Attacks on Porridge


No not the comedy of jailbirds Ronnie Barker and Richard Beckinsdale.

The government has decided that porridge is a junk food and can’t be advertised till after the watershed.

Porridge, rolled oats, is my breakfast of choice.
It’s full of fibre, zero fat and sticks to your ribs on a cold morning setting you up for a days work.

Remember the Readybrek kid?
His healthy red glow like he’d had two week in Chernobyl?

Why has Labour decided it’s a junk food?
Because it’s NORMAL.
They’d prefer you to eat avocado or quinoa.
They hate normal.

I like my porridge lumpy.
Thick and lumpy and salted.

When Scotland finds out about this they’ll declare war.
And I’ll fight alongside them.
Its a religion in Scotland.

Fuck off Labour.
You granny killers.

Daily Fail

Some people put fruit in porridge.
And I suppose you technically could do that.
If you’re some sort of arsebandit.

Nominated by miserable northern cunt.

A second bowl of breakfast slops below from Cunt of Peeblesshire.

An unadulterated rolled oats seconding for porridge (porage for the purists) being designated a junk food under the advertising of junk foods ban, Cheers Jamie Oliver you fat lipped cunt.

Obviously gateway porridges such as ready brek and oat so sugary do come under the excessively sugared breakfast offerings category of not porridge but to ban porage in its pure form is somewhat questionable.

By this basis the bastardisation of bread should follow suit, a blanket ban on advertising what we accept to be bread now, but for added measure and this logic, we should also ban any advert for wheat!

I was about to cunt this ban on advertising porridge myself until I seen I could second it and have some other ideas about cunting the state of food in general which I will save for a seperate nom, But this ban is truly ridiculous.
Besides the fact adverts for Iceland and other places selling questionable if not cancer causing food exist and are allowed to advertise their self proclaimed food, To ban adverts for pure oats is ridiculous. Sure, any self respecting Scot will add a pinch of salt, lesser Scots and others will add fruit or honey (note the lack of ban of adverts for those) but still end up with a relatively healthy breakfast.

Included is possibly the only BBC link I will ever use that is to the point and without BBC agenda…


Joe Biden (24)


One last time for the decrepit “leader” of the free world – that festering flyblown heap of accumulated filth, Joe Biden. He might be so demented that he shits himself in front of the Pope, but he is not so far gone he can’t remember to pardon his criminal son, Hunter.

The mad old cunt – America’s answer to Young Mr Grace is not quite as mad as he would like to have us believe.


Nominated by W C Boggs.

The Migrant Crisis Revisited (10)


A short while ago I posted a nomination about the profound crisis emerging in the UK as a result of the sheer numbers of people piling in.

We can see how it’s shaping into a ticking time-bomb nightmare, bringing profound cultural and social changes which we are ill equipped to deal with; at the same time our health, housing, education and other vital services crumble under the ever-increasing strain.

Well here’s the latest good news. In the twelve month period ending June 2024, a total of 1.2 million people came to live here, 86% of them from countries outside the EU. That’s right; the equivalent of a city larger than Birmingham, in ONE year.


Where are these people to live, I hear you say? Where are they to be looked after when they fall sick, where are the extra hospital beds, and consultants, GPs and dentists? Where are their children to be educated? Answers from the powers-that-be come there none. And remember, that’s ONE year’s influx.

And speaking of the powers-that-be, I see no real evidence of any desire or will to address this problem and act in the wider interests or wishes of the majority of the British population, who have long made it known that they have no wish to see the country overrun by hordes from everywhere under the sun. In fact, it seems to me that in some cases, there’s a failure to acknowledge that there even IS a problem, which is the biggest problem of all.

I would say that if this continues for much longer, we’ll be fucked, but in truth, I think that we’ve already passed the point of no return. Our so-called betters have stood by and presided over what in my view will prove to be a demographic catastrophe. There might be a bit of mithering talk from the ruling political class about ‘addressing the issue’, but it’s been this way for years, and next year will be the same, and the year after…

This isn’t going to end. Perhaps our rulers, and all the ‘migrants welcome’ loonies and wokies, will really only be happy when the country’s actually become another overrun third world shithole. Perhaps then they’ll be able to stop referring to people like me as ‘far-right, racist bigots’ for protesting about it. Me? I just want my country back. Ain’t going to happen though is it folks? Let me paraphrase our beloved Sadiq Khan, and say ‘Britain’s for everyone’. That’s everyone who can get here.

Rearrange the following into a well-known phrase or saying;


Nominated by Ron Knee.

The Tobacco and Vapes bill


I have to say, right up front, that I smoke and have for over 50 years. No lectures, please.

MPs have backed plans to make it illegal for 15 year old, or under, children to buy cigarettes. Big wow! I thought it already was.

Let’s move on.
The previous Government were moving legislation through to gradually increase the age people could legally buy tobacco products from 16. The current Government has decided to take up the ball and run with it.

Health Secretary, Wes Streeting, argued the Bill would reduce pressure on the NHS.

” Smokers are more likely to need NHS services, be admitted to hospital, drop out of the workforce and onto Welfare, and need Social care years earlier than if they didn’t smoke”

What a sweeping generalisation, totally without any kind of reports, studies or statistics.

Where the fuck is his proof that smokers are “more likely” to do any of the things he generalised about.

As I said, I’m a long term smoker.
I have never been admitted to hospital for a smoking related illness.
I have never dropped out of the workforce, unless taking early retirement counts.
I’ve never been on ‘welfare’
At 70, I still don’t need social care.

The legislation is also pushing through the issue of stopping teen vaping, which I think is ironic as vaping was heralded as the new way to stop smoking, not that long ago.

All this throws up loads of questions about what happens if everyone stops using tobacco, not the least where the replacement revenue, levied by the Government, will come from?
Vapes, oh silly me, there’s a crack down on them, too.

What about the cotton producers and workers? Will they be ‘welcome here”, as we have taken away their livelihood?

Anyway, I’m off for a fag ( outdoors, in the Tikki Hut)


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Misleading publications


are a load of cunt.

Now, Mrs Norman sometimes gets a wimmins magazine called Red. Anyroad, she recently bought the latest issue (January 2025). Normally, this wouldn’t interest me in the silghtest. But, this time. it did.

On the cover is a beautiful woman, So, naturally I thought that she would feature inside the magazine. However, the lovely cover girl is nowhere to be found. All the models inside the magazine are black, black, black and – just for a change – black.

I – as a red blooded normal male – find this very unfair and totally underhand. Raising my hopes up (and other things), only to have them dashed. The cunts don’t even tell,you the cover model’s name. A total swizz.

Nominated by Norman.