Victorians we’re dirty, smelly bastards.
Only the poshest houses would have a private toilet, and that would have been outside.
The majority had to share a khazi with lots of other families.
None of these shit houses had any sort of washing facilities.
The standard of hygiene was horrendous.
Houses had no bathrooms.
People would go many months without washing. Hardly anyone had a toothbrush.
The stink must have been horrible.
The streets were awash with shit.
Shit from horses, cattle and humans.
People’s clothes must have been caked in the stuff.
Charles Darwin was a smelly, soap dodging Victorian, and a cunt.
He was also a fraud.
He managed to get a place on the government funded, map planning ship, The Beagle.
I suppose that if you are going to get a 5 year cruise paid for then you had better come up with some serious shit to justify it.
He came up with his theory of evolution.
It was called Darwin’s Theory of Evolution.
It still is.
Notice the emphasis on ‘Darwin’s’.
It’s as if other scientists don’t exactly buy into his theory.
They can’t endorse it buy simply calling it ‘Evolution’.
No, it’s Darwin’s and as it’s just a theory it may well be wrong.
Here’s why I think that Darwin was a cunt….
Out of the tens of thousands of species of animals that he studied, there was not one single example of anything that could be proved to be in a state of evolving.
There was no credible ‘missing link’.
There still isn’t.
Animals do not evolve to suit their environment.
There simply is not time to do that.
They can’t live in an unsuitable environment for millenia before they finally evolve to accept it.
If the basic requirements for their life is not present then that life will not be there in the first place.
Dinosaurs roamed Earth for about 200 million years and never evolved into anything else but dinosaurs.
The species that we have today that are directly related to dinosaurs haven’t evolved at all.
In fact, they have degenerated.
A Deinosuchus, the dinosaur crocodile who was a nasty cunt and about 10,5 meters long would be ashamed of his modern day relative.
If Darwin’s theory held true then the evolving Deinosuchus, or crocodile which we now call it, would be about 40 meters long. It would be able to sprint overland faster than a cheetah and be able to hunt and eat anything that it wanted.
Hippos in one mouthful would just be a snack.
An entire elephant would be his breakfast.
As far as Darwin is concerned then humans in the future would evolve to suit their environment.
They will therefore have very small brains as all knowledge will be available to them on their hand held devices.
No need to actually learn or remember anything.
They would have excellent eyesight to see the screens and thin pointed fingers to tap the buttons.
As it would be unnecessary to actually know anything, to explore anywhere or to produce anything new then the human race will regress and not evolve.
Darwin was indeed a cunt.
And a hairy faced, soap dodging, freeloading, slap head cunt at that.
Wikipedia Link
Nominated by: The Artful Cunter