If this nom goes up when it might be reasonably expected to, it might land between November 13th & 19th… and were you aware, good people, that that week is ‘Trans Awareness Week’? Oh dear, a quick check tells me those dates are taken EVERY fucking year, by ‘them’… so that week is gone should YOU be part of some bunch that wants to label it “x week”, ever.
Feels like one of those workplaces where y’put in for holidays in advance, before someone else stakes a claim on the dates that suit you. Except there’s rationale in that scenario.
I have a feeling the former notion is actually just whimsy, which hasn’t been addressed by a based, grownup grownup. There are numerically WAY more sick-of-this-shit people in the world… types afraid, maybe, to antagonise the vindictive rabble, .. or are too busy dealing(quietly) with the various NON-whimsical facets of life… or perhaps just indifferent to the neverending low-browedness of it all at this stage … but trans awareness week it apparently shall be.
I don’t know if there are rules, .. do cunts have to submit a claim (and to who?)for this, that or the other? Does someone have the authority to say ‘no’ to, say ‘Compassion for ciotógs’ week, (and what if one the devil-handed freaks wanted it to overlap with the aforementioned deviant-class freaks’ dates?)
‘Week Free of Forced Awareness’ could be another one. But that’s ridiculous, someone might say. Yeah. THAT’S ridiculous. Link tells me November is a busy little month for the easily distracted. I see anti-bullying week crosses t.a.w. Ironic ; as vocal trannies en masse are quite the bullying bunch. Also ; if these ’causes’ aren’t health related, they’re definitely woke shit. And there’s a subset of absolutely zero-merit ones too. Less ‘awareness’, just outright childish
whims. Worldwide mobile phone appreciation day and the likes, I dunno, .. shit like that.
In this Nov 13/19th case, what the fuck do the cunts think they need a named week for any more at this stage anyways? They’re fucking omnipresent in their own circles, and it’s hard to go a few days without some whingeing out of ’em over some new perceived slight even if you want nothing to do with a bunch of mostly infantile noticewhores?
‘No trans-nonsense week’ would be a welcome novelty.
Work Life Central.
Nominated by : CuntemAll
Seconded by : CuntemAll
Can one ‘second’ one’s own cunting?, .. ‘s just while observing the above will most likely miss it’s projected/given date-week to appear, I stumbled across the fact that it, and us all, like it or not, .. are slap-bang in the middle of ‘islamaphobolia awareness MONTH’.
Islamophobia Awareness Month.
Geez 9/11 can pass without a mention of, well you-know-what, on Sept 11th these years … but this lot need a month to feel *especially* victimized ..