A “dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones” cunting (now here de word of de Lord) for her Ladyship, who has got herself yet another front page splash by pleading victimhood.
When young Steve bought it 31 years ago, Mr & Mrs (as she then was and should still be) decided to have him entombed in Africa. Well thirty years after he has been mouldering in the grave her Ladfyship decided he should be returned to the U.K. He has been exhumed but Dame Doreen isn’t happy – because the story has leaked out on social media. She is also unhappy because the company given the honour of digging him up didn’;t guard the site of the tomb.
As she made an extraordinary decision three decades on, she might have expected that comment would be made. Is she after a freebie, a state funeral or perhaps she just wanted to make the tear-stained announcement herself. It’s all about me, honey child!.
There is no pleasing this old darkie, but why the fuck was she given a titel in the first place?. She is as thick as Angela Rayner, and not that many years ago both of them would have been lucky to have got a job in the Commons as a lavatory attendant.
You and me, we sweat and strain……….
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs
Seconded by : OpinionatedCunt
Here’s a Daily Fail link from 2012 where his grave is clearly shown in multiple images – no wailing from her then as far as I know. Indeed, it was filmed as part of the Panorama documentary at the time.
And a judicial review from Imitation Yank with this:
Seconded (again).
I’d forgotten about this old hag, but looked up her deets on Wiki. Well, well, well…lookie here.
Occupation cited as Campaigner. Is that actually a thing?. In 2003, she was appointed OBE for services to community relations. Well done. She founded the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust to promote a positive community legacy in her son’s name. OK, fair enough. She’s also been selected to sit on panels within the Home Office and the police, and she is a member of both the board and the council of Liberty, the human rights organisation, as well as being a patron of hate crime charity Stop Hate UK. All very virtuous I’m sure. A fine upstanding member of the communidee.
But wait…..there’s more….to directly quote from the Wiki page:
In October 2019, Lawrence attracted criticism for her on-camera remarks concerning the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy made during an interview with Channel 4 News. She was quoted as saying: “Had that been a block full of white people in there, they would have done everything to get them out as fast as possible and make sure that they do what they needed to do.” A public petition was raised demanding an apology. She later apologised for her remarks.
Racist much? But I guess it’s OK when they do it, right? And note, her apology wasn’t made until AFTER the public petition was raised. Does that constitute a genuine and heartfelt apology then? Why wasn’t that grounds to strip the bitch of her OBE?