Bizarre Sex (Continued)


Cunters with long memories may recall me posting about some bizarre sexual encounters reported in the meeja; a couple of Aussies getting up to no good with an unfortunate trout, and a nutter from oop north who tried to stick his dick down a gull’s throat. Not to mention a gentleman of a certain persuasion who was found guilty of sexually assaulting his chickens.There are some strange people about.

Well here’s another tale from the weird and wonderful world of the sexual pervert. Step forward one Evgenii Kuvshinov, a Russian tourist in Thailand who’s been pinched by the local cops after trying it on with a cow.

Apparently a naked Kuvshinov was seen sidling up to a bull, but thought better of it.
Turning his attention to a tethered cow, the cunt tried his luck, only to end up being gored by the lady, who didn’t take kindly to his unwanted attentions.

A chastened Kuvshinov was taken to hospital for treatment, and presumably will be suitably dealt with the authorities in due course . The condition of the cow remains uncertain. It’s to be hoped that she’s receiving appropriate treatment and trauma counselling following this outrageous assault on her virtue.

Bizarre indeed.

the sun

Nominated by Ron Knee.

This renaming of diseases malarkey


is a cunt. Just because it “could” be used as a potential offensive word to a certain ethnic background: monkeypox to mpox. As it states in the article at the following link…

who new

The monkeypox name was chosen because the disease was first discovered on captive monkeys in 1958. That sounds like a good reason to call it monkeypox. But no, in today’s world where no hurty words of any kind are allowed, it gets changed.

So what next? Changing Chickenpox to just cpox, because Bernard Matthews’s relatives may find it offensive to chickens?

A pox on the WHO for being stupid soft twats. I will still refer to it as monkeypox and always will, and I don’t give a feck what anybody else thinks about that.

Nominated by The More’s Whinge.

Joe Biden (22)

Now that the old matrons of America – Hillary Clinton and Nancy Palosi have embraced their inner Harris, old Joe gave his farewell speech yesterday and said “America – I have given you my best.

Fuck knows what his worst would have been like?

The poor old cunt, and he never even got to meet our wonderful new young King – George Vl .Lol C.A.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

“Mamma didn’t raise no fools”

A cunting for the United States Secret Service.

With the crowning of Queen Kamala, the attempted assassination of Donald Trump has been relegated to the back pages. The powers that be and their allies in the MSM want you to forget it ever happened.

There are however some people still asking questions.

What caused the admitted “catastrophic failure?” Was it incompetence? A lack of resources? DEI? Or as is being suggested by some, something much darker?

We may never know the answer. However, we have been assured that the USSS takes the matter very seriously and has taken all the appropriate steps to make sure this never happens again. They are after all…Professionals

Yeah right!

At a recent campaign / rap concert / worship event for Kamala Obama, the highly professional agents for the Secret Service felt the call of nature. Hey we all do. And after all they’re only human.

So what did these icons of integrity do? Being Professionals they did what every Sworn Law Enforcement Officer would do. They found a business that was closed…taped over the security camera…picked the lock…gained access and proceeded to avail themselves of the facilities. Some press reports say they invited anyone else (law enforcement or otherwise) who felt the call to do the same.


After initially denying the reports they were forced to admit it and then apologize when security footage from a camera revealed their actions. It is unclear if they didn’t tape the first camera up completely or were viewed from a different, presumably un-taped camera.

OK…no harm…no foul.

Meanwhile at an Orange Hitler rally, a female agent felt the call of nature in another way. She (along with 2 of here relatives who did not have security clearance to be there) left her post without permission and accessed a secure facility (where the 2 family members were also not cleared to be) and then proceeded to breastfeed her newborn.


So to answer the questions:

Is it incompetence? Yes.

Is it lack of resources…or in this case facilities? Yes.

Is it DEI? Yes.

Is it something much darker? You tell me.

We have a long way to go until the November Election. And with the grossly incompetent US Secret Service on guard, I fear there will be another assassination attempt.

Anyone care to lay odds on who?

As the old timers in the States used to say…6…2…and even it’s Donald Trump.

Nominated by General Cuntster.

The riots, the narrative and the Far Right


It seems some on-line shit stirring resulted in our summer of riots. There were probably a few BNP type nutters involved, but it mainly seems to be local yobs. However, the narrative is Far Right. Got it? Far Right.

Except when you see local reports of who has been arrested – namely, local yobs.

A lot of kids. Fucking looters. And on the quiet a fair few of the Peaceful persuasion . Are we to believe these cunts are an organised threat? Well thats the narrative. The facts however do not back this up.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.