The British army

Yes. The British army … well, the top brass anyway, the soldiers are heroes as far as I’m concerned.

The best army in the world. The best trained and bravest troops there are, are now going to become care in the community counsellors for emotionally retarded snowflakes that feel like they don’t belong anywhere.

It’s not actually the army that’s to blame, it’s the retards at the top that employed a marketing company to help them recruit the extra soldiers that are needed.

Did this bunch of twats advise the army to focus on the excitement, travel opportunities, self discipline, toughness, resilience or comradery that comes with being in the army? Nope.
Did they advise the army that if they treat their soldiers better when they’d finished with them they’d see recruitment going up? Nope.
Did they advise that patriotism needs to be instilled in people by the education system and media instead of trying to make people feel guilty for being British? Did they fuck.

No they advised the army to make a marketing campaign based on diversity and CRYING.


…. ? !

Not being fit. Not being ready to kill the enemy.
Being in touch with your emotions and basically being soft are apparrently the required qualities these days.
In other words, the last kind of cunt that anyone wants in the army.

Some of the toughest people imaginable go into this job and come out with ptsd. Emotionally and physically strong men go in and come out fucked up.
Who’s fucking bright idea is it to send the emotionally weak into these kind of situations? How do they think they’re going to come out?
I wouldn’t last 5 minutes in the army and I’m double ‘ard.
…ok that was a lie, I’m really a pussy but that’s why I never joined the army.
You need a certain degree of emotional resilience to go to another country and risk your life trying to kill enemies of this country. Especially these days when the enemy have no respect whatsoever for any of the “rules” of war. No pow camp if you surrender to the muzzies.

This is stupidity at its most negligent and if top brass think that this is the future of the army then we’re fucked.

Next they’ll be advising our troops to run, hide, tell.

I’ve been saying for ages that the lefties have purged politics, the media, the education system and the police.
I never thought they’d get the army.

If the army are desperate to recruit may I suggest that they provide better support for veterans and market that. A lot of people are put off the forces because they serve, risk their lives and then the government (and in some cases also the army) treat them like shit.
They should also tell the government to promote pride in this country instead of always talking us down and telling us we’re cunts for being patriotic.
Oh, and if someone wants to instigate a fraudulent court case against our troops tell em to fuck right off.

The latest adverts for the army are a fucking bad joke and I hope the army tell whoever commissioned them to fuck off to some African shithole and fucking dig latrines for the remainder of their careers.

They even have one about a Muslim that wants to stop to pray (surprise, surprise … can’t be British if you don’t mention a fucking muslim). “You can always find time to stop and pray in the army.”
I’d say that the army is actually the one job where stopping to pray is the worst idea that you could have, and will get your troop killed while you rub your nose on the floor and wiggle your arse in the air, chanting.
How many times per day do they need to pray?
5 was it?
Sure that’ll be practical when on excersises or operations.

Oh and is the scoff halal?

Lefty cunts.

Nominated by Deploy the Sausage