Cunters with long memories may recall me posting about some bizarre sexual encounters reported in the meeja; a couple of Aussies getting up to no good with an unfortunate trout, and a nutter from oop north who tried to stick his dick down a gull’s throat. Not to mention a gentleman of a certain persuasion who was found guilty of sexually assaulting his chickens.There are some strange people about.
Well here’s another tale from the weird and wonderful world of the sexual pervert. Step forward one Evgenii Kuvshinov, a Russian tourist in Thailand who’s been pinched by the local cops after trying it on with a cow.
Apparently a naked Kuvshinov was seen sidling up to a bull, but thought better of it.
Turning his attention to a tethered cow, the cunt tried his luck, only to end up being gored by the lady, who didn’t take kindly to his unwanted attentions.
A chastened Kuvshinov was taken to hospital for treatment, and presumably will be suitably dealt with the authorities in due course . The condition of the cow remains uncertain. It’s to be hoped that she’s receiving appropriate treatment and trauma counselling following this outrageous assault on her virtue.
Bizarre indeed.
Nominated by Ron Knee.