Coronoviral Shit

We all agree that it’s a bit of a cunt – even more so because it’s clogging up the site.

In future you can fill her boots here and if you post anywhere else then guess what? Yep, it’s binned.

3,639 thoughts on “Coronoviral Shit

  1. I just e-mailed my MP asking the shit cunt where he stands on mandatory vax and whether he’d vote against proposals despite the Whip. I was about as polite as polite can be, thanking the cunt for his servitude etc.

    I urge you to write to your MP and find out if its a mandatory vax loon or not. If its a loon, you need to write back with a considered and polite response telling it why its wrong.

    Sorry I didn’t keep to my own advice about letters; I will organise myself and do that. E-mails too easy and they can just select all+ ctrl+delete, cunts.

  2. Our Bunteresque MP does not have time for correspondence as it interferes with his cake eating activities. Cunt.

      • Cuntologist@ – An utter waste of time, energy and breath complaining about your local MP – I have had now over a year of getting my fat, useless “wandering hands” MP to do his job – and was told in a very snotty email by the Tories that “it is not the job of a member of Parliament to represent their constituents” – so what the fuck IS their job?
        I will enjoy watching that piece of human sewage cry as I remove him at the next election.
        A dish tasted cold..

  3. I’ve mentioned before that I had the first vaccination and genuinely thought that it was going to kill me…it’ll be a fucking brave Cunt who tries to give me a second.

    • Evening Mr Fiddler,

      My sisters next door neighbour was hospitalised after his first jab. For a werk or so. He was in ‘a terrible way’, blotches all over his skin.

      Funny his enthusiasm bmwhen he brought my sister and myself and himself to the local surgery for our and his second jab. Absolutely up for it he was.

      Always fully masked up he is.

      Just booked me and my sister’s third jab for next Thursday. With very very little enthusiasm. Luckily it isnt far away.

      Lots you could say. But maybe its a little strange that this exhortation to avoid spreading disease why is it needed? Not a goid comparison but I am sure during the Black Death they would have jumped at the chance of a vaccine. Wiith this I honestly decided I couldnt be arsed.

      But the headlines have got to me. So dutifully I will keep wearing my mask and getting jabbed.

      The lovely Jacinda down under said ‘the government is the only source of truth’. And in a way for me she is right. You either believe the govt. or the conpiracy theorists.

      • This could be it. Remember a few years ago when what seemed ludicrous safety measures were introduced into the workplace. ‘This is ‘Elf & Safety gone mad’ .

        I sometimes think the response to this pandemic is the same; ‘Elf & Safety gone mad’.

      • Evening,Miles.

        I’m certainly not saying that anyone who gets another jab is wrong…it’s just that I believe that I’m more liable to take harm from the cure than the complaint. As for “keeping everyone else safe”..well,I’ll always put my own well-being above anyone else’s.

      • I don’t believe the government. But I trust the medical professionals of my acquaintance and majority medical /scientific opinion re vaccination.

        The rest of it – masks, vaccine passports, mandatory shite, etc, I have zero time for.

        Evening Miles, Dick.

      • Better say Mr F there was no problem for the next door neighbour with his second jab. Just switched it to another one.

        RT But the medical professionals are in favour of ‘The rest of it – masks, vaccine passports, mandatory shite, etc, ‘.

        Wouldnt you say?

      • Evening,RTC.

        I’m the same…I believe the medics and believe that getting the jab is probably the right thing to do to protect others ( don’t think I’d take much hurt even if I did catch it)….but no fucking way that I’m going to selflessly risk myself to benefit anyone else.

      • @ Miles. No. I think medical opinion is more evenly divided when it comes to masks and passports, and most are certainly not in favour of mandatory vaccination.

        @ Dick. Having the jab (s) is to protect me, not others. It may offer some protection against my passing on the virus, but primarily it’s there to protect the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated.

        Masks (if used correctly) may help prevent the wearer from passing on the virus, but the downside of wearing them far outweighs any effectiveness they might have, imo.

    • My first AZ jab did fuck me up for 48 hours, I thought my immune system had disappeared up its own arse 😂
      The second was fine, no issues but the booster did give me some fever and a headache.

  4. If they make it compulsory then it effects everyone, and they won’t stop at a 4th booster either. It’s also a way of getting it into the arms of children down to age 5 without parental consent.

    Once you have no right to bodily autonomy then you are a slave and owned by another power, and at that point our free liberal society is officially finished and we become a failed state.

    The fact Bojo would even hint at it is a fucking disgrace. Not only that but he intentionally tried to pin the blame on the unjuiced for why we’re still under restrictions.. the propaganda is winding up, leading people to accept blaming the unjuiced and then accept compulsory jabs.

    Nick Ferrari, Andrew Neil, and others have in the last week or so have called for punishment and blaming the unjuiced – I told you about Neil before, Ruff. I knew Ferrari was full of shit after he deflected the ‘grooming’ gangs saga a few years back.

    • Andrew wire wool Neil and Nick Ford Ka Ferrari are both a pair of despicable odious windbags.
      What makes me laugh most about cunts like these two is that they are obese.
      Forget worrying about the unjabbed – worry about your waistlines and jowls instead, you pair of fat bastards.
      The only conclusion I can draw from these two being so overweight, is that the rest of the entire country are to blame for not all being on a diet at same time, thereby somehow keeping them both fat.

      Pair of Cunts.

    • TBCC@ – Next thing? “Accidental vaccine release into water supply, discovered just after “Government” leaves office”..
      At this stage I would put NOTHING past them.

    • Agreed.We never voted for these Commies.A whiff of power and they all act as dictators.I feared a new lockdown.Doris the rat has to leave NOW.Unsalvagable.Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah same old turd.Piss off you twats in the SAGE and Onion party.

      • I watched the puppet show, after eating a lovely meal and quaffing some cheap wine!!!! I have to say……really I found it all very uncomfortable. I am not antivax and to date am X2
        then 40mins later gat a call from my 80 year old mother demanding I get the booster or she will cancel Christmas ……. Fear factor In all its glory!!!!! Fuck these horrible cunts I am with vernon we need to drain this swamp and I am off to the shed to sharpen the pitchfork fuck this bunch of horrible cunts!!!!!

      • Well my booster is this Thurs. Can’t come soon enough. Wish I hadn’t have dithered.
        Just my feeling.

      • The irony being that even if every man woman and child in this country were injected triple times – they’d just invent another variant to keep up the bullshit.
        So jab away and give these absolute bastards all the ammunition they need.

        This doesn’t end until the people grow a set instead of queuing up for perpetual experimental injections, hoping that by taking them and being a dutiful citizen – you’ll be granted some form of freedom.

    • Are you scared yet? Well are you, peasants?

      This will never end. Taking the jib jabs fucks up your immune system making you vulnerable to the mong variant. The solution? Take more jib jabs. Circular,much? When will people realise it is just a load of mental wank?

      Covids level four does not affect me. I am exempt.

    • I was waiting for a text which I duly got about a few weeks ago. Before the start of Omicron. And just dithered because I didnt think it was an emergency.
      Boris says it is an emergency. I am not so sure. But I would like the vaccine in my arm.

      • “Boris says it’s an emergency”

        There’s the answer to whether it’s an emergency or not right there Miles.

      • I wouldn’t believe Boris if he told me Queen Elizabeth is a woman with a cervix.

        It’s NOT an emergency. But if you want to be best protected, having the booster is a no brainer.

  5. I’ve had my three shots and I’ve had my flu jab. Frankly I see no reason to differentiate between the two.

    I suppose you could compare this to the Spanish Flu epidemic that killed thousands.

    It’s a personal choice but to me the sensible thing is to get jabbed and use a mask in confined spaces.

  6. How the fuck does requiring vakzine passports for entry into nightclubs help protect the vulnerable? Are 80 year olds into the dance, drug and street shag scene? Pre-loading on Mackeson!

    • Be surprised if the answer was yes. But any 80 year olds who are into nightclubbing will most likely have been triple jabbed, so Covid passports (even if they worked, which they don’t) would be null and void anyway.

      Morning Twenty.

  7. Only one way out of this – more boosters.

    We should maybe introduce them in the form of something akin to an advent calender.

    First monday of all 52 weeks of the year – pop the little compartment open – take out your little syringe and jab away.

    That’s 52 experimental injections into the arm in one year.
    Now if that doesn’t reassure a frightened public then nothing will.

    I hope Pfizer and the likes don’t steal my idea.

    • We’re going to end up like the population of totalitarian city of Libria in the film Equilibrium, injecting a dose into our necks at intervals throughout the day in order to suppress our emotions and remain compliant little serfs.

      • Indeed Chunky.

        If you take pinch here and a sprinkling there of every dystopian sci-fi you’ve ever seen – you arrive at December 2021 and the death throes of what was once called a free Western society.

  8. ****Breaking News****

    One patient has been confirmed to have died “with” the Mandela variant.

    A 99 year old terminal cancer patient, no doubt.

    • Media cunts can’t even be bothered to explain how old/if obese/co-morbidities/caught in hospital/caught 28 days ago/vaxxed or unvaxxed. That even goes for Talk Radio.

      What is their problem with journalism?

      • They’ve been like this right from the start. It’s a fucking disgrace, because the details actually matter.

        All we get is big numbers without a breakdown, colourful graphs without context, and CGI representations of the virus.

        It’s clear obfuscation. You don’t need a PhD in statistics to see they’re deliberately misleading the public.

    • So glad I don’t have kids. What a den of snakes this world is.

      Looks like we’ll get to see just how morally debased the general population is. Or maybe not? Maybe we’ll see a bit of righteous anger and a few strung up from lampposts.

    • Twenty@ – If parents are so gutless, spineless, piss weak and cowardly as to allow their children to be stabbed with the death shots I have zero sympathy.
      Do these same people walk across motorways and whine if a car hits them?
      Grow a fucking spine.

  9. Crucifixion? Second on the left, one cross each. Self flagellation? Third door on the right, one razor blade whip each. Suicide? Go to the top floor and jump. Experimental jab? Ahh, you are a very wise person. For you sir we have a special v.i.p. room. Just take anything you want, it’s all free. If sir would just sign this unimportant piece of paper to say you attended today we are good to go.

  10. In moderation for providing 3 x links to stories of 3 elite level footballers struggling with breathing difficulties at the weekend.

    Sure it’s just the Omicron variant…

  11. Keith, why do we have to keep taking a vaccination that doesn’t seem to do anything ?. We will be safe when the government tells us Candice Marie.

  12. Sir Kneel Starmer on voting with HMG to impose more draconian measures on the population….

    ‘I don’t support Boris, I’m voting with the government because I’m patriotic’

    What a fucking shit weasel that cunt is.

    The Labour Party patriotic?!?!?!?

    pull the fucking other one Kweer, it’s got knobs on it. You utter wanker.

    • His little pride speech was one giant contradiction wrapping many little contradictions. A proper Soviet style proclamation, with a rainbow hammer and sickle.

      Globalist shill.

    • On Sunday Kweer was asked why he would be voting with the Government.

      His answer: “because it’s in the public interest.”

      Fucking nincompoop.

      • “Further restrictions” are in the public interest but identity of voters isn’t in Labour’s interests.


        Just when I thought I couldn’t despise the Labour Party any more than I do already.

        The Conservatives, in coalition with the opposition and pharmaceutical companies are the true virus.

      • Ooooh I will have all 3 at once but only if it means I can go on my hollybobs or sip expensive cocktails in a trendy bar with my fellow triple jabbers – while always always practicing social distancing of course.

        Afternoon Ruff.

      • I’ve had the most terrifying exoerience earmier today RT. I told everyone on bere that I was anxious to have the booster jab. Anyway I couldn’t wait while Thursday so I have gone straight down this morning to one of these ‘walk in centre’s’ and was greeted by this fellow-

        DR Jekyll his name. He said hed just had the ‘mixture’ himself. That’s a funny word for the vaccince I thought.. He looked very strange.
        And now I am feeming all funny and strange. There are a hairs on my wrists and hands. What is happeing to me?

      • Reckon you got off lightly, Miles. After I had mine I collapsed in the street… next thing I knew I was being abducted by Bill Gates using Elon Musk’s spaceship!

        Naturally I was a bit concerned but Bill reassured me by taking out his willy and giving me a dicky-back ride. He went “ooh oooh” then all this white stuff got splashed on my botty hole!

        He explained: “oh, all the Brasso has come out and got on your botty and I’m going to have to take a cloth and wipe your botty clean cos it’s got all this white Brasso on it”.

        So he took his handkerchief out and wiped my botty all the time, wiping and wiping and wiping till it was all nice and shiny like new.

        Anyway, to cut a long story short, he dropped me off at Sainsbury’s cos I needed to get some Walkers crisps and a copy of Radio Times. Thinking back, it was a lucky escape, cos he could have done something really nasty, like hurt me…

        I’m in Sainsbury’s now, not wearing a mask. I played the “I’m exempt” card. A bit of a cop-out, I know, but I’m too much of a coward to make any sort of principled stand.

        Derek & Clive send their regards.

      • @Ruff
        The only part of that impressive story that I don’t believe is that you were going to buy Walkers crisps.

      • Even though I support the spirit of it I don’t like people claiming to be exempt when they’re not. It gives people who genuinely are a bad name.

      • I am totally Covids exempt, have been for nearly two years. Works a fucking charm.

      • OC @ 8:49pm.

        I agree. Cunts who claim to be exempt from wearing a mask when they aren’t have zero integrity in my book. Instead of hiding behind loopholes in the law they should be prepared to put their money where their mouth is and risk being arrested or fined. Then have their day in Court, sue the Government, whatever. Anything less is cowardice.

        Contrary to what I posted below @ 2:21pm, I did not play the “I’m Exempt” card in Sainsbury’s, for the simple reason that no-one challenged me for not wearing a mask – in fact I’ve not been challenged in any shop since the recent regulations came into play. But had I been challenged I would reluctantly have put one on, rather than pretend to be disabled.

    • 15m jabs to freedom, eh.

      It was supposed to be about the elderly and vulnerable, because the jabs only reduce severe symptoms (allegedly).

      Now it’s everyone. Including children. Multiple times.


  13. How is the mass debate going in the House of Cunts? Last I heard, Covids restrictions will be temporary, or was it permanent? Sad Jabber seemed unsure.

      • If Covids are so deadly how come the unvakzined are still alive? Oh, I just remembered the 99.98% survival rate.

      • It’s just a matter of time, tick, tick, tick 😂

        Seriously, you know very well it is age related.

        The only real worry is that if Omicron is very easy to catch but just gives a mild illness then that may sound fine but not if millions of people are off work for a week or so.
        Everyone talks about hospitalisations but there is a chance (if it transmits easily) some of the countries infrastructure could be shut down.

      • Best get jib jabbed then! Oh, I forgot, it doesn’t stop you getting it. Ha, ha, ha.

  14. I’ve noticed a massive increase in any Google search criticising wuflu electric boogaloo 2 using the words ‘ fact check’ or ‘ debunked’ as a massive pile of lying cunt. Before all this shit started I used to be in a WhatsApp group with my 3 closest friends. When it started I posted links to them about obvious discrepancies in truth over absolute propaganda. One of the group who works for a major I.T. Company started sending links with fact check and debunked taglines and I gave him the benefit of his idea of truth. I researched all of his links and every single one is either a made up person or a complete media shill. But him being a bit of a left leaning ostrich would not have any of my critical thinking. I’ve tried to contact him explaining my position as just a friendly debate about the situation. He will not be moved from his superior virtuous holier than thou attitude. Saying that, being a sensible weed smoking partial alcoholic, my point was probably lost in translation. 😆

    • Fucking ‘fact checkers’. Even worse than Wikipedia where at least you are required to do your own digging. ‘Debunking’ is what those two fucksticks on myth busters do.

      Both are the refuge of the intellectually lazy and cowardly. Made by cunts, for cunts.

      • If someone comes out with a dubious claim as being ‘fact’ who would you determine has the authority to check that claim.

  15. “Fact checkers” Reuters’ Chairman and former CEO James C. Smith is a big time investor and board member of Pfizer.
    For example.

    The fact checkers could maybe do with being fact checked themselves when it comes to this virus racket.

      • So what? The point is that Reuters are going to have a vested interest in positive vaccine coverage because of such a conflict of interest.

      • Precisely.

        It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the news and media coverage has been ridiculously and overwhelmingly biased in favour of all things virus/fear with practically zero counter narrative other than “conspiracy”

        Medical professionals who have spent the best part of a lifetime in medicine are suddenly all conspiracy theorists for calling out this absurd, contradiction riddled, half truth crap for what it is.

        It doesn’t require much effort to smell the whiff of corruption or vested business interests either.

        Money talks and these rotten bastards continue to get richer on the backs of peoples misery by manipulating far too many dozy bastards in to blind compliance.

      • I doubt very much that Reuters would fake news on the grounds that it is in conflict with a board member having shares in Pfizer.
        If you believe that then fine, who would you believe to give you actual facts, if the answer is someone on YouTube tube who has a definite agenda then where is the balance.

    • All I’m saying SOI is that such conflicts of interest should generally be avoided, and the fact that it exists will naturally call the reporting of Reuters on the issue into question.

      • There’s hope yet. Boris can’t rely on Labour all the time and every time he has to do so weakens the legitimacy of his government.

      • It’s given the buffoon a bloody nose, not sure he is mortally wounded yet, that may come Friday after the by-election result.

        This at least will make them think hard about the implementation of further restrictions, given the size of this kick back.

        Vote Tory get labour.

        I watched some of the debate, the Liebore Shadow Health Sec is an utter arsewipe. The cunt looked about 12 and acted as if he was giving a corporate power point presentation. Dog help us.

  16. Is the morning star a sarcastic website? I’m reading it now? And I quote this amongst other Bullshit….’measures that seek to prohibit political criticism and activity, increase state surveillance on non virus related activities, prolong the term of office of central government and “normalise” the presence of uniformed armed forces personnel in civil society must be mandatory.

  17. What constitues reputable? Or who is qualified to speak?

    ‘Chris Whitty is a physician and epidemiologist who works in public health, science policy and clinical medicine. Previously Professor of Public and International Health (to 2019) and now honorary professor at LSHTM. Currently Chief Medical Officer for England and chief medical adviser to the UK government, Consultant NHS physician at UCLH and The Hospital for Tropical Diseases and Gresham Professor of Physic, Gresham College. Previously Chief Scientific Adviser Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) and head (CEO) of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) 2016-21; Interim Government Chief Scientific Adviser, head of the Government Office for Science and head of the government science and engineering profession 2017-18; Chief Scientific Adviser and Director of Research and Evidence, UK Department for International Development (DFID) 2009-2015. Worked as a clinician and in research in the UK, Africa and Asia. Postgraduate training in epidemiology (MSc LSHTM, DTM&H), economics (MBA, DipEcon), medical law (LLM). Trustee of Sightsavers. Previous roles include director of the multidisciplinary LSHTM Malaria Centre, trustee of the international health NGO Merlin, chair of the UK Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) and of the National Expert Panel on New and Emerging Infections (NEPNEI), and director of the international ACT Consortium on malaria prevention and treatment.’

    His qualifications gives him a certain authority surely?

    • Qualified doesn’t mean you’re automatically right, Miles. Which is precisely why we have debates and conversations involving opposing positions, and why government must consult widely.

      Which simply hasn’t happened by the way. All opposing voices, who are also qualified, have been marginalised or ignored.

      Look at the JCVI. The gov ignored their advice when it suited them and fired members with ‘regrettable’ beliefs.

      Letters after you’re name doesn’t mean shit. Look at the sheer number of cunts the queen has ordained into various orders and ranks!!

      • Read a comment elsewhere about Whitless. It simply read ‘next time Chris, it won’t be just a headlock’.

        Food for thought.

    • @Miles

      Dr Sucharit Bhakdi has letters after his name as well and is one of the most cited research scientists in the world of medicine.

      His opinion on Con-a-virus has been largely ignored…

      Your point is?

      • @HJ. I’m suprised your citing this anti-Semite :

        ‘In a video released as part of his campaign, Bhakdi articulated antisemitic views, saying Israel is “even worse” than Nazi Germany, and “That’s the bad thing about Jews.”

      • Well that’s it settled then.
        Once you are or at least accused of being an anti semite – that’s it – you’re discredited for all eternity.
        Possibly the ultimate stick with which to beat down the opposition.

        You on the Guinness tonight Miles?

      • As I said before – discredited for all eternity.

        On the back of this, the man’s obvious medical experience, qualifications, reputation and insight are now null and void.

      • Believing in a conspiracy on one topic doesn’t automatically make someone wrong on another. You’re falling into exactly the kind of trap we’re so against on here Miles.

  18. A lot of people and shady drug companies are making FAR too much money from this whole sham to let it go now.

    Also, why in two years of all this nonsense haven’t we expanded the health service to cover the increased demand? Instead, we simply filed the country with more and more people who create more and more demand.

    I’m finished with the whole thing and I think people are becoming more and more convinced this is a bit of flim flam.

    • Reducing GP appointments so they can administer a booster to a demographic who don’t fucking need it.

      Got a suspicious lump? Back of the line, pal!

      Morale is low. I think we need some more dancing tiktok nurses.

  19. I listened to my local radio station yesterday 13/12 and I nearly drove my van into a brick wall in sheer fucking anger.
    A presenter was outside a booster jab centre interviewing people queuing up to either wait for a walk in jab, or a pre booked jab.
    What was overwhelmingly apparent was just how fucking thick people really are. One such cunt was a university stooooodent.
    Presenter- “ why are you here today?”
    Female student- SO (piss already boiling by the use of that word to start a sentence) I’m spending Christmas with my family and don’t want to make them poorly “.
    Since when has a vaccine stopped a virus from being transmitted… utter thick cunts.

    • Top to bottom. In the commons yesterday Wes Streeting, Labour cunt opposite Javid, repeatedly used the line of ‘safety and confidence, via jabs’ to justify vax passes.

      When questioned directly about the evidence regarding transmission and jabs, “there is some evidence, I wouldn’t put it any stronger than that”.

      So no evidence. Justifying ‘papers please’ because the plebs want to feel safe?

      Fucking duplicitous cunt.

      Watch from 1:30:55

      “Better protection”.. yeah, for the person only. What a slimey fucking cunt, he knew he was bullshitting the entire time so just went hysterical to cover up his stench.

    • No, it’s really not. This is baseless hysterical screeching from a religious cult now.

      “Probably. Maybe. Potentially. Could. Possibly. Conceivably. Perhaps. Perchance.”

      How many failed predictions and models do people need before they realise their cult is a bunch of bullshit.

      • Indeed, fucking good job the aerospace industry doesn’t base its approach on could, would, maybe, possibly etc etc the aircraft would be dropping out of the sky on a hourly basis.

        These cunts need to get into the real world along with those who still think it’s about a virus,

        Line up for the jab today. Line up for bread and soup tomorrow, line up for the camp next week.

      • It’s too late to stop Santa, he is on his way but Nicola is appealing to people to limit mixing to 3 households. Or a single Downing Street party (allegedly)

      • Christmas has been effectively cancelled (again) for the hospitality industry thanks to Johnson’s incessant scaremongering.

      • At this point I’d actually take Lrrr over Boris Johnson. And considering the variant is named after his planet that’s saying something.

    • @Sicky

      😂 😂 😂

      Yeah I bet it’s fucking terrifying..

      Basically putting the ground work in nice and early so the excuses are ready for the inevitable vaccine related deaths and serious illness.

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