I don’t know if any fucker has had a go at this yet, but:-
”Prince William: Young royals ‘will definitely be exposed’ to homelessness”
Fuck me. Then there’s:-
“They [will] grow up knowing that actually, do you know what, some of us are very fortunate, some of us need a little bit of a helping hand, some of us need to do a bit more where we can to help others improve their lives.”
Help other improve their lives. Well here’s a suggestion you halfwitted chinless baldy cunt —
Open up the few dozen fully staffed and heated palaces you and your inbred bunch of parasites occupy. (Occasionally)
He also talks about the ‘school run’ as if he was dropping the fuckers off on his way to some hard graft instead of it being a fully staffed security fucking circus organised by the nannies.
I dont know which of the half witted half brothers is the biggest cunt.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.