The Daily Mash

The Daily Mash – fucking SJW BBC funded cunt gunge. Political satire? Is it fuck, political satire aims at any worthwhile target no matter what political creed. This is just an attack on conservative right leaning voters and anyone who voted to leave the E cunting U.

It’s a free country and I don’t have to watch this unfunny Corbynista cunt fest, so why am I nominating it for a cunting? Because I have to under penalty of law pay for these cunts to sit there and cunt me off for my beliefs.

Insidious cunts package propaganda up as satire and force it on the masses.

I know the BBC is nominated often, it should be. We are forced to pay for this cancerous arse boil on society to cunt us off and laugh in our faces.

The BBC needs to self fund and see how many socialist wankers will pay for the shit it pumps out if it’s made a choice.

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit