Kathleen Turner

Yet another has been kaput celebrislag jumping on the Me Too bandwagon…

This long forgotten bint has crawled out of her hole to carp on (to the media, naturally)
about her ‘Hell’ and being a ‘sexual target’ for the likes of Jack Nicholson, Warren Beatty, and Michael Douglas… Again, like so many of these ‘harassed’ and ‘violated’ Tinsletown slappers. Turner has named names but given no specifics… ie: slurring someone without any real accusations or evidence…

When she says ‘sexual target’ does she means that the aforementioned gentlemen at one time or another made passes at her? If so that’s not a crime (well, at least it never used to be), and I bet she hardly turned some of them down… Turner’s hypocrisy (like so many of them) also stinks… I remember reading a newspaper in 1986, and this very same woman boasting about her ‘sexual power’ and actually saying ‘I can turn any head in any room in the world! If a man doesn’t turn his head to look at me, then I know he is gay!’ This bigheaded bitch actually said that…

But now she’s (well) past it she’s jumping on the Femstapo and virtue signaling gravy train… And I always thought she was massively overrated anyway… My mother had better looking friends than that…

Nominated by Norman