Steve Coogan

With yet another upcoming regurgitation of Alan Partridge due on the Al-BBC early next year, Coogan is in the papers at the moment, bemoaning the fact that so many of the British public with his not-so-alter ego in voting for Brexit. Coogan makes the hurried point that he is really ‘conflicted’ as a remainer, and finds the Brexit vote ‘depressing’.

Bravely though, Coogan is able to forego his principles and carry on playing Brexit-supporting Partridge. What a fucking trooper. I’m guessing the moolah on offer for reprising your well worn and now unfunny caricature of yourself helps ease the pain of such a ‘depressing’ dichotomy.

Fuck off Coogan, you cunt. Your patronising arrogance on what British people voted for is about as welcome as a turd in a fruit bowl. A bit of cash will soon see those hard-earned principles put on the back-burner, eh? What’s ‘depressing’ is seeing you ruin and milk to death a comedy creation that was last genuinely funny more than 20 years ago. I also find it ‘depressing’ to endure more than 10 seconds of you and that crater-faced leek-munching sheepsbumfucker Rob Brydon, trying to out-cunt each other in that cringeworthy shitshow known as ‘The Trip’.

A major cunt from womb to tomb, Coogan is, and always will be a vintage cunt, whose cuntitude will only get stronger with age.

Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back