David Tenant is a cunt, isn’t he.
This tedious turd was back on-screen in Rivals doing his best clenched teeth and eyebrow-acting. How on Earth is this one trick pony ever cast in anything? He must be on his hands and knees at every casting, ready to be penetrated.
He pretended to whizz around the universe as a shite Doctor Who where everything was deconstructed and all the baddies had ‘good’ sides. The BBC transformed it from a scaryish children’s programme into a woke education piece peppered with tokens.
He was in some dreary murder thing with Olivia Cuntman which included lots of shots of the South Downs and white cliffs. Dull as fuck.
There was an awful conversation thing during the Coof lockdowns with him and that barelyy-talented Welsh cunt who played Blair. Perhaps it was a test for the viewers to see who they’d like to punch more. I lasted one episode.
Tenant has also championed the Alphabet people saying if you’re anti-trans you’re “a tiny bunch of whinging fuckers who will soon be gone”. Yeah, that Doctor Who bloke from the telly is a supporter of men pretending to be women.
Tenant was surely the geeky kid in class who never achieved anything except being bullied and pissing himself during assembly. I would’ve put money on this mook being a poo-pusher, like his cock-flashing Barrymore colleague who predictably played the “homo” card, but apparently not. Incredible.
Naturally, he’s Scottish. The chippiness stands out a mile away.
Is David Tenant a cunt?
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Yessssssssss!
Nominated by: Captain Magnanimous
With a strong second by: Norman
Seconded without a doubt, Captain.
Tennant is a particular bete noire of mine.
His ‘love’ of the LGBTQ ‘community’ goes beyond the doing it for social media points and virtue signaling. This areshole is a fanatic.
He has even given his own kid to their ’cause’, That’s all we need to know.
If there ever comes a time when there is a LGBTQ Gestapo style police force. I think Tennant would turn in his own family if they said or did anything he saw as ‘transphobic’. I really believe he woul do that, he is that mental and fanatical.
And, if some woman got attacked inside a prison, mental hospital or safe house by some trannie rapist. Guess who Tennant would side with? I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that he would defend the trannie and blame the woman.
Oh, and Davey Boy has come out with a predictable tantrum as Big Don gave Kamala Flatbacker a monumental spanking. According to David, President Trump is a ‘Cockwomble’. Another leftie twat who behaves like a blubbering baby when he can’t get his way. And – like those trannie rimming backstabbers, Daniel Ratscock and Emma ‘Titless’ Twatson – Tennant has piled in with the JK Rowling hate campaign. Basically anyone who doesn’t agree with his foaming at the mouth trans fascism is Hitler.
Well, Sieg Heil, you arrogant demented Scottish bastard.
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