
Or more specifically, the acceptance and encouragement of it.

I don’t mind the occasional ale, but I’m very well aware just how much damage it does. To your mind, your body, society, productivity, crime, the list of negatives of drinking more than a small amount massively outweighs the positives, of which there are only two: seeing your mates and being sociable.

The way that the effects of this poison are glossed over is almost unbelievable. If booze were invented now, it’d be instantly classed as a toxin and banned, yet because of the tax it brings in, the goverment being beholden to the drinks industry and its historical acceptance, alcohol continues to cut a destructive swathe through society with violence, sexual assaults, crippling expense and bodily destruction.

I know there’s no answer, I just wanted to vent a little as I’ve had beloved family members and acquaintances utterly destroyed through alcoholism and now my elder son (22) drinks like a fish, which terrifies me.

Thank you for reading.

Nominated by: Thomas the Cunt Engine

Labour [30]

Labour 25
This website makes for grim yet interesting reading.

At a time when calls for public enquiries into Parking Stanley grooming gangs are in the public eye and multiplying by the day, it would appear that more than a few members of the good old Labour Party are every bit as guilty of kiddy diddling as their core voting base.

If you can’t beat em – join em. As the old saying goes.

Nominated by: Herman Jelmet

White Supremacists

We hear a lot about white supremacists. But it is pandering to the vocabulary of the left to not even ask what the fuck is a “white supremacist” never mind, by logical progression, what is a “black supremacist”? We just seem to have accepted that white is the only shade of supremacy.

Well, good news is at hand, and it turns out there are indeed black supremacists out there. And by any reasonable measure I’d say this kiddy-diddling 135 year stretch Islamic mentalist does black supremacy proud (if being noticed at all costs is the name of the game).

It’s a brief musing, but I suppose it can be summarised as: Black / White – turns out you can be a wrong ‘un whatever your complexion. Who knew!

Nominated by: Balsamic Dave


A whoops duckie cunting for our porcine and pompous Health Minister, Wes Streeting, he of the Alan Carr voice and limp wrist not only has fairies at the bottom of his garden (or indeed IN his bottom), but he also has stupid ideas about pissing away public money on gimmicks.

It seems young Wessie is very concerned that so many unemployed people might derail Daddy Starmer’s economic plans he is going to sanction giving weight loss reduction injections (Ozempic) free on the NHS to stop unemployment. I daresay he read about in in “Women & Home when he was having his shampoo and set last weekend, to look good for hubby.

Several things wrong with this:

1) It is expensive

2) It gives terrible side effects including gastro-intestinal problems and as the drug is still quite new no real long-term contraindications are known,

3) Perhaps most seriously: Most long term unemployed people are unemployed because they chose to be so (certainly younger people) and has nothing to do with weight. You see some very svelte people on benefits.

So Wes duckie, yet another crap but trendy idea – a sledgehammer to crack a walnut, that you probably dreamt up when Joe was giving it to you when you were on all fours on Saturday night. As Joe must have said “what an arsehole!”: No doubt Kweer will sign it off – he hates to disappoint his boy.

Nominated by; W.C.BOGGS