Rye College

A steaming litter tray nomination for the fucked-up teacher from Rye College, East Sussex, who called a pupil ‘despicable’ said ‘belonged in an asylum’ and threatened to notify a senior staff member all because the pupil didn’t think other pupils should identity as… CATS.

I know teaching can be stressful, and sometimes you humour kids (like a little chap next door to the house I was working on about ten years ago who went around his garden barking and saying he was a bulldog for a few days), but you really have to wonder if you’ve lost the fucking plot if you start getting angry because a teenager doesnt believe another is a cat.

Rye College isn’t far from my neck of the woods, and I might be more concerned if Brighton – the UK’s answer to San Francisco in many ways and home of genderquare shithousing – wasn”t between us.

I wonder where the teacher learned about Cat being a gender rather than from the felid family in the mammalian class.
Perhaps she’d been ‘on a course’ similiar to the one attended by the Humberside PC who needed to check Harry Miller’s thinking on trans issues was correct.

She may have attended an avante-garde street performance of Cats! in Brighton (featuring an incognito Steven Berkhoff) and fallen in love with Rumpleteaser

I’m not sure what my brother and sister-in-law plan to do for their children.
Right now Japan looks pretty good.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

More on this topic from Double 0 cunt below

Rye College East Sussex

We all jest about identifying as a postbox (or Holly Willoughbys bra) but it would seem crazyness is being taking seriously.

Rye College (They were called schools in my day) in East Sussex thinks its acceptable for a pupil to identify as a cat and unbelievably answer questions with a meow. When another pupil questioned this they were shouted down by a teacher as the cat cried, can cats cry? Seems like one of the more obscure episodes of the twilight zone.

How far down the rabbit hole are we going to go?

Daffyd Williams

Is a major cunt and so are the Police for not dealing with these pieces of festering dog shit properly, case in point the above mother fucker who has a list of convictions as long as an Orangutans arm and should be going into Uncle Terry’s oven, but instead is going to have a nice cell with an Xbox and a bed and he will only do half of that sentence anyway.

Why are plod so scared of dealing with criminals properly any more, scum like the above 20 years for shit he has probably done anyway, oil protesters 10 years, sharing a cell with that inbred ginger cunt for good measure.
Until these fuckers are treated like criminals and not hotel guests the better, there is no fear of the law anymore and im not surprised when you see shit like this going on, but don’t pay your tv license and then your really going to get fucked…..

Wales on line

Nominated by Fuglyucker.

‘Chance to Change’ – The Ministry of Justice

This is a follow up cunting to the recent Nom about the female Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Police who says they are institutionally racist and needed to do more to tackle racism.

As part of that program ‘to go much further’ Sarah Crew will be trialling the MOJ ‘Chance to Change’ initiative.

So in a nutshell over the years the cops have introduced a range of sanctions aimed at keeping young offender out of the Court system, referred to as ‘disposals’.

What follows is a direct quote from Avon and Somerset stated policy

“Plans are in development to introduce the Chance to Change programme, which has been piloted by West Yorkshire and the Metropolitan Police and has led to a reduction in offending for 18-24 year-olds. The scheme allows people to avoid a criminal justice outcome for low level or first-time offences. These types of out of court disposals often require an admission of guilt to take part, which research has shown can be a barrier to young men of Black heritage, therefore leading to harsher and disproportionate criminal justice outcomes. The aim of this scheme is to keep more young men of Black heritage out of the criminal justice system, reduce re-offending and improve relationships between the police, criminal justice system partners and Black heritage communities”.

No you didn’t read that incorrectly.

“These types of out of court disposals often require an admission of guilt to take part, which research has shown can be a barrier to young men of Black heritage,”

Well fuckadoodledo, I’ll be damned. Who’d of thunk it.

So if you are of Black Heritage unlike all other offending groups you’re now absolved of your responsibility of admitting your crime.

But it’s reassuring to know that ‘it’s been piloted by West Yorkshire and the Metropolitan Police and has led to a reduction in offending for 18-24 year-olds’


Over to you cunters.


Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface.

Men’s Bulge Enhancers

Like most of us I suspect, during my mis-spent youth I tried very hard to cop off with as many women as possible. I was always particularly gratified when the lady in question seemed to be well endowed in the ‘bustenhalter’ department.

I recall that on a couple of occasions however, I was disappointed to find that I’d been sold a pup (no pun intended); on getting down to brass tacks, the lady’s assets proved to have been enhanced by the wearing of a well padded bra.

Of course the same sex that frequently claims that ‘all men are liars’ has been guilty of this duplicity on blokes for years. But now it seems that in this age of equality, two can play at that game. For not much of an outlay, any geezer feeling a bit lacking in the package area can (yes really) now purchase a purpose made ‘bulge enhancer’ to shove down his y-fronts or swimming trunks.

Now in all honesty, I feel bound to say that any bloke using one of these must be a bit of a sad cunt who really lacks self-confidence, particularly if you’re trying to impress the ladies (and why else would you buy one?). If you’re successful in your pursuit, she’ll finally find out the truth, and probably be disappointed and a bit pissed off, as I was. Ultimately, you’re only fooling yourself. Bulge enhancers really aren’t for the birds.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Illegal e bike riding

Illegal e bike riding scrotes are cunts. I’m getting sick of these fuckers blasting long pavements, hoods up so the can’t be identified.

It’s the same old same old, not enough police to police, criminal scum riding these things illegally on 5 or 6 different levels.
The only saving grace here is it gives natural selection an opportunity to rid the world of some proper low life scum once and for all.

Of course there are those who say poor little Kyle or what ever was an angel, but the reality of that is that he was a little cunt, got killed running from the law, so fuck em, you get what you get, but there really isn’t any point in trying to star spangle a turd.
So these usual thieving, drug dealing cunts, if there is a saving grace at least the usually Staffy body guard can’t get on the bike and enjoy the sudden halt of parked cars, brick wall or an ambulance.

Sky news

Nominated by Fuglyucker.