Justice Michael Humphreys

A Coroner who says:-

” the use of lethal force cannot have been reasonable.”

These were 4 IRA, who considered themselves soldiers. Gerry Adam’s men but that’s another story. They were certainly not civilians. And were armed to the teeth.
They had attacked a police station with guns. The SAS ambushed them and shot the fuck out of them.

This cunt of a coroner, with no military experience considers combat in a war by soldiers to be ‘unjustified’ They should have been arrested ffs.
I wonder if he would feel the same if these IRA cunts were coming for him.

Mr Justice Michael Humphreys.

What a cunt.

BBC News.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble

Ivanpah and the Greenies who championed it

Most of the readers of the August body will know the name Solyndra. For those that don’t, it was the failed Green pet project of the Community Con Artist masquerading as American President, Barack Obama and it cost the American taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.

That is nothing compared to the newest Green disaster, the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility.

Ivanpah was the wet dream of the Green Raw Deal. A massive solar powered facility that took advantage of the Sun’s (free) warming rays to provide unlimited electric power (that could then be sold to consumers at a profit) without the icky, nasty, planet killing effects of those horrible fossil fuels.

Located near the California / Nevada border on 3500 acres of public land, the Solar Power Monstrosity (as critics labelled it) was bordered by both State and federal Parks and Preserves.”

More than $2.18 BILLION was sunk into this Green idiocy, much of it in the way of taxpayer funds, Federal Loan Guarantees and State Tax credits only to watch it all go up in metaphorical smoke.

After over a decade of failures and costs overruns, the Ivanpah Solar Power Clusterfuck is being closed.


Not only did Ivanpah fail to provide the promised power, but it seems it did enormous damage to the environment and the wildlife it was supposed to protect.

It destroyed acres and acres of desert habitat by covering it up with massive solar panels. Solar panels that generated so much heat in the form of radiation that they literally fried birds in mid flight and roasted tortoises in their shells as they plodded along the desert floor.

Well done Greenies! Billions of dollars, countless birds, an unknown number of tortoises and 3500 acres of pristine wilderness all burned up in a misplaced farcical devotion to save the planet.

They say the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.

If that’s true then the road to Ivanpah is paved with utter fucking stupidity.

Nominated by General Cuntster, proof reader extraordinaire.

Greg Davies (2)

I feel a bit of a cunt myself for not cunting this cunt sooner. I thought these hallowed pages would have been littered with a multitude of most excellent cuntings for this cunt, but all I can find is one from August 2016.

So with the above in mind I would most definitley like to cunt the unfunny cunt known as Greg Davies.

For fuck sake, which cunt told this cunt he was funny?………………ok, he wasn’t bad in The Inbetweeners, but that was scripted. But all this long streak of cunt seems to do, is try his best to look like Rik Mayall……………..who was an incredibly funny cunt.

No old long cunt Davies regularly appears on these game show type things, always under the guise of a tarten shirt wearing cunt, who, lets be honest, plays one character, that being a school teacher, which I wish to fuck he had remained doing.

I know he ticks all The BBC boxes as this new wave woke bollocks, but the underlying ethos of a comedian is they should be funny.

Greg Davies is to comedy what the hydrogen bomb is to landscape gardening. He reminds me of genital warts……………..you think you’ve finally seen to back of the cunt……………but up he pops again.

So basically he’s a cunt

Nominated by DryItchyCunt.

Red tape

A moustachioed cunting for red tape and life risking withholding of one of potentially life saving assistance.


An air ambulance can’t fly because someone forgot to renew the licence to carry controlled drugs. I would have thought that a simple work around would have been possible given that these things tend to carry doctors who are quite capable and qualified to carry said controlled drugs, hell they are even allowed to administer them to patients, just don’t ask where they got them.

Admittedly a bit of a fail on the charity air ambulances part, I can only assume the chief was too busy waxing her upper lip but is it really so difficult to get an air ambulance signed off to carry life saving drugs?

Nominated by Cunt of the Isles.

Dale Vince (2)


is a cunt.

A solar-powered cunting please for keffiyeh-wearing eco-spiv Dale Vince.

The Ecotricity owner demonstrates all the rank hypocrisy you’d expect of a Marxist multi-millionaire who’s raked in over £100 million of our hard-earned in subsidies for his bird mincers. A vegan who wears a leather jacket, not averse to flying by private jet (according to his ex-wife) and bunging Labour a cool £5.4 million while demanding that Elon Musk be banned from donating to Reform.

All so predictable, of course. As is the fact that Ed Miligoon, playing Bluebottle to PM Rodney’s Neddie Seagoon, has seen fit to ride roughshod over the people of Lincolnshire and grant permission for Vince ultimately to cover up to 30,000 acres of prime agricultural land in Chinese plastic crap. Add to that the massive batteries needed containing cobalt mined by child slaves in Congo. All very environmentally friendly, my arse.

Now let’s think about this. Half-a-Haircut Man donates millions to Labour, who then grant permission to wreck the Lincolnshire countryside, which will net him millions. If I wasn’t so trusting of the ‘Government’ I think I’d be overcome by the foul stench of bribery and corruption.


Nominated by Geordie Twatt.