Film Clichés (Continued)

A while ago now I gave an IsAC kicking to those wearying tropes that infest films (especially American ones). You know, those tired, hackneyed scenes and bits of dialogue that lazy,unoriginal writers and directors just can’t resist throwing in. It was something I had to get off my chest.

Well I’ve recently spent some time recovering from surgery, and have watched a lot of ‘movies’, and boy, did those bastard clichés just keep on coming. Here’s a further selection of dialogue that should have been put to death years ago;

*if you kill him, you’re no better than he is
*this isn’t what it looks like
*I got this/I can do this
*we have to get the bullet out/we have to stop the bleeding
*I want your badge and your gun
*we have to go right now
*you’re gonna have to trust me on this
oh, and in case I forget…

Major... you'd better take a look at this.

As if that shit wasn’t bad enough, here’s another selection of scenes to make you grind your teeth;

*spies/villains checking the compartments in the ‘wash room’
*the hero walking away from a huge explosion without looking back (in slo-mo)
*a stolen suit or uniform always fits the hero perfectly
*cut to the view through a cardboard cut out when someone is using binoculars
*snap/snap/snap rapid photo images when someone is under surveillance
*heroes walking strung out in line abreast (slo-mo of course)
and again, lest I forget, it’s…

I mean come on you guys; is this stuff really the best that you can come up with? Fuckin hell, let’s get outta here.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

Misogyny is Terrorism

BBC News website
10th September, 2026

Data just released shows that the UK faces a bigger threat of terrorism from white Far Right extremists than any other group.

The Misogyny is Terrorism Act 2025 was steered through Parliament by Home Secretary Yvette Cooper. This introduced two tiers of misogyny into Law.

Tier 1 applies to members of the Muslim community for whom treating women like dirt is a cultural norm, and therefore exempt from the Law.
Tier 2 applies to all others. This month MI5 confirmed that 25 million white men are now on their terrorism watch list, easily outnumbering the 40,000 Islamists.

When reporter John Smith asked Mx Cooper if the Law had been deliberately created to criminalise white men and distract from real terrorism, she accused him of misogyny and he was arrested on the spot. He is now facing terrorism charges.

GB news

Nominated by Geordie Twatt.

Gen Z’s Treatment and Perception of Music

Music Is Officially Dead
( to Gen-Z )

ʢ ▣ ◌ ◜♪◞ ∮ ⋱ ⫊

BBC News.

15 second, sped-up snippets of songs.
I`ll repeat that: 15 second, sped-up snippets of songs.

A long, long time ago
I can still remember how that music
Used to make me smile

But something touched me deep inside
The day the music died

I have nothing else to say, except Look What They Did to My Song, Ma.

Nominated by : Sam Beau

Quislings in the community

County of Norfolk flag, would they allow this? C.A.

In the small village of Claxton, Norfolk (pop. 300) some of the communidy are appalled that the national flag should be raised next to the village hall. This is because our country’s standard can be seen as “divisive” and “nationalistic” or “anti-immigrant”. By whom? The media are rather quiet on this. The assumption is that the complainants are residents of Claxton, who feel* that showing the national flag might put off people who would otherwise want to live there – almost certainly code for immigrants.

Couple of points there: at last we have a solution to the boat problem. Simply erect a huge UJ in the middle of the Channel, and hey presto, no more immo misery! And I search my meagre recollection of history in vain to find anyone unwilling to invade/resettle these islands since ( and including) the Glorious Revolution because we had a nasty flag.

Unanswered is the burning question: why anyone living in idyllic and still mostly British rural Norfolk (bar the odd Kurdish kebabista) would even want to encourage the type of shitbrained cunt who thinks our national flag is a symbol of racism?

(Choice of source was a bit limited because the meeja handled this one with a pair of Teflon tongs, or put it behind a paywall)

*”Feel”: The use of this word was adapted by Miranda Blair as an infinitely flexible substitute for “know”, requiring as it does no confirmatory data.

Nominated by Komodo.

State of the Nation 2024

I haven’t contributed to this forum for some while although a regular reader. I kind of thought I would let the world drift by rather than comment on the many injustices and irritations we see before us. After all too much negativity isn’t good for one’s health.

Even when the tories were finally put out of their misery I thought no, give the new lot a chance. Yet after just a month we can see where our once blessed country is heading.

Everything many of us suspected has happened or is in the pipeline. Two-tier Starmer blaming one side for the riotous behaviour on our streets. Stating he would protect the Muslim community. What about the rest of us? What about the white folk who were beaten to a pulp as gangs of islamists roamed the streets to seek revenge? Fast justice for them too? Not a chance.
Even handed law and order? You’re joking. BLM and Pro-Palestine protesters allowed to do as they please with race-baiting chants and banners. The PM and Deputy PM taking the knee.

Detention camps closed. Hotels emptied. Immigrants to be dispersed into towns and villages and given social housing of which there is already a massive shortage.
Record numbers crossing the channel.

Not content with this, Gobshite Rayner also plans to concrete over the countryside and to turn every community into the sort of council estate nightmare she and her offspring were brought up in. Naturally, she took the opportunity to buy and then sell her council property as soon as she could at a decent profit. On an MP’s and now a minister’s salary she could afford to move on.

Wes “dainty” Streeting immediately caves into the junior doctors awarding them 10 times inflation. A whopping 22%. Naturally, all the other public workers and unions will regard this as a special case and show restraint with their own demands for higher pay. Like hell they will. Brace yourself for a winter of discontent #2 and inflation rising again. GPs going on strike for the first time ever.

All but the poorest pensioners robbed of their winter fuel allowance by Rachel “Ruthless” Reeves. Well, the tories get most of the grey vote anyway. Easy target.

Ed “Mad” Milliband pressing ahead with net zero oblivious to the fact that it is impossible to achieve. Sales of EVs are dropping because people don’t want them but soon car manufacturers will be fined hugely for every petrol car they sell as a result of government policy. The extension to 2035 has been reversed to 2030. Even the EU is retreating from these targets. A lot of Eastern England will disappear under giant pylons to carry renewable power – to London and the South East of course.

And despite their election promise not to increase taxes they will find a way (stealthily) to do so. Labour always do. And to put us into deeper debt.

We had the Olympics to cheer us up didn’t we? Especially the “men” who successfully beat up the women in the boxing. The World Games had the sense to ban these freaks who were supposedly born female with XY chromosomes. We can now look forward to “men” winning many more female events in future. Labour seem to support this trend.

Things can only get better.


Ps. Sorry there is no appropriate link for this general observation.

Nominated by Lord Helpus, link provided by Sam Beau.