A whoops duckie, you are wonderful dahling, whatever you do, you camp old queen cunting for up his own arse aging actor laddie, McKellen.
Tomorrow (8th September) marks the second anniversary of the death of Queen Elizabeth, but this doesn’t stop this other theatrical old queen for trashing her.
According to the painted and powdered old twat, the Queen (the real one) was “bloody disrespectful” when he picked up some totally unmerited award, simply because she asked him whether “people still went to the theatre”
What a slap in the face for this preposterous old poof. He has treaded the boards this past 60 years more often than he has had dick up his raddled old arse. The Queen was just making small talk, and it might have been a genuine enquiry as I doubt the aging Monarch went to the theatre regularly.
All homosexualists are a pain in the arse, but why is it that when they totter and mince into old age, they behave like Peter Mandelson when his piles are especially painful, and become complete fuckwits?. This silly old cunt fell off the stage a few weeks ago, so perhaps geriatric buggery is out of the question and he has too much time on his hands?.
Nominated by : W. C. Boggs