Alex Salmond has died at the age of 69. Well that’s a very comfortable position.
It seems he died by over exerting himself when opening a bottle of tomato sauce
in Macedonia. I am awaiting the coroner’s report to see if he died
by being clogged up with shortbread. It seems he didn’t pay the travel
insurance because his supporters wanted the RAF to repatriate his body with
a special flight. Scotland doesn’t have its own air force of course.
Alex Salmond: A disgraced former first minister, political opportunist, fat cunt.
His critics were less kind. This is the man who sued his own lawyer
who kept the fat pest out of jug. He was suing the Scottish Parliament
for £1m for God knows what. A man who uses the law to his own advantage
and not for justice. The man who campaigned for decades to separate Scotland from the rest of the UK. The man whose opinions caused arguments in families and between friends. An arse hole. Good riddance.
I just wish someone would stand up in parliament and say that.
Nominated by Anton Pillar.