Is clearly a festering pile of disingenuous wank. Obviously, if no-one moved at all, there would be no collisions at all (except at glacial speeds) but the idea of cutting the speed limit to make things ‘safe’ is errant nonsense.
Brake want a world with zero road death or injury, the fantasist fuckers.
Meanwhile play Snockers’ Accident Bingo with any road death/serious injury report; see how many of the following feature:
* a ridiculous amount over the speed limit
* four teenagers in a car
* small hours of the morning
* pissed and or high
* stolen car
* no insurance
* no licence
* foreign
* 90 years of age or above
* racing or other showing off
* hit tree or other inanimate object
* wrong side of the road/motorway
* crossed solid white line
* blue light vehicle involved
* bad weather
Try this one:
A lot of these are already against the law; making more laws won’t stop people who already scoff at the existing laws, you dopey cunts. In a population of 68M + illegals, 1700 deaths on the road and 9.3% where speeding was a contributory factor. That’s about 158 deaths.
Now knock off all the ones where the bingo card has ticks on it. Not many people killed by someone doing 25 in a 20, are there?
“Speed kills” is a cunt of an excuse for harrassing people who won’t cause any harm, rather than actively prosecuting the people who shouldn’t be on the road.
(I have a clean licence…)
Nominated by : Gloria Snockers