I’m not yet retired, but I can see it on the horizon. As such, I’ve started watching YT videos about how and when to transition from working full time to being a cunt of leisure full time. Some videos encourage you to retire as soon as possible, while others tell you to never, ever retire. What to do?
Many of the videos touch upon what having a full time job provides. Income obviously, but also work related benefits, a purpose, a life structure and to a degree, some (work related) social interaction. By definition, not having a full time job means not having those things:
- No earned income, so you’d better have enough saved. How much is enough?
- No benefits, so you at least better get your health insurance someplace else. Is the Yank system of Medicare and Medicaid any good or are they as shit as the NHS? What are they? What do they provide? How do they work? Fuck knows!
- No purpose in life. Your career skills, knowledge and experience no longer have direction and meaning. Oh dear.
- No life structure around being employed. It’s the end of the TGIF feeling, cramming everything into a Saturday so you have at least one day to relax. But Sundays always feel different (worse) because you’re back to work the next day. When you’re retired, that sense of urgency and some days having a certain feel is over. Every day must feel exactly the same. Do they?
- I work remotely so have never met any of the people I currently work with. One or two are OK, but the rest can all fuck off. No great loss if I’m honest.
To combat this sense of being cast adrift, some videos make some suggestions for transitioning into retirement.
Part-time work:
Corporate America is a vicious, back stabbing, hypocritical, hostile, stressful and toxic place. I’m really looking forward to not having to deal with that anymore. So I don’t think this is an option for me.
My main hobby is collecting music. I don’t need more time to do that. I like playing video games too. Not sure that’s a hobby. The enjoyment of doing anything though is in part determined by its finite duration. If you could do whatever you wanted for as long as you wanted, would it be as enjoyable and fulfilling? I could start a new hobby of course, but I’m not that handy. I really only have two hand skills. After working in IT for 30+ years, one of those skills is obviously typing. Not sure the other ‘skill’ counts as a hobby and it certainly isn’t new. ?
Just fuck right off. I’m not helping anyone for free. That’s just not going to happen. Admittedly, I do have a head full of skills, knowledge and experience, but I absolutely refuse on principle to use any of it to help anyone who’s not paying me.
Cultivating friendships:
Some videos suggest cultivating friendships now which will last into retirement and provide social outlets once retired. Trouble is, I don’t like most people and actively avoid being in the company of others. Being around other humans invariably leads to small talk which I perceive as an interrogation without purpose. I don’t want to be questioned about what I do (did), where I live, where I go on holiday or what my kids do (I don’t have any – thank fuck). Equally, I’m not interested in other people’s interests or life story. I just don’t care. Leave me the fuck alone!
Travel seems to be popular with retirees. The catch here is, Mrs. Yank is several years my junior so she’ll be working full time and earning a wedge for quite a while before she retires. Good. She also works from home so will be under my fucking feet 24×7 when I have fuck all else to do. Bad. So me getting out of the house might extend her life expectancy. Seems a little selfish though to raid the retirement fund for my own first class flights, 5 star hotels, crack cocaine and high class hookers, but we all have to make sacrifices somewhere. ?
So there you have it. Keep working and piss more of your healthy years up the wall for an employer who doesn’t give a shit or quit the rat race and have nothing to do, nowhere to go and no one to enjoy it with?
Retirement is (potentially) a cunt. What say you?
Nominated by : Imitation Yank