Coronoviral Shit

We all agree that it’s a bit of a cunt – even more so because it’s clogging up the site.

In future you can fill her boots here and if you post anywhere else then guess what? Yep, it’s binned.

3,638 thoughts on “Coronoviral Shit

  1. Well, I live with chicken licken.
    As a former essential worker I was not on lock down until last week, for the period we have been practising social distancing as much as you can in a one bed flat (I have the garden).
    Any way on day 12 she decided that she might by chance be ill (she was but nothing too bad) she phoned 101 or whoever got an on the phone 7 days to live diagnosis ( if you are ok after that you are fine) but anyone near you another 14 days! well I am fucking chuffed I can tell you, so I have a further 10 day extension on me, (she texted all the fucking neighbours so if I go out I would probably be stoned to death).
    I have run out of paint for the hall, the garden is planted, in fact I sieved the vegetable bed (you have to be bored to do that).
    I have run out of beer and fucking pork scratchings (I had planned 2 weeks solitary not 28 days).
    The only upside is that as I live in the living room, I have the TV and lap top to play with (although she isolated with the fucking charger for my lap top for 3 days!).
    Yeh it is all going well.

  2. Interesting how the Official UK Gov Covid tracker (as helpfully linked above by Admin) has changed format today and is now reading:

    “Total number of COVID-19 associated UK deaths in hospital”

    Covid “associated” deaths ??? I’m a stupid cunt but to me, they are now backing off stating that CV-19 was the ACTUAL cause of death….

    Fishy much ?

    It is a kind of peristroyka version, it is now showing lab confirmed cases and not phone in’s

    • Nobody wants their loved ones to die but if the virus kills 3% of the world’s massive 7 billion people it is a drop in the ocean. Fuck , if it killed half of 7 billion then there are still shit loads of us left to carry on. What the hell is this shutdown the economy crap really about?

      • It’s an annoying result of the self-entitling society. The government cannot afford to be saying “Suck it up cunts, it’s gonna be bad!” The backlash would be immense.

  3. Hello all 🙂

    This covid thing is making me bored.

    I’m lucky that I’m able to work. When I get home I find things to do but then afterwards I feel bored.

    I do enjoy reading. I finished reading the Stephen King book, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon.

    I’d like to ask fellow ISAC members (and admin, if I’m allowed), what books are you currently reading or books that you have read and would recommend?

    Thankyou 🙂

  4. The great HP Lovecraft is all the reading you need…I always through in a few Sven Hassle books too for light reading.

  5. An inexperienced government dithering around and basically killing the UK economy while sitting in £1.4 million pound mansions on the Thames telling people to stay indoors and starve.

    The NHS is the new religion……really? with the exception of local government I have never worked in a more wasteful organisation, sure I was only involved in IT contracts but five people doing the job of one was normal as was giving senior staff equipment they didn’t need or want. The people on the front line fighting this thing have my admiration but as an organisation, the NHS was hopeless.

    Giving the corrupt banking system billions to give out to businesses…great idea, who could be better to handle money than the known fraudsters and nest-featherers that are the banks.

    ST Boris “recovering” in the luxury of a huge country house while people are being left destitute and jobless with very little hope? great one fatso.

    This whole thing is crazy……I shouldn’t complain, I have made lots of money in the last few weeks but it all feels a little hollow when you see the misery this is all leading up to.

    We need an ordered end to this mass hysteria or basically, we are all fucked. Those of us with money less fucked than others but still…in the end, fucked.

  6. Keir Stammer is getting on my tits already with his endless demands for an exit strategy. He’s like Thelma Kuntburg with climate change – no fucking idea what to do so just keep banging on about the fellow not doing it right.

    You want an exit strategy?? Try this one :

    “There’s the exit Keir, so use it and fuck off”

    • A simple answer would be to say that South Korea seem to have found the best way to deal with a pandemic and that we should be following their example. They aren’t talking about exit strategies yet so how can we with close to a 1,000 deaths a day? They’re tracking and testing every cunt and making sure the general public wears PPE, not just hospital staff. Their supermarket workers have as much PPE as our hospital staff.

      He offers no solutions of his own of course, but he is from the labour party, remember?

      Mind you, it’s about time our government admitted that it was a mistake in following the WHO’s advice in not thinking masks were needed for the general public. The WHO are now backtracking on this, so it’s about time our lot got on with the job of ordering or making facemasks for everyone. Not easy, but it should be a priority now.

      Starmer just wants to grandstand and play at ‘political leader’ during this time. He’s fucking useless and unless he has a workable solution (he doesn’t) he should shut the fuck up (he won’t).

  7. Now that the NHS have saved that fat cunt’s life, he should return the favour by saving their lives by making sure that they get the fucking equipment they need ASAP.

  8. I just watched the film Contagion on Netflix. Bit like a script for what’s happening now except in the film twenty six million died whereas in reality for this pandemic the death toll is just over one hundred and fifty thousand.

  9. Was thinking….with all these massive cash injections and fund raisers for the NHS, it must be fucking loaded by now. Will this be the end of the annual doom mongering headlines once this virus shit is over? You know the ones…Daily Fail et al with stuff like “NHS Crisis” or “NHS Meltdown” or “Nurses Strike for More Pay” or whatever.

  10. Just read this on the BBC website;

    ‘At this critical moment in history, Global Citizen is also calling on individuals, governments and philanthropists to join and support immediate COVID-19 response efforts’

    Critical moment in history? Piss off. I bet the celebricunts involved with the globalist bumchum WHO concert would like to think that.

    It’s not a fundraiser, but proceeds from the Gaga global shitcast will go to the CCP… WHO covid 19 brave bastard hero frontline super-special immigrant worker solidarity fund.
    What a shower. The BBC are going to have their own bit of NHS worship tomorrow evening. Dermot the Hobbit, the Zombie Winkleman and Clara the Afro are presenting. Churches are locked, but you can still worship the Glorious State.

    Clap for the WHO and the NHS, you fat lazy bastards. Jump to your feet, bang your saucepans and salute the NHS, the WHO and Lady Fucking Gaga, or spend 9 years in a gulag.

  11. Give it two months. Those NOT standing outside on a thursday evening shrieking and banging a saucepan on their head will be sectioned by the state.

  12. My piss was boiling tonight as I watched the daily press conference. Some non white journo demanding a public enquiry to find out why Coronavirus kills more BAME cunts than white cunts.

    Let me explain :
    Epicentre of infection – London
    Higher proportion of ethnic population – London

    Then the cunt wants to know if the Windrush fiasco means that undocumented immigrants (ie illegals) are being left to die because they’re afraid to come forward in case they’re arrested. FFS you couldn’t make it up!

    Here’s some more meaningless stats :
    It kills more Jews than gentiles
    It kills more men than women

    So applying the same fucking logic, the virus is racist, antisemitic, sexist and homophobic.

    NO, YOU CUNTS! It’s a fucking virus. It doesn’t give a shit. It just fucking kills you…

  13. Anybody else curious as to how long every cunts prepared to hide away in their front rooms for?
    I’m actually truly disappointed in how easy it was for everyone to lose their nerve and accept without so much as a whimper, most of their freedoms being stripped from them.
    Apparently it’s brave and dutiful to sit about in your front room pissing your pants, whilst wearing a face mask and gloves fearing deaths cold touch.
    Reading through other posts here. I’m in total agreement that the costs invoked by lock-down will be a far bigger tragedy than that of our beloved virus.
    I can’t wait for the hordes of neurotic hypochondriacs and curtain twitchers to slither from hiding and start moaning that the Lock down measures have ruined their lives.

    • This is almost normal for me. The only reason I’m not going out more is there are no buses to anywhere that’s open, and apart from the local shopping centre round the corner, everywhere else is shut.

  14. We just need to get the fucking country open again and stop all this dithering around.

    If it came between wandering the streets with a pair of marigolds and a sanding mask on for the next three years or take my chances with the virus, I’ll take may chances thanks.

    I laugh in the face of fear and once tweaked the nose of the dreaded killer spindly fish so fuck off.

  15. Went out today about 2pm and there were more cunts out on the street than i’ve seen for weeks. The queue outside the supermarket was too big for me, went to the Joe Dakis and had to queue. Only a few minutes but it’s the first time i’ve queued there. There may be something bubbling underneath. If you haven’t been a hoarding cunt yet, now might be the time to start. Oh, probably time to get tooled up as well.

  16. I appreciate the nhs and emergency services, however this clap for carers is pissing me off, unlike the rest of my neighbours i still have to work 6 days a week and i start at 2 a.m, every fucking thursday I’m woken up by the sound of what i thought was a thunderstorm at 8 p.m, then that’s me up and awake til Friday afternoon, this coronavirus is a cunt and i feel for those it’s fucked over but the unfortunate truth is there’s still a lot of us that have to carry on with our normal lives, surely donating to the nhs would be a far better thing, I know this makes me sound a proper cunt but it’s all a bit of a social media lefty fad and it’s really fuckin me off

      • You’re goddamn right it is, I also share that sentiment wholeheartedly, while nobody chose this to happen they did choose their careers

      • They’re doing a difficult job in difficult circumstances (at least some are, I am regularly updated that often the rest of the hospitals are like ghost towns as the sick are too scared to leave their homes for fear of dying from Covid).

        But I agree, it’s their job it is what they are paid to do. They should be provided with the equipment they need to do that as safely as possible but the fact they aren’t demonstrates to me what and unwieldy inefficient beast the NHS has become.

        Interestingly I conducted some preliminary research into the alleged danger front-line staff after the BBC started banding around a figure of 43 NHS staff who’s died from Covid 19 but with little or no context. Obviously there are multiple factors at play and it was a bit back of fag packet as some of the data is quite scant and I would like more context further details.

        But I concluded that if you take the NHS payroll divided by the working age population roughly 1/25th of working age population are employed by the NHS on that basis of the 1200 odd who have died from that age group you’d expect about 50 to have died anyway.

        Now It’s very basic and it needs to be looked at more carefully but it would seem to suggest the risk to NHS staff in general is no greater than joe public and given their proximity to those with Covid 19 flies in the face of lockdown being an effective method of reducing deaths/infections. As I say the data available isn’t brilliant but I did find it very interesting.

      • the entire planet has become one big-cunted inefficient beast( unless you are a himilayan monk from Bucharest) to live in a cave for six months where it’s so cold you are the only living organism for hundreds of miles around you must have figured something out that absolutely no one else has. hey, that’s it let’s blame the bald headed basturds living in the hills. after all it is chinas fault right???

  17. So Spain have had to send testing kits back to China twice. In other stunning developments water is wet and the sun is hot

  18. Fucking getting pissed off with this clapathon bollocks. It’s all just forced and staged emotion like a load of snowflakes holding hands and lighting candles after one of their peaceful friends have blown some poor cunts to bits. Or back in Victorian times when people had to be seen to turn up at church or people thought they were cunts. Look at me, i’m part of the caring crowd. Yeah, fuck off you’re an embarrassment and fooling nobody.

    • My thoughts exactly, Mrs Spanky who is even nastier than I am has even been taken in by this mass sea lion malarkey.

      I WILL clap when the government get the egg heads off their thrones and get the country fucking running again, I will CLAP when the elusive Boris finally stops wanking over nurses from Portugal and gets his fat lazy ass in gear….I will STAND and CLAP the loudest when that Hancock cunt gets hung from a lampost.

  19. As a public spirited responsible citizen, I decided to donate 20 times what I normally give to Comic Hand Relief and Little Shits in Need to the Boris Bashing Corporation’s Big Shite In appeal last night.

    It was a difficult decision but as I normally give them fuck all I’m sure I’ll be able to manage it.

    One question does trouble me though. Exactly where is all this money going to and if we’re all struggling to make ends meet then where is it coming from???

  20. You gotta love Orange Man’s latest cure for Covid19 – injecting patients with disinfectant! 😂

    Apparently cunts all over America are injecting themselves…


    It looks like there is an economic upside to the virus. The poor misunderstood “influencers” are seeing a downturn in income and are having to seek fresh ways of begging.

    My heart bleeds for poor Israel Cassol, the UK resident, fashion blogging, scrounging Brazilian shirt-lifter with a £100,000 Hermes bag fetish. It now has to ask daddy for money to make ends meet and is forced to re-use clothes (the horror!) having been reduced to blogging about ironing and organising it’s wardrobe and finding out that that doesn’t bring in the dosh it needs to maintain it’s lifestyle. I assume that it now has to scrape dried cûm stains out from the arse of it’s underpants then wash and wear again instead of throwing them out having worn them only once.

    As the late BSM Williams would say “Oh dear. How sad. Never mind”.

    • Shit stabbing, waste of space. Another mission for Unkle Terry.
      Rupert looks like an utter fucking twat too.

  22. A massive cunting to peaceful MP Gorton Afzal Khan for getting Tik tok to ban Tommy Robinson. This fucker has actually asked a Chinese company linked to the cunts in the CCP, that currently has one and a half million peacefuls in concentration camps to ban an Englishman for speaking out about mass rape of non muslim children. The cunt is on twatter droning on about murder month. Fuck Khan, all of them.

  23. TV personality Nadiya Hussain has said her anxiety means there have been times during the coronavirus lockdown when she has “struggled to get out of bed”.

    So fucking what Nadiya? Same as everyone else. So shut the fuck up.

    • Like me, most people I know think they were directly responsible for her death.

      Even on the unlikely event they didn’t, both lucky not to have been prosecuted for leaving their infant children alone whilst they went out to party.

      And £12m plus spent on the investigation? Fucking madness.

      • If she is still alive Madeleine would be 16 now (the glorious McCanns held another vigil last night, narcicissitic cunts), and she might well tell mum and dad to fuck off having abandoned her all those years ago. She might well be living with Ahmad in Rotherham now, a mother herself six times over.

  24. Just watched a programme on the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. Turns out it didn’t start in Spain at all! It had nothing to do with Spain! It started in America! In Kansas to be precise.
    And it was covered up. Wait for this it was only labelled Spanish Flu because Spain reported it’s existence. Whereas America covered it up.
    Didn’t one of the Chickef flu outbreaks start in America as well? Maybe the Chinese conspiracy is true- that this Corinavirus pandemic started in America and was brought to China.

    • Was it the BBC who said the Spanish flu was from the USA? Wouldn’t surprise me.

      It’s now thought it originated in (yup, you guessed it) China.

      Even national geographic are saying so if you Google it

    • Actually fair play to them.
      Lockdown for 6 weeks is ridiculous. They’re definitely not cunts. In fact more people need to get a grip and live their lives.
      I’d happily join a protest in my area.
      At least it would give you someone else to give a good cunting to.

      • Absolutely. I’m up for a hug.

        It’s high time the Govt admitted that they fucked up and ended this fiasco.

      • So what if they do? 95% will never even know they had it! It’s very obvious by now that this is not what the Govt said it was. How could it be? Even the idiot who came up with the apocalyptic numbers that kicked this off, has revised those numbers down and down and down. The Govt response has not likewise gone down though.

        If you’re that worried about it, wear a mask and wash your hands every few minutes. But don’t force the rest of us to do it too. You take responsibility for your health, and let everyone else do the same.

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