are cunts.
Now, we already know that, As they are the hypocritical champagne socialist heap of stupid sunglasses, cowboy hats, tax dodges and gobshites who we know and don’t love.
However, the musical Diddymen from the treacle butty mine have reached new levels of cuntitude. Even by their standards.
U2, on their official website – are selling T-Shirts featuring that Ukranian pest and gold standard shitehawk Zelensky.
What has this fucker got to do with a rock band or rock music? A band – any band – should be just that. Musicians who play music and nothing else. Shoving this cunt onto their fanbase is typical of them though. And it’s not the first time Bonio has sucked up to dodgy political figures. Bonio couldn’t get enough of Burmese cunt Aung San Suu Kyi, unitl she was outed for ethnic cleansing.
When the Russian/Ukranian war ends, I dare say there will be a few revelations and cans of worms opened about Saint Zelensky as well.
U2 and Bonio’s political and social interference and gobshitery has blighted almost all of their entire career. And. as they live like fucking emperors on their yachts and in their mansions, they want their ‘ordinary’ fans to dig deep and buy these T-Shirts. They say it is for Ukranian ambulances. But, what right have these clowns to tell people what’s a worthy cause and what’s isn’t? They are doing it not because they are bothered about Ukranian people. If that was the case, there would be Ukranian people or writing on the shirt. This is a blatant pug for their mate Zelensky. I dare say he has been to dinner with Bonio and The Edge on their luxury yacht.
As one concert goer once shouted at a U2 gig:
‘Shut the fuck up. Stop preaching and play!’
Nominated by Norman.
Charlie Williams
Good old Ron, on trend with the Josef Mengele look.
And another….
Evening lads👍
A one way ticket to the 70s?
I wouldn’t even turn an wave as I boarded the train.
Did a job the other day and it was near my old grans.
All double parked with cars, they wasn’t many cars there when Id prowl the street on my Raleigh chopper.
My grandad had a normal garden,
Then huge pigeon loft’s
You’d go through a gate in the lifts and you’d be in his other garden!
Small orchard, vegetable plot, green house then….the garage.
In the garage was a old knackered fairground carousel 🎠
And a WW2 motorbike and sidecar and a WW2 car with a machine gun mount.
Me and my cousins all played there,
Chucking apples at each other,
Playing War😁
All gone.
I remember my dad knocking down the pigeon loft’s in the mid 80s,
My grandad had gotten to ill to care for them.
And my gran all excited to be getting rid of the Rayburn and get a new fangled electric 4ring cooker👎
My grandad hectoring my dad ,
” Just drag it bloody out!”
Half ton of cast iron!! 🙂
Shame, you don’t realise how lucky you are till it’s gone.
Debbie !!!!!!!
” Maybe, baby, I could ride with you…….. ”
Never has been or ever will be another like Debbie.
Where’s that fucking train ?
I’m off !
Ta ra !
Just gorgeous wasn’t she?
And talented , great voice, sense of humour, the whole package.👍
Don’t get that now, Dunno why?
First time I saw her I fell head over heels for her.
What a babe.
Fk it, I missed all this.
Bono loves leather trousers, thats a bit suspect to start with.
He will never be Jim but thought he was getting they’re years ago.
He loved a bit of Nelson to help keep the show on the road then moved onto Bill foundations operations, offered to paint his gates an all , country cream I think, but Volo has been he’s new kid in town and he’s Bono cant help itself.
He’s horn always on the lookout for something , I reckon he is on that Island list, the one they shredded.
Bonos not fit to lick the piss off Jim’s boots.
Alright Mecuntry?👍
I know your a fellow fan of the Doors,
I was driving the other day and stuck on Morrison Hotel,
Singing along to this
Classic album MIS, nice one
Rock blues at its best, there’s that special keyboard sound and lead guitar combined with bass and percussion that nobody can touch since and long may it stay that way.
Once they went mega,full on cunt mode soon followed. Did the eejit bonio once phone Slobadon milosavic during a concert. Him and tramp geldnob can take a running fuck off a very very tall building. Fucking embarrassing cunts.
They sound like cats pissing on a tin roof.