Anders Breivik


Anders Breivik is a fuckin ‘orrible kardashicunt of the first order…

Apparently his human rights have been “violated” whilst in prison; he’s been handcuffed (oooh!!) on transferral between cells, and occasionally strip-searched (oh dear, how appalling…). What about the “human rights” of, say, about eighty of his fellow countryfolk that he gunned down in cold blood. I’d have put him in a secure “psychiatric” unit (he’s very obviously totally mental) with the most sadistic shrinks in charge of him…godforsaken little turd. Nothing wrong with him that a soundproof cellar, heavy-duty alligator clips, K-Y jelly and plenty of wattage wouldn’t sort out, even if the treatment accidentally shortened his life.

He’s a kardashicunt, the sloppiest, loosest, most fishy-smelling sort imaginable

Nominated by: HBelinda Hubbard