Trump (10)

For all you Trumpophiles.

What a despicable piece of shit he is.

Draft dodger Trump gets his arse licker in chief to bully Zelensky who does not speak fluent English then joins in to show what a great statesman he is. A statesman who seems to look up to Putin, Xi Jinpin and that North Korean reptile.
At his inauguration I thought he made some good points. However since then he has got more and more deranged. He’s right about Eurpopean defence but god help Taiwan, Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states with this narcisistic despicable cunt now surrounding himself with arselickers who dont question his bullshit and realise that America first can backfire spectacularly.
God help us all.


Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.

112 thoughts on “Trump (10)

  1. This nomination is unworthy of this August body and unworthy of the Venerable Cunstable.

    Typical Trump Derangement Syndrome bullshit supported but the fucking Beeb and echoed by the usual suspects.

    Nothing more needs to be said.

    Make The EU Great Again
    Whine! Whine! Whine!

    • General, I was optimistic at first. But then came Canada, Greenland, Gaza, tariffs that will cripple American industry and all the rest of the horseshit he aspires to.
      Sorry but I think you will regret him.

      • Cuntstable,

        I have great respect for you and your contributions, That’s why it pained me to read from you (what I perceive as) the same propaganda that is so often put forward by Trump’s deranged enemies.

        You are a World Class Cunter. Perhaps it’s just best if we agree to disagree on this one.

        All the best to you.

  2. America under Donald Trump is morally bankrupt. With him in charge their word means nothing, no more than Vladimir Putin’s does. With the signing of the Budapest Memorandum by both Russia and the United States, there was an agreement to respect ‘the independence, sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine’. But this didn’t stop Russia annexing Crimea in 2014, then invading Ukraine in 2022 and committing many war crimes including the targeting of civilians and the kidnapping of 20,000 Ukrainian children.

    And what has been America’s reaction to these atrocities since Trump took over? They have reneged on their security guarantees to Ukraine, withdrawn military aid, ceased intelligence sharing, engaged in unilateral negotiation with Russia excluding Ukraine, proposed regime change by talking to Zelenskyy’s political opponents, considered sanctions relief for Russia and threatened to revoke the temporary legal status for 240,000 Ukrainian citizens who fled the war.

    In February, to its eternal shame, America voted against a UN resolution condemning the Russian invasion, siding with Russia, Belarus and North Korea. When Zelenskyy was invited to the White House there were deliberate attempts to humiliate him, criticizing his uniform and demanding he make concessions and sign an agreement for rights to rare earth minerals.

    You may ask yourself, as the aggressor, what concessions have been asked of Putin. The answer is none. Donald Trump has never uttered one word of criticism about Putin despite his numerous illegal acts and agreements violations. As far as Trump is concerned, Putin can do no wrong. It’s hard to think what else America could have done to help Russia. Maybe send them drones like the Iranians did? Or send them troops like the North Koreans did?

    Ukraine and Zelenskyy have been bullied, blackmailed and betrayed by both Russia and America who have joined forces to take advantage of Ukraine’s weakened position. Under Trump the Americans are committed to colluding with Russia to punish the victim for their own ends.

    • I was surprised by some of the comments I read in this nomination.

      But not this one.

      It’s the same nonsense one hears from the impotent Democrats and their conjoined twins in the MSM.

      • Donald Trump (10) no less.

        Hell be on the Wall of Cunts at this rate.

        He did say he wanted a wall…

  3. Some in the EU Europe along with the Kweer and a german, force of the willing.
    The Germans never have learned when they are being played.
    Nine hundred Billion of borrowed dept is what it will take, to try an achieve a new militarised Europe. They are fkn insane but most ordinaries already know.
    EU is a bit player in this multi polar world, it doesn’t have a hand.
    A bigger hole, is all Europe will forever continue to dig.

  4. In 1982 Gore Vidal when asked ” what will Europes future look like in 50 years time”
    Vidal responded ” Nothing, but a glorified boutique”

  5. When all’s said and done every country is looking out for their own ends and it’s about time our government did what’s best for Britain instead of appeasing or assisting every fucking nation

    • A bit late for that, we’re well on the way to full with no end in sight.
      Will soon be a revisited Rwanda policy but to ship off non believers of a certain ideology to free up space.

    • What could have been done with the millons spunked on that scruffy twat Zelensky. Had Ivan invaded us, the cunt wouldn’t have given us the snot off his nose.

  6. Well , nobody cried on this nom 👎

    I expected at least one meltdown,
    A admin call for calm,
    Bit of name calling,
    Empty box of tissues
    Running mascara

    Have to say I’m disappointed ☹️
    Must be losing our touch?

    • You are quite welcome Mis, to divide and conquer.
      Yeh have the experience and expertise.
      When the yanks didn’t know there arse from there elbow and still don’t know any the wiser
      Yeh haw advice was always relied upon from the cloak an daggers dungeons.

  7. It’s amazing to me that after the clown car parade of Tory PM’s and the Reichstag Regime of 2TK, that so many of you can stand by and watch your once great nation being driven headlong to ruin and yet still find time to criticize the one man in the Western Word trying to reverse the course of the Brave New One Green Worlders.

    Billions for Ukraine! Not one cent for pensioners!
    Make Gaza Great Again!

    • Well I for one am on your side General.. Perhaps those who would prefer the usual shit show should reap the shite that their obsequience deserves.

      • Greetings JaC,

        For those of us fighting the Dark Forces of the Brave New Green One Worlders, I’m reminded of the words often attributed to the great American Patriot, Benjamin Franklin:

        “We must, indeed all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall hang seperately.”

      • Preferring “the usual shit show” is a false dichotomy that can only be spouted by those that are either easily pleased or lacking imagination.

        I aspire to better.

      • LOL!

        While you aspire we act.

        And we act in our own interest.

        Whose interest do you act in? Volo? Ukraine? The EU? The interest of a Multicultural and Diverse 2 Tier Britain?

        By the way, how’s that Labour Landslide working out for you? Things going well are they? Moving in the right direction? Things getting better? Making progress?

        Thank Allah you have Keir instead of Trump!

  8. He has just ignored a judges court order and deported hundreds of Venezuelans. He may be a bit naughty at times but you can’t argue with that.

    • Hey LL,

      I read that too.

      Two plane loads of Shitholians were already in the air and an Obama appointed Judge ordered them turned around.

      Sorry. No can do.

      I did read one press report that said the planes were Venezuelan and therefore not subject to US control so they didn’t have to obey that order. But I don’t know if that’s true.

      Look for the Supreme Court to take up the case of local Federal Judges issuing orders to stop the American President from taking action.

      Trump / Vance
      America First
      Mass Deportations

  9. I just wish Big Don was in charge here instead of Keir Starsehole.

    The Pakis and Africans that infest our hospitals might be sorted out for a start. One Paki fucker, who gets brought in by his family (who have about six cars), has ‘insisted’ that the ambulance lads take him home. Naturally, those in charge give in to his every whim, and this has fucked up the routines of the drivers and the patients who really do need to be taken home. Because this cunt lives miles out. Also, I’ve been told by one of the drivers that this ungrateful curry reeking sod never says thanks or even kiss my arse. The drivers hate him and I don’t blame them. He doesn’t need the transport and he is quite able bodied for a kidney patient. He is just a cunt who expects what he wants, and he gets it.

  10. You can’t trust a politician.
    They’ll always let you down.

    Like a blind date *or a second hand parachute.

    Sooner or later you’ll be left with your cock in your hand feeling foolish.

    Politicians are only after 3 things
    1) money
    2) power
    3) money and power.

    It’s like the story of the scorpion and frog,
    Where the frog carried the scorpion over the river and half way there..
    Scorpion stings the frog.
    Frog says ” What’d you do that for you cunt?”

    Scorpion says “it’s my nature,”

    Same with Donald.
    Donald and scorpions both have little pricks.

    • Trump’s downfall will be caused by his insistence on trying to run a country like a business. His attitude is ‘I play hardball and if you want a friend get yourself a dog’.
      He’s already antagonized Canada, Mexico. Panama, Greenland, most of Europe and Scandinavia. If the Russians receive any more encouragement and decide to push westwards, there are many in Europe who believe he will conveniently forget about his obligations to NATO. He himself talked about the ‘big beautiful ocean’ between the States and Europe.
      The way he goes about alienating everyone leads me to believe he won’t last his four-year term; maybe he’ll lose his majority in Congress when the midterms come around in 2026.

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