Jeremy Corbyn


Jeremy Corbyn is a massive cunt whose cunting is way overdue.

This scruffy looking left wing tosser is pretty much the reincarnation of Michael Foot except he isn`t even as amusing. He refers to Hamas and Hezbollah as “friends” but when asked about this dismisses it as tabloid journalism. Well OK if another politician described Nick Griffin as a friend in a non-literal sense would he just dismiss it or organize a protest and denounce them?

He also invited IRA representatives to parliament and described Ed Milliband as being not left wing enough and blamed that on Labour`s massive defeat.Interesting so the country votes for a white wing party because the left isn`t left enough. If that were true people on mass would have voted for the greens or Socialist Labour party or TUSC but no they primarily voted for the Tories.

Mr Corbyn also said that we need to make life easier for migrants and in a discussion about the bastard leeches jumping on Ferries said these people offer a lot to our country. So what is that the inability to speak the language and thus be unfit for work. Great contribution right there (cough). He is I suppose more able to stick to his principles than other members of his delightful party by divorcing his wife for sending his son to a private school despite the fact that the state school there was a shithole. Admirable in a sense perhaps but any cunt who puts his own beliefs over the welfare of his family is a grade A cunt and is almost certain to do the same to the Country.

At least though if this cunt is elected the Labour party may well be the next winning Deadpool entry for this site .

Nominated by: Shaun of the Dead 69

MP for the Democratic Peoples Republic of North Islington.

“Working for you”? Don’t make me laugh!
Bought and paid for by Len McCluskey – an even bigger cunt than Corben.

Fucking says it all, doesn’t it?

Nominated by: Dioclese

Stalinist unions


Bugger me butler. Back in the seventies again driving me mustard yellow Maxi without a seat belt. Suddenly up pop the old commie cunt undead. Old commie cunts never die – they just smell that way. The Unite Stalinist stooges twitch in to life again to march to another epic fuckup. Grangemouth. You taste death just by saying it, like Paschendale or Stalingrad.

Whilst in the depths classic commie corruption knots and genders. These cunts spend their lives cheating, lieing and conniving in solidarity with the working class while covertly promoting their own expenses, pensions, wives and boyfriends at the expense of the poor punters that pay their dues.

So what about Unite, the union that has released this Cold War virus?

Led by Red Len McCuntsky of Liverpool Militant Tendency fame. Used its block vote to elect Ed Minicunt for the grateful sons of toil. Embroiled in vote rigging allegations in favour of McCuntsky’s close friend Carrie Murphy over the parliamentary seat of Falkirk near Grangemouth. In the mix a cunt name of Jimmy Dean (thought he died in a car crash in Hollywood). This Rebel Without a Cock was head union apparatchic at the Grangemouth plant (resigned) and is chairman of Falkirk Labour Party. Sweetness and light.

Corrupt commie cunts.

Nominated by : Sir Limply Stoke