Emma Watson [3]

Emma Twatson is a cunt…

I was at a mate’s house the other day, and his 8 year old daughter was watching that Beauty and the Beast bollocks… Well, apart from the fact that Old Girly Swot can’t act or sing, the daft cow was on the extras talking up ‘feminism’… And (this’ll make you puke) Emmakins was doing this while playing with fluffy kittens (totally staged, of course)… She was yapping on about how the character in the film was feminist and how stories like Beauty and the Beast should push feminism… I despise any cunt who attempts to bring any sort of ‘issues’ or political or PC shite into entertainment (Doctor Who being the worst offenders)…

But trying to big up misandrist feminazi crap through a Disney film?! A fucking fairy story for kids?! That is very cuntish behaviour indeed… What a cunt…

Nominated by Norman

Emma Watson [2]


Not only is Emma Watson a so-called ambassador for some fucking charity, the last bastion of ALL shit actors these days but the cunt has been in the news for leaving books on the underground with a hand written note.

Now, in my eyes, that’s fucking littering, so she should get a fucking £80 fine, the fucking bitch.

She is a shit actress anyway whose range is akin to Barry from Eastenders.

Nominated by: Boaby

Time Magazine


Time Magazine are cunts… Has anyone seen their ‘Most Inlfuential People Of 2015′ article?

Kanye West? For being a egomaniacal, spoilt, slut screwing talentless cunt?
Emma Watson? For being (yet another) celebrity do-gooding gobshite (it certainly ain’t for her acting)?
And Reese Witherspoon: for (seriously, these are Time’s very words!) mastering Hollywood….

What a load of wank…

Nominated by: Norman

Emma Watson


Emma Watson… Because she is an actress (for want of a better word!) she now believes she is some sort of oracle… Also, I have seen more meat on a wishbone at Xmas… I’ve seen bigger tits eating birdseed in my back garden..

The Emma Watson overkill on the web is also ridiculous… The way a multitude of Emma Watson fakes (you know the sort!) that surfaced the minute she was 18 years old baffled me… First of all, it’s pretty fucking creepy (did these closet nonces have a clock counting down to her birthday?). Second, what the fuck is so alluring, sexy or great about her anyway? You could put an afghan cot on her and she’d look like a pipe cleaner…. Maybe it’s the ‘posh totty’ thing people go for? Fucked if I know…

Nominated by: Norman

Speaking personally, the non-faked upskirt shot of Emma Watson in see-through knickers held enormous appeal since it proved conclusively she had not succumbed to the repugnant fad for Hollywood waxing. I mean the only reason to display the pre-pubesecnt smooth look is if you’re dating Paul Gadd, surely? And he’s going to be unavailable for the next eight and a half years.

But the essence of the cunting is absolutely correct. Actors should act. Singers should sing. Hearing Emma Watson bang on about feminism (or indeed any cause) is as abhorrent as Geldof telling us to Feed The World or Bono pleading with us to Make Poverty History. Shut the fuck up and get on with doing what you do best while you still can. You don’t earn any extra credibility by talking shit, you just sound like a cunt.

Nominated by: Fred West