
For some time it was rumoured that the ye olde plastic grannie was knock knock knocking on heavens door… But the old hag has reappeared yet again… Looking more inauthentic and horrendous than ever, and this time she’s torturing people with an album of Abba covers…

Obviously a crass cash-in on the disgusting ‘Mama Mia- Here We Cunt Again’, but the thing is it is diabolically shite… Someone who is way ( way….Fucking way down as Elvis used to say) past their best, not only still pathetically attempting to be a dolly bird, but inflicting their shot to fuck voice onto us and all… I heard Cher’s ‘version’ of ‘Fernando’ on the radio, and it sounded like HAL 9000 from 2001 shutting down… Utter crap… What is it about these Yanky singers like Cher, Madogga, and Britney Spears? Their vanity and cunt from the inside attitude that makes them act and try to be like they were 20 or 30 (or in Cher’s case 50) years ago is sickening… Mutton dressed as Spam… At least British singers like Shirley Bassey and Petula Clark have grown old gracefully…

Nominated by Norman