

Its time to Cunt Qatar. I’m sick of the every cunt that has NOT been paid by the Camel Jockeys, now crying that it may be rigged. Really, you think so?

Or is it because Doha is the place every cunt really wants to go to – in the middle of summer – between the Gas fields and the biggest Foriegn US Base camp? Perhaps its just that it is such a sporting nation? If you didn’t want them to win, don’t fucking enter them.

If the best cunts the UK could send in for this was That Cunt that will be King, William, and that cunt that thinks he is king, Beckham – who between them could buy a fucking beer let alone a load of votes – they deserve a pasting.

To them they are the UK – they own the Shart Tower, Olympic Village, Sainsburys, Harrods (Which the cunts use as a car park for all the lambos they drive in circles) and 50 percent of Public Listed Companies. At least the UK is safe against a building attack as the cunts own all of the rest worth taking out as well as the planes that would go in.

Without Gas these cunts couldn’t even make a fucking coffee. With it, they are buying and paying off every cunt that bows to them and mighty allah.

FIFA is the cream on this fucking cake. The farce started well before.

Allah Akbar


Nominated by: King Cunt