

Even here in New Zealand we are not safe from the Cunt Plague.

This pretentious, overrated, over played, loathsome little cunt deserves special praise just for her level of cunty smugness. At 16 years old and looking like some $10 hooker from the trailer park, her gormless fucking songs encourage us to basically fawn/faint/wank over her whenever we hear the dirge-like shit. No chance of that happening here, you CUNT.

And when you have your picture taken, try looking straight at the camera and not upwards from under your fucking eyebrows you nauseating, jumped up slapper.

Fuck-off to America you ugly, talentless cunt. If the Yanks are so hung up on you and your mind numbing excuse for music, then go live over there. CUNT

Nominated by: Kiwi-Cunt

I’d never heard of this so-called teen sensation singer until I saw Kiwi-Cunt’s comment so I just had to take a look and a listen.

Lorde’s voice is “unique and powerfully intriguing” and “way beyond her years”. Her lyrics have been described as aiming “to capture what it really is to be a teen”, singing from a range of topics including the “all-consuming nature of friendship” to “finding yourself come hell or high water.” They “explore classic teen-pop themes – social anxiety, romantic yearning, debilitating ennui, booze-soaked ragers – with an eerie, zoomed-out detachment”

Rolling Stone wrote “Lorde’s languidly aphoristic lyrics balance rock-star swagger and torqued-up teenage angst” and that her lyrics “have a rattle-nerve pathos and power like nothing else going in 2013.”

No shit!?

Well, actually quite a lot of shit. Her melodic content is, to say the least, banal and her lyrics superficial – underpinning the fact that at 16 years old she has fuck all life experience to draw on to make them interesting. Basically, the pretentious little cunt just drones on and on about nothing.

And yeah, she does have this annoying habit of hiding her chin when when she’s being photographed. God help her. The music industry will chew her up and spit her out before she hits 20.

Nominated by: ChasCMusic