Dame Doreen Lawrence O.B.E. [6]

A “dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones” cunting (now here de word of de Lord) for her Ladyship, who has got herself yet another front page splash by pleading victimhood.

When young Steve bought it 31 years ago, Mr & Mrs (as she then was and should still be) decided to have him entombed in Africa. Well thirty years after he has been mouldering in the grave her Ladfyship decided he should be returned to the U.K. He has been exhumed but Dame Doreen isn’t happy – because the story has leaked out on social media. She is also unhappy because the company given the honour of digging him up didn’;t guard the site of the tomb.

As she made an extraordinary decision three decades on, she might have expected that comment would be made. Is she after a freebie, a state funeral or perhaps she just wanted to make the tear-stained announcement herself. It’s all about me, honey child!.

There is no pleasing this old darkie, but why the fuck was she given a titel in the first place?. She is as thick as Angela Rayner, and not that many years ago both of them would have been lucky to have got a job in the Commons as a lavatory attendant.

You and me, we sweat and strain……….

BBC News.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

Seconded by : OpinionatedCunt

Here’s a Daily Fail link from 2012 where his grave is clearly shown in multiple images – no wailing from her then as far as I know. Indeed, it was filmed as part of the Panorama documentary at the time.

Daily Fail.

And a judicial review from Imitation Yank with this:

Seconded (again).

I’d forgotten about this old hag, but looked up her deets on Wiki. Well, well, well…lookie here.

Occupation cited as Campaigner. Is that actually a thing?. In 2003, she was appointed OBE for services to community relations. Well done. She founded the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust to promote a positive community legacy in her son’s name. OK, fair enough. She’s also been selected to sit on panels within the Home Office and the police, and she is a member of both the board and the council of Liberty, the human rights organisation, as well as being a patron of hate crime charity Stop Hate UK. All very virtuous I’m sure. A fine upstanding member of the communidee.

But wait…..there’s more….to directly quote from the Wiki page:

In October 2019, Lawrence attracted criticism for her on-camera remarks concerning the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy made during an interview with Channel 4 News. She was quoted as saying: “Had that been a block full of white people in there, they would have done everything to get them out as fast as possible and make sure that they do what they needed to do.” A public petition was raised demanding an apology. She later apologised for her remarks.

Racist much? But I guess it’s OK when they do it, right? And note, her apology wasn’t made until AFTER the public petition was raised. Does that constitute a genuine and heartfelt apology then? Why wasn’t that grounds to strip the bitch of her OBE?



Police Farce (8)

someone needs to show these fools what policing actually means.

After a week, more or less, of civil unrest ( fucking idiots using any excuse for a rammy), I’m just waiting for the 10pm – 7am curfew. I’ll be astonished if it doesn’t happen.


Here’s a police force who are actually doing the job they signed up for, policing!

More power to your elbows, my dears. I just wish we had more of you.
Proper coppers!

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Filthy, Disgusting Song Lyrics

I got home the other day to find the wife in a swoon on the sofa. After administering smelling salts, she managed to tell me that she’d fainted away while listening to a song by somebody called Lyrica Anderson, which contained such unspeakable smut as ‘suck this pussy through these panties yeah, ah got a kitty shaved for you bae’. I had to put her to bed with a glass of warm milk, and she’s still in a state of considerable nervous agitation.

Sadly such vileness is a symptom of the degeneracy of modern society, along with mobile phones, drugs, trainers and fast food. I first became aware of this phenomenon back in the 80s, with Frankie Goes To Hollywood’s horrible ‘Relax’ *shudder*, and the likes of ‘relax, don’t do it, when you wanna come, but shoot it in the right direction’. Utterly appalling.

It’s nothing new of course. I mean, take this revolting example from the 40s;

You could be forgiven for thinking that smutty lyrics are a symptom of post war moral decline, along with teenage sex, teddy boys and rock n’ roll, but you’d be wrong. I mean, just have a listen to these examples from the 30s;

If this doesn’t make you want to vomit nothing will. This stuff’s been around since people began writing songs. We are lost in a stinking sewer of moral turpitude. If Mary Whitehouse was alive, she’d be turning in her grave.




Nominated by Ron Knee.

Football Transfer Window Clichés

The domestic footy season ended some weeks ago, and since then, the meeja has gone into its usual feeding frenzy regarding transfer speculation and rumours. Yes, the transfer window has been ‘thrown open’ once more.

It’s that time of the year for clubs to ‘weigh their options’, and consider ‘preparing a bid’ for the latest ‘ace’ from wherever. ‘War chests’ are ‘prised open’. Melchester Untied and Littleplop get into a ‘bidding war’ for South American teenage sensation Juan Orranutha, but he ‘snubs’ them to ‘push through his dream move’ to Spanish ‘giants’ Unreal Pimpleona.

Meanwhile Aston Bungalow is ‘monitoring the situation’ of Tittingham Hotspud’s Korean ‘misfit’ Whun Hung Lo, who’s been ‘frozen out’ at White Dogshite Lane. Lo has issued a ‘come and get me’ plea to the Midlands ‘powerhouse’, in an attempt to ‘end his Spuds nightmare’. Hotspuds fans are sending out ‘I’ll drive him there myself’ messages on soshull meeja.

Elsewhere, ‘minnows’ Cunthorpe United have issued a ‘hands off warning’ to Chuntsea regarding ‘wonderkid’ Mumbo N’jumbo, stating angrily that an offer from the Londoners was ‘derisory and insulting’. Chuntsea insists that it ‘won’t be held to ransom’ by the Cunts, but is aware that Muntchester City is ‘on red alert’ and ‘looking to hijack’ the deal.

And so it goes on. In spite of clubs ‘looking to get their business done early’, with talks being at a ‘preliminary’ or ‘advanced’ stage and bids ‘lodged’ or ‘tabled’, things will reach an ‘impasse’, or ‘break down’, or go ‘into limbo’. As deadline day approaches, there’ll be a scramble to ‘get deals over the line’. Players joining a new club will be ‘unveiled’ holding up a shirt or a scarf in front of the cameras, burbling on about how ‘it’s always been my ambition to join the club I supported as a kid’.

Then suddenly, the window ‘slams shut’, and won’t re-open until January, when clubs will once more attempt to ‘bolster’ their squads. Oh well, it all helps to keep footy fans occupied during the dog days of summer, when besides the cricket, golf, racing, tennis and the Olympics, there’s little else to offer by way of a sporting diversion.

The Sun.

Nominated by : Ron Knee


In the early days of ITV one of their biggest successes was the American comedy series “I Love Lucy” with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. The lovely Lucy was in real life Mrs Arnez. What did she see in him?

It seems ITV, desperately short of comedic material hopes to have a 21st century success with another husband and wife pair of funsters – I Love Pixieballs” because (apparently – I don’t watch morning TV) Edward Balls was in the ludicrous position of “interviewing” his wife, the current Home Secretary about the riots. I can only assume it was a riot of laughter on the couch today – judging by the picture in this BBC piece it does look, indeed, as though Mini-Cooper has shit herself – at the very least she is touching cloth in her Junior Miss Pull-up pants:


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.