Prince William (6)


I don’t know if any fucker has had a go at this yet, but:-

”Prince William: Young royals ‘will definitely be exposed’ to homelessness”

Fuck me. Then there’s:-

“They [will] grow up knowing that actually, do you know what, some of us are very fortunate, some of us need a little bit of a helping hand, some of us need to do a bit more where we can to help others improve their lives.”

Help other improve their lives. Well here’s a suggestion you halfwitted chinless baldy cunt —

Open up the few dozen fully staffed and heated palaces you and your inbred bunch of parasites occupy. (Occasionally)

He also talks about the ‘school run’ as if he was dropping the fuckers off on his way to some hard graft instead of it being a fully staffed security fucking circus organised by the nannies.

I dont know which of the half witted half brothers is the biggest cunt.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

Meadhurst Primary School and Jack Lynch

Lynch is a transgender activist who was invited to speak to pupils aged 9-11 and, quelle surprise, he told them that they could be any gender they choose to be.

The head teacher Helen Lacey, who must have been involved in the invitation to this attention seeking abomination, issued an apology to angry parents, saying that ‘the diversity speech exceeded content we were expecting’.
Not sure what else she would have expected from a trans activist.

The cunt looks like he stepped out of an early 1980s New Romantic video; wish he would time-travel back there.

Nominated by mystic maven.

The BBC again rewriting stories (89)

The famous five is to be rebooted, with the words re-imagined for progressive new audiences..

Well that sounds marvellous, doesn’t it.

I can only imagine the casting.

George will be pre-op trans.
Julian will be black.
Anne will be a burka wearing peaceful.
Dick with still be white,but be a pathetic cuck.
And timmy the dog will have 3 legs and be blind..

The stories will be about evil whitey and how great ethnics are.

It will flop terribly but the bbc will boast about it being a triumph for diversity.

So good luck BBC I look forward to watching Netflix the day its released..

The Sun

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

Any Church’s Claim of a Miracle

is a cunt, isn’t it.

The Vatican is investigating a possible miracle that happened in St.Thomas’s church in Connecticut.

During the “body of Christ” bit, the box of wafers ….suddenly filled up again. It’s amazing.

No, no, it wasnt that it was just topped up or the priest miscounted. No, no. It was a miracle. Just like that cow statue in India whose eyes bled milk or some nun whose body didn’t decompose. Who can explain these weeping statues or Christ’s Turin Towel?

Is this high on gOD’s agenda? Does he have a daily list?
Cure those children with leukemia? Cure those children with muscular dystrophy?
Magic a few dozen biscuits into a bowl?


Nominated by Captain Magnanimous.

Glasto and its pathetic powder-puff pop stars

I am not a huge fan of Elton John. He and Bernie Taupin (who hardly ever gets much credit) wrote a lot of dross along with some good songs. But at 76 Elton wobbled onto the stage at Glastonbury (“Glasto” to the hip cats) and gave a spirited performance. Ok, he can’t reach the high notes any longer, but he still plays a mean piano and tries his heart out.

Not so some of the (much younger) so-called modern “superstars”. The Arctic Monkeys performed a very half-hearted, slovenly set. The pudgy little scotchman Lewis Capaldi couldn’t last through his and Lana Del Rey was half an hour late due to hair problems and was duly cut off before the end of hers.

Well, the punters only paid three ton a ticket after all. Who expects value for that? Even the die-hard Glasto Luvvies admitted it was the most lacklustre festival ever.

As for eco credentials, a view from the sky on that last night showed the whole of the festival site lit up like Las Vegas. And the amount of litter and debris left behind could fill a stadium.

Typically of course, the Beeb saw fit to fill our screens with this shite for the whole weekend. Well, they had to justify the alleged 1000 staff they had in attendance there. Meanwhile, more cuts were announced to local BBC stations. I’m sure most listeners would prefer to witness this smugfest once a year rather than enjoy their own regular programmes every night. Especially older folk of course who adore fatso scotch freaks and the like.

I think this whole sad, self-satisfied affair says a lot about the direction of the BBC, our country and where it is all heading.

Daily Fail

Bbc news

Nominated by Lord Helpus.