Dave Haslam

Dave Haslam is a cunt…

The ex-Hacienda DJ and err… ex-Hacienda DJ is organising a ‘Love Music Hate Racism’ night… Haslam has done this in response to ‘contentious’ comments by the singer Morrissey about religion and politics…. Haslam went on about being ‘let down by Morrissey’ and Morrissey’s support for ‘Tommy Robinson and the far right’….

So, basically this pillock doesn’t bat an eyelid at the hordes on social media, local councils, politicians, big media companies and cunts like the BBC indulging and pussyfooting round their precious pet peacefuls and turning a blind eye to grooming gangs, ‘fuck the police’ marches, and terror plots… Yet a past his prime singer says that Tommy Robinson tells it like it is and it’s open season… One of those camelbuggering cunts commits carnage at a Manchester pop concert and it’s candles and ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’… ie: ‘Nothing to see here! They’re not all bad etc’…. But Morrissey says a couple of words and it’s hang him high…

This is typical leftist libflake shite in a bottle… It’s only ‘racism’ when they say it is and when it’s ‘their’ type of ‘racism’… Racism against white and English people and grooming and raping innocent English girls doesn’t count… But anyone who criticises these bastards and defends those who do the same (like Robinson or Morrissey) does so at their peril…..

Leftism is the new fascism…

Nominated by Norman