Sadiq Khan [45]

Oh dear. I see that slimy little oik Sadiq Khant has opened his mouth and let his belly rumble again. One of the nation’s true political pygmies has opined about what he sees as a threat to ‘progressive’ thought and action in the world.

According to Sir Saddo, ‘the spectre of a resurgent fascism haunts the West’, and progressives everywhere need to stand united against those who seek to divide for personal and political gain (unlike himself, naturally). Yeah right. Strangely, not even the current Labour government seems to accept this. Chief Secretary to the Treasury Darren Jones told Al-Beeb, ‘I speak on behalf of the government, and we don’t agree with that’. Similarly, Shadow Foreign Secretary Priti Patel, who’s in Washington for Donald Trump’s inauguration, hit out at Khunt’s ‘disparaging remarks’.

Belfast Telegraph.

So Sadsack, it couldn’t be that you’re attempting to throw some smoke in our eyes regarding recent attempts to get answers from you about ‘grooming gangs’ could it?Fellow cunters, just have a butcher’s at the wee shit ducking and diving, and trying to play the confused innocent, when repeated attempts are made in the London Assembly to pin him down on the issue;


What a ghastly little prick you really are Saddick. Fuck off over there, and when get there, fuck off again. Oh, and stick the stubs for those dodgy Taylor Swift tickets up your arse while you’re at it.

Nominated by : Ron Knee

Idiotic NHS Advice

I looked at the news pages today and saw an article in the Telegraph, which said that the NHS suggests that the elderly wear shoes or slippers around the house and wear socks to bed at night, if their feet get cold.

Some cunt probably gets paid to dispense this sort of wisdom, probably quite a lot. It stands to reason that if somebody is elderly, they have probably learnt a few things, so can manage perfectly well without these suggestions. It is rather tasteless to give this sort of advice at a time when the winter fuel allowance has been stopped for many.

It is either a massive wind-up or the folks at NHS really do think the general public are all as thick as pigshit. It is also so fucking irritating that someone could have an aneurysm listening to it. The advice for that would probably be, have a couple of aspirin and a lie down. If I wanted to be talked to like a three year old that has wet itself, I’d probably go round my ex mother-in-laws.

Daily Telegraph.

Nominated by : Mary Hinge

Keir Starmer [29]

The “Prime” Minister, Keir Starmer.

Nothing new about cunting this cunt, except for the reason why.
The anti British, terrorist loving bastard is going to give Gerry Adams our money, by way of compensation, for being unlawfully detained.

Why a known terrorist can be detained unlawfully is beyond my comprehension.
How many other British hating cunts are now going to jump on this Labour compo bandwagon?
Is it any wonder there’s so many foreign criminals in the UK getting away with whatever they want, and getting paid for it, when this former Director of Public Prosecutions does nothing to justify his former job title.

This fuckwittery has to be the most stupid decision ever by any twat in office, in any country. And that’s at the top of a very long list.
How can we survive another four years of this government?

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire

Speed Kills

Is clearly a festering pile of disingenuous wank. Obviously, if no-one moved at all, there would be no collisions at all (except at glacial speeds) but the idea of cutting the speed limit to make things ‘safe’ is errant nonsense.

Brake want a world with zero road death or injury, the fantasist fuckers.

Meanwhile play Snockers’ Accident Bingo with any road death/serious injury report; see how many of the following feature:

* a ridiculous amount over the speed limit
* four teenagers in a car
* small hours of the morning
* pissed and or high
* stolen car
* no insurance
* no licence
* foreign
* 90 years of age or above
* racing or other showing off
* hit tree or other inanimate object
* wrong side of the road/motorway
* crossed solid white line
* blue light vehicle involved
* bad weather

Try this one:

Daily Fail.

A lot of these are already against the law; making more laws won’t stop people who already scoff at the existing laws, you dopey cunts. In a population of 68M + illegals, 1700 deaths on the road and 9.3% where speeding was a contributory factor. That’s about 158 deaths.

Now knock off all the ones where the bingo card has ticks on it. Not many people killed by someone doing 25 in a 20, are there?

“Speed kills” is a cunt of an excuse for harrassing people who won’t cause any harm, rather than actively prosecuting the people who shouldn’t be on the road.

(I have a clean licence…)

Nominated by : Gloria Snockers

Che Chic

Its been called ‘the face that launched a thousand T-shirts’ and rebranded into a pop cultural icon. Che Chic, a symbol of resistance and rebellion, of revolutionary cool before any white suburban Gaza groupie had even heard of a fucking keffiyeh. I’m talking about the now iconic image of Argentine Marxist revolutionary Ernesto “Che” Guevara in one of the defining photos of the 20th century being plastered all over clothing (and much more, see link).

The defiant stare, patchy beard and wild untamed hair under a Frank Spencer beret helped by sympathetic Hollywood portrayals romanticising him as a poster boy for counterculture and a Latin American folk hero fighting U.S capitalist expansion.

His daughter Aleida said of the fad,

“But look at the people who wear Che T-shirts. They tend to be those who don’t conform, who want more from society, who wonder if they can be better human beings. That, I think, he would have liked”. You haven’t met many modern western leftists have you? Smashing the economic system one overpriced T-Shirt at a time, probably made by some poor cunt in a stinking Asian sweatshop for a few cents an hour too.

Cut through the bullshit and his past becomes a bit ‘problematic’ as the lefties like to say. He was a thug and a murderer who ordered and personally executed prisoners as commander of La Cabana prison in Cuba. He also constructed Cuba’s first concentration camp where crimes against ‘revolutionary morals’ including homosexuality were punished with hard labour under the camps motto “Work will make you men”. How progressive, very 1940’s Poland. His and Castro’s ruinous social and economic policies are still felt today, leaving Cuba one of the regions poorest after previously being one of its most prosperous.

Not that any of this would hold much sway with the type of fart sniffing bourgeois throbbers who wear his mug on a T-Shirt and hate ‘the system’ but can’t live without the system. The naive students, walking middle classes cliches of selective outrage who probably don’t know who comrade Che was anyway, just some guy on a shirt. Or the professional armchair revolutionaries, fighting the capitalist pigs, £800 smartphone in one hand, overpriced fairtrade Starbucks latte in the other.

Cunts of the world unite indeed.

the chec store

Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.