My employers wokery (8)

They heavily buy into anything woke including, as per every year, Pride month.
Just today they surreptitiously put a small rainbow striped heart on our email sign offs.
It wasn’t there this morning, but I noticed it after lunch, although fortunately, it was an email to a colleague and not an external mail, so luckily no one outside the firm would think that I was ascribing to this crap.

I made sure to delete the offending item from all further emails today and will do so for the rest of this month, as I’m sure it’ll last that long, if not permanently.

What pisses me off the most, is their arrogance, assuming that everyone is in favour of this shit. No link for this nomination of course, but suffice to say, that the founders of the firm, long since retired and gone from the board of directors, would not be happy. Things can only get worse.

daily sceptic

Nominated by mystic maven.

Closing of Bank Accounts – Just because we can

is a cunt.

So Nigel Farage has had his account closed on the basis he is a PEP. Well this is what the media is peddling, maybe they can get some real journalists to explain what a PEP is and what category he comes under. Alongside other people also, I must add.

However, he simply isn’t a PEP at all. I’ve read through this list

law society

very clearly and I cannot fathom how he falls into any category.

He hasn’t been elected since 2019. He has held no public position of power. So why cannot cahoots give a reasoning? I’ve had this before working in the industry and it’s usually because some ongoing investigation.

They haven’t arrested Nigel, because they have no evidence, they still cannot provide any evidence yet continue to slander Nigel as accepting dodgy russian money. It’s lefties just wanting their own way again so they go on their little IBM computer and click ban.

They may use the excuse, were a private bank so we can take on who we want. Well that doesn’t wash with me, because it’s clear as day they took him on when he was a PEP by the sounds of it. This is censorship and very concerning that without a shred of evidence that he has done wrong. Personally if I was farage, I’d go to some half decent building society like Monmouthshire or something and actually have an account where you can speak to a real person and not some fucking android who spews computer says no.

Road to censorship coming along nicely folks. Don’t vote our way or say bad things about the establishment, you’ll get a ban.

Nominated by Clown Clown the Cunty Man.

Access UK

African Caribbean Careers & Employment Support Services, also known as Access UK, a bunch of dishonest, grifting cunts.

This is a government funded, supposed charity which suggests that white people are a plague and encourages people to claim for compensation under the Windrush scheme, even if not eligible.

This pathetic government and the charity commission will no doubt do nothing about it, for fear of being accused of you know what.

Nominated by mystic maven.

The Name Is a Cunt

Admin this is urgent – forget about Immigration, Pride Month, the cost of living crisis. It has come to my attention that this August website (It’s July – NA) is sadly behind the times.

It is so exclusionary a name now. To keep everybody happy I suggest you change it to- ‘Is a Bonus Hole’

If posters cannot accept such a radical change then- ‘Is a Front Hole’
is also acceptable.

It tells you all about it here-


See it works-
Gary Lineker is a Bonus Hole. Gary Lineker is a collosal Front Hole.
The BBC is full of bonus holes.
The BBC is one huge front hole.
Tom Daley is a bonus hole.
Eddie Izzard is a front hole.
(I nearly wrote bumhole for him)

No it’s either bonus hole or front hole.
Were just going to have to used to it.
I’ll leave it with you Admin.

Nominated by Miles plastic. Miles you are truly inclusive. The alphabet gang will love you C.A.

Holly Willoughby (2) hypocrisy

How very dare she..

Sit on that couch and adopt a so sad face, speaking about ecological disasters and damage, and then be so mutt stupid to not only take a helicopter to/from Glastonbury, but allow yourself to be photographed doing it?

We expect no less from the Made in Chelsea chimps, sorry I meant “stars”, but after your sanctimonious posturing recently?
You make me sick.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.