Suffering For Your Vanity

Two words that don’t belong in the same sentence are penis and needle.
It seems, however, that some men are suckers for punishment by having lip fillers injected into their Tiny Tim in the hope that they can gain an extra half to one and a half inches (I’m not sure if that refers to length or girth or both).

How vain do you have to be to undergo such a risky procedure for such a small, temporary benefit especially when you see the ducklip failures of many a celebrity, wannabee model, influencer etc who have had fillers? Perhaps juiced up bodybuilders may be interested to try to get things in proportion in the nether regions but seriously who else?

Call me a mardarse but there is no way I’d spend some £4500 to £9200 to let some quack with a needle double the size of my winkie for a few months before the treatment dissolved and normality returned.

Daily Fail

p.s. any cnuter boasting that they are naturally gifted and don’t need artificial enhancements aren’t fooling anyone but themselves.

Nominated by Dickie Dribbler.

Justice for all

Justice for all.

A violent, racist piss artist has got her just rewards. Nearly.

”The 20-year-old from Oldham, Greater Manchester, admitted assault by beating, assault by beating of an emergency worker and racially aggravated harassment at Tameside Magistrates’ Court.”

Jail obviously. But no. But wait.

A tag which monitored alcohol was deemed culturally inappropriate because:_

”Her lawyer, Seraj Khan, urged magistrates not to impose an alcohol abstinence order, claiming Hussain had stopped boozing and a tag would stop her from completing the ritual washing Muslims perform before prayer.”

A piss artist, who, had they been white, would be in jail for aggravated racism and violence has her sentence modified so she can wash her fucking feet for mosque.

Justice for all.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

Costa Coffee

One of the more bizarre sights of late has been that of companies falling over themselves to demonstrate how ‘diverse’ and inclusive’ they are. You know the sort of thing. Effeminate males posing in women’s swimwear and lingerie. A rather dodgy looking tranny punting beer and cosmetics. There’s a lot of it about.

Costa Coffee has become the latest company to climb aboard the woke train.
It’s using imagery which originated in a ‘Gay Pride’ mural in (go on, have a guess) Brighton. This depicts an androgynous ‘trans male’ figure drinking coffee and displaying masectomy scars.

My usual reaction to this lunacy is to laugh, but I reckon that this goes beyond a joke. A masectomy is a terrible trauma for a woman to bear. My own mom (bless her) had to undergo this as a consequence of the cancer which ultimately took her life, and it shattered her.

Now here we have Costa being glib about it as a way of showing how ‘right on’ they are. In my opinion this is crass beyond belief. It’s also utterly tasteless; pretty much like their coffee in fact.

Just fuck off Costa, you thoughtless, charmless cunts.

The Sun

Nominated by Ron Knee.

Iris Jones

who saw this coming eh? see link below.

Her revelations crossed the bounds of decency and the outcome was entirely predictable.

Vulnerable OAP that was taken for a ride (quite brutally by her accounts but she seemed to enjoy it), or somebody that has aided and abetted an ambitious young man gaining entry to the UK. the story is somewhat lacking in details but I wonder where he us now?

Over to you dear cunters.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Cunter S Thompson.

Social Media Loonies

The curse (or the joy, depending on how you look at it) of soshull meeja is that it gives a platform to every fruitcake and his dog to express an opinion, however bizarre or outlandlish.

To back up my argument, I offer the link below as exhibit one for the prosecution;


Sometimes you just know that you’re looking at an absolute cunt of the first water.
It wouldn’t be any good trying to reason or debate an issue with a bloke with claws who hilariously uses the expression ‘we women’ when trying to make a point. And there are many, many more like this out there, just dying to make an exhibition of themselves.

Just roll with it, go with the flow. Have a good laugh at the state of some of the total fucking weirdos out there. They deserve our ultimate disdain. Not to mention being sectioned for their own safety. Cunts to a man…woman…whatever…

Nominated by Ron Knee.