The Queen Mother

Ever wondered just where the present Royal Family get their self-entitled attitude?….Look no further than the dumpy,dinner-lady looking,alcoholic, old Cunt herself,the queen mother……

RAF No Fly Zone News Story.

The RAF having to organise flights so as not to disturb the charmless old lush indeed…they should have told her to Fuck Off and scheduled low-level bombing runs over the fucking old trout’s lair..using Stukas fitted with those siren things…might have given the greedy old Bezzler a fucking gripper,with a bit of luck.

Wonder how the auld bitch got to be worth £70 million?….prostitution and benefit-fraud probably….although even a sex-starved Harvey Price would struggle to find the necessary to mount that old crone.

Nominated by: Dick Foxchaser-Fiddler