Doreen Lawrence

Day 66 - Olympic Torch Relay

Doreen fucking Lawrence, O fucking BE (for what I don’t know) is a total and utter cunt.

The absolutely ridiculous news today is that she is to be ennobled and given yet more money for doing fuck all, other than help create ludicrous laws that further kick this country into the sewers, swimming with the twin turds of anti racism and political correctness.

She has done precisely fuck all to warrant being awarded an OBE (does she know the ‘E’ stands for ‘Empire?) except give birth to a boy later murdered on the streets of London, a weekly and sometimes daily event nowadays. Her ‘charidee’ work consists of race mongering and rabble rousing among her ‘community’, not a small number of which are cunts as well, from which ‘work’ she has managed to become extremely wealthy. I really am struggling to think of anyone else less qualified who sits on Home Office Committees, Police and charity Boards etc, who is so utterly convinced of their own non-existent abilities and has such a massively overgrown sense of her own importance.

A fucking foreigner with a heritage in this nation as long as your thumb and the cheek to bleat that laws that have held sway for hundred of years in England are not to her fucking liking, thank you very fucking much, and are thus swept aside to pacify minorities. The Macpherson report is a fucking joke, not surprising given that he’s such a cunt, leading to Police being unable to stop shady looking blacks and pissing their pants in case they are called racist. The abandonment of double jeopardy is cuntish insanity.

Cameron is a cunt for ennobling her, the Queen is a cunt for sanctioning it, the Press are cunts for pretending that Stephen was a combination of Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela (terrorist cunt) and Mother Theresa and YOU the reader are a cunt if you think I’m a racist because I don’t like mouthy blacks fucking up the country and getting paid ludicrous amounts for it.


PS Whoever stabbed Stephen is a cunt and should be hanged for murder.

Nominated by: Termujin