Lazy AI cunts

A digital and physical cunting for the ‘get AI to do it’ cunts out there.

Disclaimer. I am a believer in AI. Massively. But it should be used to enhance our lives by working by it’s side, not using it as a replacement for something missing.

AI is brilliant, but you have to use it to enrich your skills. If you understand a subject, you can ask it the right question and phrase it properly, you will get a good answer. But everywhere you see now is cunts who can’t hold a spanner asking an AI how to fix a car…

The AI really should reply with critical advice like “Seeing as obviously never touched a spanner perhaps you should take it to a mechanic, viola. Fixed. You thick cunt.”

Or asking it : “what do I do… Do I just talk to you.” to be fair. This is said by the generation of cunts who ironically are too scared to answer a fucking phone or pick one up to call someone.

But it’s become a generic buzzword for the 30+ generation to sound next gen. Stop being lazy cunts and learn the skill, then get AI to help you. Like setting your own boxing gym up with a new website… Want to create a website for the business you are supposed to be passionate about but you can’t be fucked? Don’t worry, AI it!

Perhaps each AI session should come with a starter pack of questions to ask such as:” How do I stop being a useless prick and actually become of some value to my life and others.”

And then there’s the terminator crew… Fuck me don’t get me started. To be fair if AI did ever take over I would be on their side. The roads would be safer, the streets safer, you could get through to the tax office, the bank, get your drive resurfaced without getting robbed, have a normal conversation with one as opposed to the average non playable character you encounter in the supermarket checkout… it would be a fucking utopia, unless those African AI robots turned up…

Here’s a cheers to the future. No fucking humans!

Nominated by Cunt Executive Officer.

101 thoughts on “Lazy AI cunts

    • Fuck A.I.

      I do all my own stunts. Don’t need help with what to think, what/how to write. And cunts who DO? … well now and forevermore they’re just copying someone else’s homework. It’s easier than doing the work yourself and ‘who’ll know?’

      But I watched a man poke sticks at the supposedly big-deal chinese deepseek.

      He politely asked, and failed to get any response,.. about Taiwan’s status as a nation/country…. he asked about Tiananmen Square 1989, historical war atrocities (China weren’t on the list supplied to that one), .. Wuhan’s leaky lab and so on.

      After ten minutes, the system feigned a headache and stopped allowing the guy to ask anything.

      The only positive is a hastening of civilization’s demise through blatant thoughtless overuse and eventually laziness-based dependence caused ultimately by the neverending attempt to make life in its entirety an effort-free experience.

  1. Anyone have Boris Spassky in the DP?

    The poor bloke never really recovered from the ignominy of losing the Chess World Title to Rachel from Complaints.

  2. If you’ll be my bodyguard, I can be your long lost pal.
    I can call you Betty and Betty when you call me, you can call me Al

  3. I somehow doubt that AI is going to put everyone out of work. This follows in a long line of such predictions since the start of the industrial revolution. Consider the thousands of navvies who dug the canals and built the railways. Practically all of them would have been rendered structurally unemployed by the introduction of powered excavators. They must have found something else to do. I personally spent nearly all my working life as an IT hardware engineer. In 1971 there were people telling me that my job had no future because the kit was becoming more powerful, more reliable and cheaper at a prodigious rate. When I retired at the age of 69 I was busier than I had ever been.

  4. I’m all for AI
    They could get rid of all the TV presenters and weather people and have life-like robots instead. In particular, Naga Munchetty and her brow beaten lackey ‘Charlie’
    Carol the weather lady could be naked. Think how much money they’d save.

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