I’ve not watched ‘Dr Whoke’ for years, but the received wisdom is that the show could be circling the drain.
Viewing figures are in the toilet, with fans apparently cheesed off with its now incessant wokery, and the word is that latest Doc incarnation Ncunti Gatwank has his eye on projects in Hollywood (code for ‘doesn’t want to be left clutching the sonic screwdriver as the Tardis gets sucked into a black hole’).
The Beeb’s been forced to deny that the show faces the axe, and the production team will no doubt try to double down and claim that recent problems are due to there being not enough ‘progressive’ zeal being demonstrated. If Gatwank is indeed off, the long-suffering licence fee payer should prepare for a burka-wearing Dr with a limp, with an asylum-seeking companion who’s just arrived here in a dingy.
It won’t matter in the least to the production team if the show ends up with an audience of a hundred; they’ll still have a platform for their loony agenda, and it’ll be somebody else’s cash that’ll be paying for it. It’s as good a reason as any I’ve heard for defunding the BBC.
Nominated by : Ron Knee
Christopher Eccleston was the show’s last gasp. He was great. Smith and Capaldi showed promise, but the woke drivel they were given crippled their times in the role.
Tennant was and is an overrated scenery chewing gurning cunt. Him and that horrible Ange-a-like Cartherine Tate were excruciating to watch.
Jodie Whittaker and her Daki moll were bad enough, aided by Chris Chibnall’s woke dog shit,. But Ncunti Gayblack’s time as the Doctor is hitting rock bottom. But it makes me wonder who the Beeb will choose next, once Ncunti minces off to whore his black arse around Hollyweird. A muslim? A trannie? Both? You know they are capable. Whittaker got the part because the woke psychos and certain blubbering phags who work for the Grauniad screamed about of how it was ‘wrong’ for another white man to play the part. But, where the squeals of anguish and outrage when a black man – nay, a black poof – landed the role? How about there weren’t any?
And, the way the great Peter Cushing is not viewed as a ‘canon’ Doctor Who by the BBC and many ‘Whovian’ mongs because he was never in the TV series. Yet a fat black woman is recognised by the Beebscum as a ‘Doctor from the future’. is as contemptible as it is ridiculous.
And, just wait. There will be a Dalek with pronouns and genders next. Even though it’s a tentacled on eyed blob in metal armour.
‘She’s…misgendered…me the bitch! I’ll …scratch…her…eye out!’
‘Oooo…get ‘er!’
And that disgusting doughnut puncher John Barrowman was sickening.
Guns pulled out of his arse, openly talking about threesomes with other men, hooking up with that jug eared bottybasher Russell Tovey (aided by Tennant, of course).
Doctor Number Ten’s dying moments, and he spends it pairing off two sausage jockeys. Russell. T. Davies has been peddling this crap for years. With characters like the dreadul Captain Jack Harkness.