Gail Porter


I’d like to give Gail Porter a cunting.

It’s not due to the fact that she’s bald,or the fact that she’s had a breast reduction operation. No,it’s because seeing her now and reading that she is 45, has brought it home to me that I am officially an OLD cunt. I always used to look at Gail and think that 5 years inside would be worth it for a night of,admittedly, un-natural sexual excesses. I’d pay the price.

Now I read the article, look at the pictures,and my first thought is….I wonder where she gets her wig?

So,my perky-titted ingenue, you are now officially safe from featuring in any more of my more lurid fantasies. You’ve just made an old man very unhappy. Cunt.

Nominated by: Dick Fiddler