Are prefab making a comeback?


pile of cunt.

I saw a news item yesterday (19/12) that suggested that prefabs, if anyone remembers them, should be bought back to help solve the housing crisis.

Now, I have many ideas that would solve the housing crisis, as I’m sure many folks who comment on here do, also.
The idea of using prefabricated housing, it’s benefits and pitfalls are set out here.


In brief, people are resistant to it.

There are multiple problems.
Where are they going to be located?
If there’s one thing that nobody is making anymore, it’s land.

Then there’s the groundworks, sewers, water, gas/electric, telemetry, roads, etc. All needed, exactly the same as permanent housing.

So what’s the benefit?
Wooly headed thinking, if someone thinks prefabs are a solution.

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

Democratic backsliders


are cunts.

Winston Churchill said “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others”. The problem with having a democratic system is that idiots get a vote the same as everyone else. Sometimes those who get voted into power go on to make a mockery of the democratic process and provide a propaganda gift for the world’s autocratic dictators. This happens because the majority of politicians are far more interested in their personal aggrandizement than they are in the welfare of their compatriots. A fitting quote comes from Mick Farren’s book ‘Give The Anarchist A Cigarette’ in which he laments this country’s endorsement of Margaret Thatcher as prime minister. He wonders how an electorate can reach such a point of uninformed ignorance and bewilderment

“……that it would run, lemming-like, to any self-proclaimed authoritarian who promised an illusion of strength, order and a return to some greeting-card past that had never really existed.”

Yoon Suk Yeol, elected South Korea’s president, made a complete fool of himself by attempting to impose martial law under the pretext of protecting his citizens from the regime in the north. It was his own political career that was at risk, not his country. Benjamin Netanyahu , elected prime minister, in his 70’s and becoming increasingly unpopular, decided to ignore intelligence reports of a planned attack by Hamas militants. When the attack occurred, it provided the justification to lance the boil on the arse of Israel and cement his legacy. The blood of 1200 citizens and a further 250 hostages is on his hands. Their lives were less important to him than his need to remain in power.

In this country, prime minister Boris Johnston clung on for all he was worth until a mass resignation of Conservative ministers forced him to resign. An investigation found he had lied to the House of Commons on numerous occasions. Liz Truss saw herself as Thatcher #2, but no-one else did and she was forced to resign after less than two months in the job. There aren’t too many complimentary things to say about Rishi Sunak, but at least he didn’t spit his dummy out and scream like a big baby when he lost the election in July. He didn’t complain that the result was rigged, he didn’t challenge it in the courts, he didn’t put pressure on election officials to find him votes that didn’t exist, he didn’t invite a mob of BNP extremists to converge on the Houses of Parliament and he didn’t contemplate the imposition of martial law. He gave a short speech in which he congratulated and even complimented his rival, and the transfer of power was achieved in an orderly manner without protest or petulance. And that’s exactly what’s supposed to happen in a democracy.


Nominated by Allan.

Just eat


Hi, I want to give a massive cunting to just eat, not only do they use ethnics for cooking and delivering food they are using animals to promote the services of just eat, and it’s not real animals either, they are using animatronic gay puppets, can’t we not have a normal person without such bum foolery, it’s bad enough in the real world without advertising animals who bat for the other side , FFS is nothing these bandits can’t corrupt?


Nominated by Sidthesexistsforeskin

The Lurgy

Like most people my age, I’ve had all of my seasonal injections; RSV, Flu and Covid. Pity that none of this stuff has prevented me falling foul of some vicious winter lurgy.

It started, as these things usually do, with a runny nose and a vague feeling of being ‘under the weather’. Within 24 hours, I’d developed a pounding headache, a burning throat, a temperature and an ache in every bone in my body. In short, I felt like absolute shite.

Being asthmatic, the doc has advised me to seek medical advice in such instances, and with a ‘there’s a lot of it about’, she promptly put me on antibiotics and steroids, and told me to stay indoors and rest. Like I needed to be told.

The drugs may or may not have killed the bugs, but I’ve been left hacking and wheezing like a shunting engine, a state of affairs which Doc Internet encouragingly states may last for weeks. ‘Drink warm water with honey and lemon, and take paracetamol’ is the advice. Gee thanks.

So here I am at the moment, stuck in an aching limbo, feeling like a wrung-out dish cloth, spending most of every day either asleep in bed or asleep on the settee. I’m sure that a sloth on Mogadon would have more get up and go than I currently have. Here’s hoping for some improvement at least in time for the Christmas hols.

What this cunt of a lurgy is I couldn’t say with any certainty. What I can say is that I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy. Here’s hoping that all you cunters can give it the swerve. What a bastard.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

AA Approved Cars

Are a crock of shit, and a cunt.

I currently have my car off the road needing repairs.
Deciding to carry out the work myself because :-
(a) I don’t have a bottomless pit of £ cash
(b) my neighbour recently having paid £1000 for a clutch/dmf only to be left stranded driving home because the garage fucked it up
(c) I’m not a complete muppet

Long story short, decided to buy a small used car to run arround in. Not having wheels or endless time to spend looking at misadvertised junk, I thought I’d buy an AA ‘Approved Used Car’ for speed and peace of mind. Dealer ‘AA approved’ and promised 3 month warranty. Did checks; bought car & had it delivered.
2nd time using car wouldn’t start. 5 attempts eventually started. Car cut out on move several times (engine, lights, everything)
Tried to contact dealer – ignored my calls, texts, e-mails for 5 days. Finally replied after I suggested Trading Standards would be next call as he wouldn’t engage…
“cars under £x don’t have warranties and are a trade sale” end of.

Having sought advice from a respected dealer I follow on Youtube, I found out what thorough checks and vetting process you undergo to become an “AA approved car dealer” ……. None.
Dealer pays AA £150 per month = AA approved status.

Trade on your name, history, heritage and naieve public trust for 30 pieces of Silver. What fucking Cunts.

the aa

south west motors

Nominated by Lord of the rings.