another mistake or even a result of less than legal baby making into the world?

    Their right to peacefully protest, sure, their right to silent prayer, fine.
    Slippery slope for other topics if those rights are lost.

    But to me, the right to abort for whatever reason should be set in stone, mistakes happen, circumstances meaning any potential child would be better off not being born happen and shit happens.

  3. ‘Dr Who’

    I’ve not watched ‘Dr Whoke’ for years, but the received wisdom is that the show could be circling the drain.

    Viewing figures are in the toilet, with fans apparently cheesed off with its now incessant wokery, and the word is that latest Doc incarnation Ncunti Gatwank has his eye on projects in Hollywood (code for ‘doesn’t want to be left clutching the sonic screwdriver as the Tardis gets sucked into a black hole’).

    The Beeb’s been forced to deny that the show faces the axe, and the production team will no doubt try to double down and claim that recent problems are due to there being not enough ‘progressive’ zeal being demonstrated. If Gatwank is indeed off, the long-suffering licence fee payer should prepare for a burka-wearing Dr with a limp, with an asylum-seeking companion who’s just arrived here in a dingy.

    It won’t matter in the least to the production team if the show ends up with an audience of a hundred; they’ll still have a platform for their loony agenda, and it’ll be somebody else’s cash that’ll be paying for it. It’s as good a reason as any I’ve heard for defunding the BBC.

  4. Two tier again, suddenly kier has discovered a streak of martial desire. British troops to police Ukraine border zone up to 20000 so general admiral Keir stated. Then the RAF will police the skys over said border and stop those troublesome ruskis from doing more naughty things. Fuckf me the amount of money the west hove poured into Ukraine plus all the equipment is likely greater than the money we have shelled out to Pakistan in aid and bribes (a lot). Obviously a money tree has been found.
    When will these cunts realise our armed forces are so small that defending a small town would be problematic. Surely it’s time to follow the Swiss model, neutrality, the armed forces defend the U.K. not outer inner left side belonge. I suppose the cull of pensioners will go some way to funding kiers attempts at martial glory, interestingly the majority of our European “allies” have said bollocks to that scenario no way are we going to use what’s left of our armed forces. Kier appears to be entering a Saint George episode. If his money, life wasting plan comes together will he be striding forward leading his tiny underequipped, underpaid, woke crippled force. Of course not. Bunch of arsewipes the lot of them.


    Well just when you think you have seen and heard it, you see something that makes you go hot and dizzy and not in a good way, see above link.
    We have been drawn to the plight of the modern gypsie/ traveller community and these hard done by minority are disillusioned with their lot in life, lots of moaning and whinging about how difficult it is for them to live in the conditions and the general feeling they get from the general public, so I would like to set a few things strait here.
    They feel persecuted by the police, I know for fact there are 2 camps in Cardiff and the police dont want to go there if they can avoid it, but when the place is a haven for stolen cars, wire spools, plant and equipment, illegal vehicles, stolen dogs, fires, ferral kids even a slaves once, I shit you not and anti theft trackers pinging away like some sort of demented Lilly Allen song what the fuck do they expect, stop theiving and breaking the law and this wouldnt be a regular occurrence.
    Then they moan that the conditions are not good, first of all they are not wanted in any town [ trust issues you see, fucking well deserved as well], so they have camps built for them, again in Cardiff when these were new, they ripped all the copper pipes out of the shower blocks, weighed it all in and then demanded the council repaired the damage, for fuck sake, but the council used plastic pipes the next time and surprise, surprise they are still there, lesson learned.
    Then they are moaning that people are racist, now are these theiving gysie bastards actually a race apart or just a breed apart, im leaning towards the latter here, the facts are they are not to be trusted and they prove this fact again and again by theiving, conning and general dishonesty every fucking day and everywhere they go.
    Again Cardiff, there was a funeral some years back and these inbred cunts decided to completely block a main road out of town by literally using it as a car park, they they had the biggest theiving, lying, shit kicker talk to the press to say how these cunts were so miss understood and they cant understand why the are less popular than Meghan Markle.
    The same aforementioned pikey, likes to park horses on other peoples land and then claim it for himself after an allotted period of time.
    They they claim there are rats the size of dogs where they live, now if they weren’t so cruel to their animals , didnt have teid up horses,dead, dying or killed animals hanging around looking forward to the next life [ hopefully doggy heaven is pikey free] and tidied their self caused shit holes they wouldnt have overfed, giant super rats running around the place.
    Then they moan that the Welsh government are not pandering to their demands, have they not noticed the country is in the shit and a percentage of this is down to these cunts directly, while they dont pay taxes, drive around in Mercs when not driving the Tranny around looking for things to steal, wasting police time all the time.
    Ripping off all the local businesses by day and breaking in by night, thank god we dont live in Appleby, must be a fucking nightmare.
    So now I can say these fuckers deserve absolutely everything they get, nobody wants them around because they are cunts of the highest order in every level in life.

  6. Ravi Jayaram is a cunt, who should be pilloried in the way that Letby was and this is a small attempt to balance the ledger

    Let’s be clear Lucy Letby in all likelihood is innocent, what cant be denied is that she did not receive anything resembling a fair trial. So out NHS and Justice system is well and truly fucked
    There are too many cunts to mention vice cunt captain is probably Dewie Edwards a money grabbing non expert and Dr Stephen Brearley who along with the nominee had a huge axes to grind with Letby, not to mention each are directly responsible for killing a child each.
    Ravi played the humble hero after Letby was found guilty and was the main instigator contacting the police with Brearley only after losing a grievance hearing made by Letby against them for which they had to apologise to Letby .
    Apparently Ravis memory improved over time and he was able to confirm the exact time he had seen Letby allegedly “killing” which amounted to her doing nothing and the time he gave amazingly matched swipe access data (almost as thought he had colluded with police and had seen the data)
    The only problem was the clowns at Cheshire police had fucked up and Letby had actually left the ward not entered, essentially meaning the prosecution evidence, which was proof of nothing anyway because it was clearly a fabrication by Jayacunt, is now 100% exculpatory evidence and matched Letby and other nurses statement and a clear indication that Jayacunt was lying.
    This sub human trash was the instigator of the allegations against Letby who has had her life destroyed.
    There is now not a single piece of evidence against Letby can’t be refuted or that doesn’t have an infinitely more plausible explanation.
    This cunt is responsible for millions of wasted taxpayer money on enquiries into murders that probably never happened, , hiding what were obvious failings in the NHS, he probably killed a child under his care by inserting a breathing tube incorrectly ,and then tried covering it up by blaming a nurse he had lost a grievance hearing to days before making the allegation, this media whore was also lead singer in shit band ironically called The Deluded

    This is one narcissistic cunt of all cunts, and I challenge anyone to say otherwise

  7. Boris Johnson Meet and Greet Photo Opportunity

    I read with amazement today that this shameless, scruffy, wibbling cockwomble has an event on 2 September at Usher Hall, Edinburgh, titled ” An Evening with Boris Johnson”. Tickets are priced between £53 and £159. He will talk about his massive victory and how he got Britain back on course etc. I pondered about what sort of person would what to go to such an event and listen to this utterly delusional ballbaggery. Certainly nobody I know.

    But it got worse..for a further £121.25, attendees can have a photo taken with him shaking their hand. I would be afraid I wouldn’t get it back.
    It seems fair to say that we are in financially challenging times and I would question the mental stability of anyone that bought a ticket, never mind the photo opportunity. Probably the sort of person who would buy Magic Beans or Tower Bridge.
    What a festering bag of old wank.

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