The Bletchley Circle


Those tight-fisted, boring, miserable cunts at Bletchley Park really are a bunch of fucking Scrooge McDuck cunts, aren’t they?

Finding a rare, and therefore presumably somewhat valuable, Nazi cipher coding machine innocuously for sale on eBay for the paltry sum of £9.50 (obviously listed by an unsuspecting seller with no idea what they were sitting on), these cunts don’t place a bid but rather hotfoot it straight ’round to the seller’s house as fast as their arthritic yet greedy legs will carry ’em and essentially swindle the seller out of her nest egg, thus – “We said ‘Thank you very much, how much was it again?’ She said ‘£9.50’, so we said ‘Here’s a £10 note – keep the change!’”

Supercilious, smarmy old coffin dodgin’ bastards. Here you go, decipher this with yer ill-gotten gains, then: #*¥但^_^

… oh, fuck it, I’ll save you the effort… it reads CUNTS!

Nominated by: Cunty McCuntface