Spanish kiss fallout

Spain won the wimminz ‘World Cup’ recently and one of the players was seen in a quick kiss of the lips with the male boss of the Spanish FA, when collecting her medal.

Explanations vary as to whether it was instigated by the man or the player herself. The Spanish FA point to evidence (agree that it is debatable etc) that the rather butch lass lifted the man off his feet to draw him near.

But I digress. While it’s not normal to plonk a kiss on in the lips of a lady you’re not shagging, in some cultures it’s not seen as being quite as bad. In some cultures you see non gay blokes doing it. I’ve seen the old Yugoslavia team kissing each other on the lips after a goal. Maybe they were all gays, but I doubt it.

And remember, this kiss was in a moment of celebration and jubilation, even if I do think the Wiminz World Cup is Mickey mouse bullshit.

In my opinion, yes, he shouldn’t have done it (if he actually did that is!).

But the reaction to it all has been ridiculously over the top. These split arses including ‘our lionesses’ (do fuck off!), are going on like the cunt tore her kit off and arse raped her live on the telly, then invited all the male members of the crowd to have a go on it.

Of course, they’re calling for him to be sacked and have his life ruined already. ‘Unacceptable sexism from a patriarchal organisation’ say ‘our lionesses’.

Well I hope the Spanish (and English) FA bring in some real equality and tell the wiminz that from now, all funding for them is to be provided from the money they generate. Not by stealing from the ‘patriarchy’.

Strong, independent wimminz, innit?

Fuck off.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

More on this subject by Norman below.

More hilarity over the circus shitshow that is wimmins football.

Like the blacks and the BLM mob, these cunts are never happy. Like the ‘Lionesses’ with their money and merchandising, you just knew there would be something the winners would be moaning about too. Sure as eggs is bloody eggs.

Spain’s womens team wins the Minnie Mouse World Cup. Time for celebration. right?


Instead of celebrating, the wimmin footballers and the female social media hordes are having a massive chimp out. Because Federation president Luis Rubiales kissed playerJenni Hermoso on the lips after Spain’s Women’s World Cup win. Needless to say, those ever so perfect people at FIFA have suspended Rubiales.

Alright, he should have asked. But had she done it to him, no cunt would have given a shit or batted an eyelid. And, had it been two blokes? They would call it a ‘seismic historic moment’ and a ‘giant leap for LGBTQXYZ’. And, had she kissed another team mate? I have no doubt it would have been viewed as cheeky hijinks and gleefull cries of ‘what a character’ would have rung out. Caught in a moment and all that crap.

But, because it was a striaight fellah, a minor incident has been turned into a major crime and a witch hunt. As is their wont, these Me Too types will now hound this man into the dole queue and possibly into the ground. Thanks to these psychos, we now live in a world where a wolf whistle or a drunken hand on a knee is on a par with rape. Make a complaint against Rubiales by all means. But an enquiry for sexual violence? They really need to get some perspective and they also want to ask a real rape or assault victim what sexual violence is really like.

And besides, I remember Big Joe Jordan kissing Jimmy Greenhoff after Jim scored the winner in the 1979 FA Cup Semi Final Replay. It’s been going on for years.

And even more kiss and tell tales from Sir Limpy Stroke below.

Jesus H – the kiss on the lips of Jenni Hermoso (Spanish female football player) by Louis Rubiales (Spanish FA President) continues to monster the news all over.

Hermoso declares it was non-consensual, Rubales ignores calls to resign, his wife locks herself in a church and goes on hunger strike. Talk about Spanish Practices. For my money the real issue is Spanish Garlic Breath. Will accept that the ugly slaphead cunt looming down from a great height and planting a wet rubbery smacker is one to frighten the horses.

No evidence as yet that a tongue was involved (a la Jimmy Saville) but the inference may be drawn. Add to that the stench of garlic – a habitually Spanish phenomenon – and the situation gets, as our American friends have it, exceeding gross. I have experienced the old Spanish Kiss a few times in a long life and I think back to just post war when the various demob camps were visited by a Spanish filly, a flamenco dancer who travelled around with her maracas in a little Austin van. Forget the fillie’s name but never that kiss. Her supple tongue work was finished off by the belch of Hades, a blast of wind straight out of the deserts of North Africa via the rancid fishing ports of Morocco and originating in the spice and stench of the Maghreb.

My sympathies miss Hermoso and may you ride the heights of media exploitation and the depths of compensation.

Maria Hadden

Let’s have an “If she weighs the same as a duck, then she’s made of wood” cunting for Chicago Alderwoman Maria Hadden.

But first let’s correct the record and refer to her with the more inclusive (and proper) title of Alderperson.

This stupid cunt is actually an elected Democrat city official. Her proposal for stopping the unprecedented rise of murder in her once great and now degenerate city is to ask gang members to voluntarily limit the shooing of people to the overnight hours…between 9PM and 9AM.

Her logic…very simple; if people know that they or their children are likely to shot during certain hours, they will not venture out during those hours and they will be more likely to monitor their children during those same house thus reducing the number of the homicides in the city of Chiraq.

At least one other brain dead cunt agrees with her. Tatiana Atkins, who is co-founder of some group called, “Native Sons…”

STOP! In this day and age do we still permit such non-inclusive, obviously misogynistic groups to exist? Uh…Native Offspring would be…

WAIT! Isn’t referring to non-indigenous Americans as natives cultural appropriation?

Fuck it! Moving on…

In a twist of irony obviously lost on the thinking impaired founder, she endorses the late night ban on shooting as a first step and says:

“Things didn’t become this way overnight and change won’t happen overnight.”


This new learning amazes me Mx Atkins. Tell me again how sheep’s bladders may be employed to prevent Covid.

Nonetheless, her stupidity pales in insignificance to Alderperson Hadden who actually proposed the idiotic notion that the murder rate will go down if gang members voluntarily limit their murders until nightfall.

All I can say is, this dumb cunt better not go out after dark!


Nominated by General Cuntster.

Abdullah Qureshi

Another member of the religion of peace with mental health issues..
Must be something on the carpets they kiss..

This credit to society travelled down from Dewsbury to Stamford Hill. Rather large Jewish presence there, see where I’m going?

And proceeded to assault three people he believed to be Jewish.
He hit one victim over the head with a bottle.
Then attacked a child and punched a 64 year old man.

What a wonderful human being.
I wonder what the outcry would of been if roles were reversed!

And what was this piece of shits punishment..sentenced to a hospital order under the mental health act.
I imagine he will be cured in six months.

What is it that gives that stone age backward religion a free pass every time.

Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

Smartphone Zombies

This has probably been touched on before. Nevertheless, I can’t help myself but post another nomination for cunts utterly and completely engrossed with their bleedin’ phones!

Not only here in England, but during my 3 month sojourn in Denmark, I couldn’t help but notice how many people were staring at their phones despite their immediate situation and possible risk of being killed by car/train/tram/lorry!

In a Danish restaurant we noticed a party of 8 at a table, 7 of whom were staring at their phones while the 8th (a baby) was probably wondering why he/she/it was sucking on the teat of mudder!

In a Danish park, you had a couple sitting on a park bench, both of whom were looking at their phones, probably texting one another rather than actually bothering to speak!

At a Danish lake, I actually saw some bloke dressed in scuba gear about to wade out in the lake or river, but he took his phone with him so that he could probably check his Facebook page while 200 feet underwater.

Now I know I’m no saint when it comes to looking at my phone. But I tend to draw the line in pubs/restaurants and busy streets. But for a lot of people their phone seems to be part of the family, seemingly umbilically attached to one’s hand almost from the point of birth!

It won’t be too long before we forget how to visibly speak. Instead we’ll just text. So you can imagine the scenario when you want to fuck some young tart. Don’t bother speaking, just text from the moment you’ve got her in the bedroom to the point where mission accomplished and you’re wiping your dick on the curtains!

“Was it gd 4 u. babe?”
“Yeh. Ur d best”

Nominated by Technocunt.


I know this will probably be an unpopular cunting but fuck it, i hate the stuff.

Perhaps not so much the cold stuff sitting in the fridge that you make a nice ploughmans with,
but cheese that gets cooked and heated up. Unfortunately, the melted stuff now puts me off the cold stuff.

As far as i’m concerned, melted cheese is, in my humble opinion, the most vile, appalling, disgusting, abhorent food substance ever to have been slewed from Satan’s hairy ringpiece.

I don’t think there are the words of a dictionary to accurately describe my reaction upon going in to a place that has cheese cooking. It’s like walking into a giant cheesy shitcloud. It makes me recoil in abject disgust and look for the exit.

I’ve heard it described as ‘food crack’ by some who find it addictive.
It’s slathered all over your food like a farmer’s slurry, whether you want it or not, not that most seem to mind.

Takeaways are the worst, a slice of processed cheese with everything like it’s a government diktat.
Cheese in your burger, cheese in your fries, cheese in this, that and everything else.

The last time i was in Mcdonalds, (conveniance at the time) i had to wait for a burger without the wretched stuff.
I was in their with a girlfriend and she ordered a chicken burger. We both opened our burgers to pull out all the other dross they like to fill burgers with and her chicken burger had a slice of processed cheese in there. For fuck’s sake!
You don’t make a nice Sunday chicken roast then decorate it with filthy slices of cheese do you?

Adverts with a slice being lifted out of a pizza and all those stringy bits of cheese still attached causes me to cover my eyes, a bit like when two iron hoofs unexpectadley kiss on tv. Nooooooooo, i don’t want to look.

When i was little, i remember being banned from going out on the playground at school at lunch time one day because i refused to eat the cheese flan/pizza or whatever the horrific cheese infested concoction sitting on my plate was.
To make matters worse i accidentaly hoofed it into the cutlery bucket instead of the waste bucket when the teacher finally let me leave.
I had to scoop it out with my hand and put it in the waste bucket, the horror, i was fucking traumatised. I thought the pigswill was meant to be
in the waste bucket, not served up on my plate for lunch.

I once shared a flat with a friend and his girlfriend, fucking cheese freaks the pair of them.
I had to remember to close my bedroom (nearest the kitchen) door when they cooked anything with cheese so i didn’t get assaulted by the aforementioned cheese shitcloud if i went into my room.

Ready meals have to be carefully inspected for ingredients (yes i know, my fault for eating ready meals)
Last time i was out with friends, they were considering eating in a slurry pit, sorry pizza restaurant, Luckily we went elsewhere.
Not that i complained, i don’t want to restrict other people’s enjoyment.

So there you have it, i fucking hate cheese with a vengeance and always will.
You eat it.


Nominated by Polite cunt.