In the early days of ITV one of their biggest successes was the American comedy series “I Love Lucy” with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. The lovely Lucy was in real life Mrs Arnez. What did she see in him?
It seems ITV, desperately short of comedic material hopes to have a 21st century success with another husband and wife pair of funsters – I Love Pixieballs” because (apparently – I don’t watch morning TV) Edward Balls was in the ludicrous position of “interviewing” his wife, the current Home Secretary about the riots. I can only assume it was a riot of laughter on the couch today – judging by the picture in this BBC piece it does look, indeed, as though Mini-Cooper has shit herself – at the very least she is touching cloth in her Junior Miss Pull-up pants:
Nominated by W. C. Boggs.