Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall


I would like to nominate Hugh Christopher Edmund Fearnley-Whittingstall for a much deserved and long overdue cunting.

Not satisfied with inflicting on us his self-righteous, “Modern Parents”-esque take on The Good Life in his “River Cottage” shows, he is now taking up the lead in the “War on Waste” – thus proving the lefty-liberal mantra of: “It’s easy to be green when you’re minted!” (see Bono, Sting and a rake of other millionaire faux tree-huggers) is still in full effect.

Hugh, ordinary folk could care less you cunt! We do our bit (to avoid the Marxist fines imposed by fuckwit councils – who are all cunts) but beyond that it’s only the lefty-liberal cunts who drive their V8 Range Rover’s 20miles – pissing out more pollution than a Chinese chemical factory – to the recycling centre to drop off their skinny half-latte macchiato Starbucks cup, before driving back just to feel good about themselves. I.e. cunts like you!

As with Jamie Oliver (another self-righteous gastronomic cunt who feels he can lord it over everyone else’s culinary decisions/life choices), Hugh is also “tongally” challenged. In fact if you got Hugh and Jamie in a kitchen together the main ingredient for that day’s special would be saliva!

Not to mention the fact that if you shaved Hugh’s head he would look like Harry Hill’s long lost twin brother, then for that alone, he is a cunt!

Noninated by: Rebel without a Cunt!