Two Tier Justice?

Couple who joined protest outside hotel housing asylum seekers jailed’

For 21 months.

And what did they do?

‘The pair spent around an hour at the scene, where others were throwing missiles including fireworks, a petrol bomb, bricks, chunks of concrete and lampposts at Staffordshire Police officers who were trying to protect staff and residents inside the hotel.’

NB They werent found to have participated in the violence.

Also: -Stonehouse was seen shouting abuse at police and raising his arms while Kirkbride held him back.

Kirkbride was seen laughing when a firework exploded, chanting and asking police about his taxes being spent on those in the hotel.

So, they werent found guilty of any violence or damage but got 21 months jail for being there?

They should have joined the anti-semites and terrorist supporters and nothing would have happened to them.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

Pope Francis [2]

Well that didn’t take long.

Before President Trump had even got his feet back under his desk in the White House, that sanctimonious humbug Pope Francis had a go over the ‘disgrace’ of the president’s plans to intensify immigration enforcement actions in the US.

Il Papa’s got form on this, and has made ‘welcoming migrants’ a recurring theme over the course of his papacy. He stated ‘it would make migrants who have nothing pay the unpaid bill’. He has previously referred to Trump as ‘not a Christian’.

In a subsequent update, the Pope has indicated that the Vatican (which is estimated to hold between $10 and $15 billion worth of gold and other investments, plus an incalculable amount of wealth in property and art treasures) would be digging deep into its own resources to help meet payments on this ‘unpaid bill’. In addition, he stated that several hundred migrants would now be housed in his private apartments, and in those of other senior clerics, as well as being fed, clothed, and given money and a passport**.

**Okay, I made that last paragraph up. Which, I’m sure, will come as no surprise. So go on then, you pious old hypocrite, put your money where your mouth is. We’re waiting, tick tock…


Nominated by : Ron Knee

Meghan Markle [22] & Harry Hewitt [23] Virtual Signalling


Halfwitt Harry and Me.gain Sparkle are absolute cunts, this pair of fucktards have jumped on the not to be missed opportunity to use the LA fires as an excuse to pop back up into the limelight like the unflushable turds they are.

They have been seen interrogating to fire fighters on what and how they are dealing with the fires, they have been handing out food at homeless shelters like Santa fucking Maria, they have been see standing in various places in caps pointing at the devistation, all while their photographer snaps away so he can post on social media.

Now they have apparently opened their doors to friends who need somewhere to go, I have a couple of points to make here.

[1] They have had to do this because they suggested to the surviving plebs from their royal pole, that it was the duty of the public to take in the displaced.
[2] Now thats been highlighted they didnt really have a choice but to do the same unless they would look like the cunts we know they are.
[3] Who are these so called friends, this pair are less popular than Putin.
[4] how exclusive is the list of rich and famous going to be, im sure Fresh Pesh from Bangladesh wont make it past the electric fence.
[5] would any so called sleb allow him/herself to get embroiled in the virtue signaling fuck fest these two parasites are going to turn that situation into.
[6] That ship has sailed, there is no situation I can see where these two can uncunt themselves, there is no climbing back out of the unpopularity toilet for these that were shat into so hard it was like they had force fed the world colon blow.
[7] Once a cunt always a cunt and now they are trying to drum up interest, because the so called woman of colour is trying to release yet another failure on Netflicks, the story goes already people dont want to work with her due to her Diva behaviour……

Nominated by : Fuglyucker

Sadiq Khan [45]

Oh dear. I see that slimy little oik Sadiq Khant has opened his mouth and let his belly rumble again. One of the nation’s true political pygmies has opined about what he sees as a threat to ‘progressive’ thought and action in the world.

According to Sir Saddo, ‘the spectre of a resurgent fascism haunts the West’, and progressives everywhere need to stand united against those who seek to divide for personal and political gain (unlike himself, naturally). Yeah right. Strangely, not even the current Labour government seems to accept this. Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones told Al-Beeb, ‘I speak on behalf of the government, and we don’t agree with that’. Similarly, Shadow Foreign Secretary Priti Patel, who’s in Washington for Donald Trump’s inauguration, hit out at Khunt’s ‘disparaging remarks’.

Belfast Telegraph.

So Sadsack, it couldn’t be that you’re attempting to throw some smoke in our eyes regarding recent attempts to get answers from you about ‘grooming gangs’ could it?Fellow cunters, just have a butcher’s at the wee shit ducking and diving, and trying to play the confused innocent, when repeated attempts are made in the London Assembly to pin him down on the issue;


What a ghastly little prick you really are Saddick. Fuck off over there, and when get there, fuck off again. Oh, and stick the stubs for those dodgy Taylor Swift tickets up your arse while you’re at it.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

Idiotic NHS Advice

I looked at the news pages today and saw an article in the Telegraph, which said that the NHS suggests that the elderly wear shoes or slippers around the house and wear socks to bed at night, if their feet get cold.

Some cunt probably gets paid to dispense this sort of wisdom, probably quite a lot. It stands to reason that if somebody is elderly, they have probably learnt a few things, so can manage perfectly well without these suggestions. It is rather tasteless to give this sort of advice at a time when the winter fuel allowance has been stopped for many.

It is either a massive wind-up or the folks at NHS really do think the general public are all as thick as pigshit. It is also so fucking irritating that someone could have an aneurysm listening to it. The advice for that would probably be, have a couple of aspirin and a lie down. If I wanted to be talked to like a three year old that has wet itself, I’d probably go round my ex mother-in-laws.

Daily Telegraph.

Nominated by : Mary Hinge