Elton Welsby

I would like to nominate that fucking cunt ‘little shit’ Elton Welsby on behalf of my rather disabled and dribbling father. He may well be in a Nursing Home and bereft of pretty much all of his faculties but the one thing my Dad taught me was the difference between rational and irrational hatred. God bless you Dad.

Some of you may know Elton and some not but with a name like Elton you just knew he was going to be a cunt, anyway Elton Welsby was a regional TV news presenter who specialised in sport in north west England and of scouse origin. I had absolutely zero opinion on the bloke until one day in I’d say 1985 my Dad walked into the lounge and upon seeing Elton on the TV actually squared up to it with his knuckles clenched and said ‘you little shit, come on then’.

It was and remains the most irrational cunting I’ve ever witnessed. Elton Welsby you’re a cunt

Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface